Beyond Redemption – So, a Few Things.

So, a Few Things.

It’s been a long while since I’ve updated my blog. Life has been happening, so yeah. Anyway, a few things:

I’m going under the knife in a few weeks, so I’ve been busy with stuff related to that. No, I will not share my personal business with anyone, here or in private. I’m only saying it now because there’s been reasons for my absence and disinterest in writing, aside from just having other interests in general.

I’m changing servers soon, so for a couple of days, my site (and ED) will be offline. This will probably happen over this weekend. I hate my server now, and if I’m going to get shit service, I’d rather do so from a cheaper place. No one wants to pay a lot for crap.

I don’t know if I’ll be writing again on a regular basis. I think I want to, so I rule nothing out, but regular updates may take a while. I’ve had a little itch to throw up a chapter or two, and I may scratch it soon, but I won’t be fully off hiatus until I’m done with my medical shit. And even then, I’m really effing rusty, so don’t expect much and you won’t be disappointed.

I owe EVERYONE mail. My inbox is full, and I’m aware of it, but there hasn’t been a lot of time and I haven’t been in great spirits, so don’t think I’m ignoring anyone specifically. I haven’t written ANYONE back yet. I will, but I don’t have a date/timeframe. Sorry about that. But thanks for giving a shit. When many things are fucked all at once, it’s nice to know that I can open some mail and have something to smile about. <3 Ciao, bellas! Side Note: Looks like the winners of the fics you guys are dying to see completed are: GFE THE NEIGHBOR IF I WANT TO IN HIS EYES MPR …and because it's a personal fave, The Knife of Romance. Mind you, this list guarantees nothing. They are simply the ones I will consider most before I close up shop for good. Other fics lower in the polls may still get love simply because I like them. So, we'll see what happens. 0.~