Date: July 02, 2011 6:58 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
I'm noting as I read, so it's not in order of what first impresses me as usual. Gumbo isn't gravy. It's soup. So they'd eat it out of a bowl with a spoon. ROFLMAO. I didn't even think to tell you that, but your grandmother would have laughed her ass off. heh. The way Kagome is made up would piss me off if I were Inuyasha. It's one thing to keep appearances, and another thing to wear a really short and sexy outfit. She should have worn something more conservative. You know, the funny thing is, if I ever did open my own restaurant, it would be lucient's, because James is so common. I was cracking up at the way you wrote baby. She said she looked like a fat vanna white, she's trippin over here kiki, lol. She's rolling over here... Heh... Miroku's a stupid fucker. He's got alot of work to do here! HEY! Why does she want to run her fingers through HIS hair? I'll kick his ass. *growls* heh, we do have other foods in the south. I shoulda told you some more. I feel like a 2 food chef here. And baby said you nailed me as the shameless flirt I am. Nicely written crawfish peeling. *coughs*. I want some now. damnit. And by the way, you know the end, when everyone was laughing but Kagome? Yeah... uh... we were laughing our ASSES off. heh. :D
Date: July 02, 2011 6:57 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
O_O hehehehehehehhehehehe!!!!!!!hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!OMFG!!!! The beatings will now being!!! LMFAO!!!!!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:54 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
I'm sorry... but this... this is just... oh I can't even begin to describe this chapter!!! HAHAAA!!!! Oh... my... gods! You know what... I'll leave a reasonable review when I'm done... *HAAHHH!!!!!*
Date: July 02, 2011 6:47 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
very funny chap. lol. eating crawfish has always creeped me out, but if i can eat octopus, then that should be nothing! it's just the idea of having to rip it apart. oh well, probably my loss. ^_^ i Almost feel sorry for kagome, but then again, she's kinda done this to herself. it doesn't look good for our "illegal" couple. it doesn't look good for miroku either. come on sango, give the guy a break. what about kagura. she's going to end up being left out. : (
Date: July 02, 2011 6:46 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
WOW great chapter,i swear ur writing is off the chain! plz update soon k? ^.^
Date: July 02, 2011 6:45 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
InuGrrrl!!*pouts*you left us with a cliffy.It was getting good to danm.Please update.
Date: July 02, 2011 6:43 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
I finally was able to read all the story so far..and all I can say is WOW!! I am truely in love with this story...I can't wait to see the rest and how it ends... You are a very talented writer and I wish I had half the talent..please keep up the great work..this mark in my favs...will always come back to read what you talently write..hehehe *^_^*
Date: July 02, 2011 6:42 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
hehe sry this is the real review lol.i loved the chapter,thank goodness kag didnt get caught.BAD KAGOME GO TO UR ROOM!!!.update soon plz? lol ^.^
Date: July 02, 2011 6:42 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
I know Sesshy and Inuyasha hate each other. But that was cold even for Sesshy, he can't mean that. Kagome is going to get caught if she keeps doing stuff like that. She made it today but after Kogua could still come to the store and ask why she left. Inu and Sesshy are in TTTTRRRROOOUBLLEEE when they get home. I'm glad Kag got out in time I don't think that Inu can take to hits to the heart in one night. The one Sesshy make was big enough.
Date: July 02, 2011 6:40 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Danm!When you say dodging a bulet you really mean it. That was close you had me on the edge of my seat.So how my fav writer?Your stories are still the best.
Date: July 02, 2011 6:38 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Great chapter!!! Very suspensful. I was on the edge of my seat wondering if Inuyasha was going to catch Kagome in the restaurant. Can't wait for the next chapter!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:38 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Wow..haha, you had me hanging off my chair. I wanted to read ahead so many times, but I stopped chapter was Great!! can't wait for more, update soon!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:37 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
W()()T!! W()()T!! GO RIN!! UH-HUH UH-HUH!! It was so suspenceful!!! I was about to leap at the screen!!! xD Dodged the bullet by the skin of her teeth! LOVE IT! W()()T!!!!!!!!!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:36 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
You damn right she dodged that bullet because I know if he did actually catch her it was about to be on. I do hope she tells him though because secrets are unhealthy to keep in a relationship even one that IS a secret. Anyway, great chap and hope you update soon. ^_^!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:36 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Wow. I didn't expect you to allow her to make it out of there. I know my kiki loves angst. I've never heard of dipping crawfish in butter, but I see why you did. It's because alot of people associate it with lobster. If you were to boil a lobster in crab boil, it'd be a close match. But usually, crawfish isn't dry, it's very moist. I can't believe those fuckers caused a scene in my imaginary southern Louisiana restuatant located in scenic Japan! grrr... I would have beat their ASSES. Cursing like that in public. Baby's brother got in a fight the other day because this man was cursing in the presence of his wife. It's funny, we'll fight in front of women for their honor, but don't you dare curse at them. heh. What strage mentality have we, said I? HA HA. Miroku is so fucking stupid if he doesn't suspect why Sango would be angry, especially after the things he said to her. I like that you wrote them like kids, and although normally, I do believe it would be uncharacteristic of Sesshomaru to walk up in a place of business starring as an ass clown, I see where you wrote him in to be that way. How cruel he was... how lucky Kagome was...
Date: July 02, 2011 6:34 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen!!! Wow, that was to friggin' close. Now I must admit. Sesshomaru did start the shit and will probably lose points with rin over it. That was definately a gigant-ooo bullet and I hope kags don't try that shit again. Anywho, that was a great chpt and I'm beggin' ya on both knees UPDATE, pretty please!!! -love ya,Boop
Date: July 02, 2011 6:34 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
That was close. Great chapter all around. Start talking smack to your little brother, Sesshomaru. Yeah, that'll earn big points with the ladies (dumbass!)Kagome was lucky she got out of that restaurant before Inuyasha saw her. Oh the angst of it all. Keep up the updates!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:29 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
i dont agree wit sexy cap! x_x .. if she tells him, he'll get pissed and prolly try to stay away from her! TT_____TT .. anywayz.. THAT WAS FUCKING CLOSE! whewwww~~ ... omg i CANNOT seeee rin and sesshy together! yuck! ... good thing they had an argument! -.- ... i sound absurd ;-; well GOOOOOOD JOB < 3333
Date: July 02, 2011 6:28 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Damn, that was a real close call. Wonder what she will tell Rin and the rest later?
Date: July 02, 2011 6:28 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Kiki!!! You updated Edge, I'm so happy *insert happy dance here*. I thought for sure this would be the chapter where he catches her and all hell breaks loose. Whoa, that fight there was pretty intense, it kept me at the edge of my seat, great work. I wonder what Sango'll think when she sees and finds out who Kagome is. And what'll happen when Inu sees Kag. Ooo, I LOVE this story, and I can't wait for the next chapter, I hope it comes out soon!!! Luv ya, Trini... P.S. I sent you an email girl!!! :-)
Date: July 02, 2011 6:27 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
i almost shit my pants!!! i thought he would find her, that waz scary, that waz a very good ch. UPDATE SOOM PWZ *puppy dog eyes*
Date: July 02, 2011 6:27 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
man, what a sad night for inu. i feel so bad for them not being able to be open with their relationship. maybe this is good. yea, i said it. ; P perhaps they need some sort test to see if their feelings are strong enough to last. they barely know eachother and still may not understand one anothers reasonings. kagome thinks it's better that she "date" kouga to keep the spotlight off of she and inu. inu is not "dating" anyone and will be hurt by her actions. every relationship has trials and if they can't survive this one, well. : ( that's why i thought it might be a good thing. it could make them stronger, or break them. wow, i think i read waaay to much into this chap. i need to relax and enjoy, not obsess. i hope that inu and sessh come to some sort of compromise, cuz bad blood between siblings can tear a person apart. there has to be a reason sessh feels such animosity. *tears for both of them* p.s. wise up miro. *bonks on head* sango wouldn't be pissed if she didn't care!!
Date: July 02, 2011 6:26 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
What Sess said to Inu in the resturant might haught him in the end. The boy's do not know about their mother's condition and they are both acting like assess. Especially Sess. If they loss their mom and Inu loses Kagome because she lied to him, that might put Inu over the edge to the point he might not make it to his eighteenth birthday!!.. I hope that Inu is not that sensitive and be strong because I feel that his hell will be starting really soon. Update soon.
Date: July 02, 2011 6:26 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
kukuku, late reviewer... as usual... damn I hate not getting notices... damn fucking asshat site. :D So then... I feel so bad for poor Inu... and kaggy gurl needs to... well... hmmm... hehe never mind. *Grins evilly*
Date: July 02, 2011 6:24 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Sweetest Sixteen
Come on update soon you got hooked like a hot fudge icecream (sorry im kinda hungry) but its a good story keep on writing