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Reviewer: 'Tina   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 15, 2006 7:48 PM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real

Deb has good taste. I like this song too. I recognized it without even downloading it. The lyrics are so familiar...Dido is amazing. White Flag is my most favourite song ever.

Anyways, enough about my music loves! I liked this chapter! Inuyasha finding the ring was such an InuGrrl thing to do! ( ;) ) But I must count my blessings. Again, I was again afraid that someone was going to walk in on them! *calms racing heart again while reaching for the fan*

Happy Writing!

Author's Response: LOL :P Sure he had to find the ring <.< someone is tryna take his woman :P But isn't it something, the way I keep making you think they're gonna get busted? >.> *smirks evilly*

Reviewer: Boop   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2006 10:12 PM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real

i meant to review the first time i read this (which was like a day or two ago) but for some reason never they took the plunge, huh? mmm-mm,lol, i just don't know what to say other than..........GREAT STORY!!!! and just a dull....UPDATE SOON OR I'LL BLOW THEM ALL UP!!!!!!!!! great pic, Kiki. like i said before, i wasn't much of a inu/keade lover , but you're really changing my mind now. gotta go, i got some Chewy chocolate chip cookies and their calling my name. keep updating and giving new chappies!!!
-love ya,

Author's Response: Boop!! Glad you're liking the fic! I know I haven't been updating much else lately, but I swear I will eventually. And, hai! They took the plunge so we get to see it unfold now :-)

Reviewer: sexy_capricorn   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2006 7:20 PM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real

Damn!!!! That was some hot ass unexpected lemon. You mean to tell me Naraku been trying to smash that for 3 months and InuYasha threw some candles and fruit together and got her cherry in 5 minutes flat. For a fifteen year old that boy got game lol.
Girl, I wish you luck and prosperity on this story. It's sooooo deliciously good.

Author's Response: LOLOL! Girl, you made me laugh my ass off! That was funny as hell! But yup, Yasha be cool like dat!!! LMAOOOO!

Reviewer: sexy_capricorn   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2006 6:42 PM
Chapter number: 4
Title: On Her Birthday: Part II

Awww the end was so romantic. I'm starting to fall in love with this story and what is it with InuYasha and older

Author's Response: I know, he be likin' hims some elder folk :P You know what's funny tho? I really like writing this one, and it's not often that I like my own stories.

Reviewer: inuyashaloverr   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 14, 2006 1:57 PM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real

SQUEEEEE!!! I am SOOO excited, I really really am, My Onna.....Ill be back with a better review when Im not so damned excited, dammit......**runs out the room to tell son ALL bout my fic....SQUEEE...**

Author's Response: Onnnnna!!! I'm so happy that you liked the lemon. I tried real hard! LOL. A new chap will be up soon, I promise I won't make you wait for ever for completion. *hugs*

Reviewer: sexy_capricorn   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2006 9:58 PM
Chapter number: 3
Title: On Her Birthday: Part I

OH MY FREAKING GOD!!!!!!! That was best chapter ever!! I was on the edge my seat, girl. I was like "Is she gon kiss him back? Oh, she kissing him! She kissing she him!" I couldn't believe it. That was hott as all hell. If it was just a regular couple kissing, it wouldn't been all that, but the fact that he was FIFTEEN and she was THIRTY-FIVE made the kiss hot as school in the summertime. Oh, the masturbation scene was so freaking hilarious. I was falling out the whole scene. "I had a nightmare?" "Did you?" "Did I what?" That was funny. At first I was scared that she was gonna walk in on him. NEways,this update put icing on my day. Thank you and wish you luck and all that jazz

Author's Response: OMG, this made me howl. I flippin love your reviews! I gotta admit tho <.< I thought it was hawt too! The age thing is what makes the sex pop (as bad as that sounds) & the masturbation scene was fun to write. I was like, hmmm...what would a kid do if he was on the verge of getting caught? Then it just wrote itself! Glad your likin this one, girl, but you know the drama is coming!

Reviewer: swoods   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2006 9:05 AM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real

i have so many mixed feelings on this story, i love the story, but the whole 15 year old with a 35 year old kinda bugs me...i prefer cannon pairings, but with the way youve written this, its just as good as all your in i cant stay away ^.^

Author's Response: Thanks for reading & reviewing. I appreciate that! ^_^ I know the age difference is really crazy, and of course, not canon in the slightest, but I have to say I really enjoy writing it. Oddly, such relationships have happened, and I guess this is my mini-tribute to "love has no limit". But I'm glad you're enjoying it despite all that. :-)

Reviewer: c-note   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 13, 2006 12:59 AM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real

addiction is never good! and i know it's almost over and i can't be all roses (no pun intended). i cannot wait to see what happens in the end. there is the major age difference (not to mention yash is in what, ninth grade? he hasn't even graduated high school yet.)and will kaede find out that someone does know? kagome has been helping inuyasha set all this up.

Author's Response: There's about... 2-4 chaps left. It depends on how I make the whole thing happen. Aaah, good questions, but ya gotta wait & see! ^_^

Reviewer: Emma   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 11, 2006 10:54 PM
Chapter number: 4
Title: On Her Birthday: Part II

OMG! This is a great story! Continue it, please! I hope She goes w/ InuYasha. Although I can't blame her for thinking it's wrong. I mean, 20 years difference IS a long time, but hey, love is love, right? right!! So anyways, great chappie!!!

Author's Response: Thanks, Emma! I'm glad you're enjoying it & I hope you like the latest chappie ^^

Reviewer: c-note   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 10, 2006 2:46 PM
Chapter number: 4
Title: On Her Birthday: Part II

it's going to well at the moment and i can jsut see the angst pouring in after this. naraku's propsal being accepted, kaede moving out with nothing but a letter while inuyasha is at school. the baka bragging to kagome about how wonder SHE was about getting them together but not noticing her reserve and then having to call her over when he finds out kaede ran away. kagome reads the dear inu letter to (maybe sess) over hears. hmmm where's that handbasket... this is gonna be finished in the next couple days, ne?

Reviewer: sheena   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 10, 2006 2:20 PM
Chapter number: 4
Title: On Her Birthday: Part II the ending to that chapter is amazing

Reviewer: Christina   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 10, 2006 12:27 PM
Chapter number: 4
Title: On Her Birthday: Part II

You know what? I like Inuyasha and Kagome's relationship in this story. Normally, they are lovers immediately in other stories but it's nice to see another side of their relationship.

Ohhhhh boy. Inuyasha, Inuyasha, Inuyasha...what have you done? :P Locking a defenseless woman in a room. Lol. How will this play out? I am very eager to see what happens next.

Happy Writing!

Reviewer: 'Tina   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 08, 2006 7:55 PM
Chapter number: 3
Title: On Her Birthday: Part I

*puts hand over heart* That was so scary, honestly! No, not the pairing...the thought of someone walking IN on them while they were kissing. I swear, that's what I thought was going to happen. Being the angst queen, I know that you were considering it. ;)

"The women silently reminisced, neither having any idea that the "boy" they were speaking of was up in his room having a very "manly" moment." LMAO!!! Best line ever!!!!!!

Happy Writing!

Author's Response: LOL!!!! 'Tina you know me soooo well! I totally considered blowing their spot up, but I showed a lil' restraint <.< But expect the angst. I wouldn't be Kiki if I didn't!!! 0.~

Reviewer: sheena   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 08, 2006 10:14 AM
Chapter number: 3
Title: On Her Birthday: Part I

aww, thats so sad...i cant wait to see how this plays out...

Author's Response: I know, so many emotions :-) Thanks for the reviews, Sheena!

Reviewer: inuyashaloverr   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 08, 2006 12:48 AM
Chapter number: 3
Title: On Her Birthday: Part I

SQUEEE!!! Youre on a roll Onna! This is great. Cant tell you how much I love this. And cant wait to see what happns next.

Author's Response: Onna! *hugs* I'm so happy that you're enjoying it. I'm really on a roll so I'm hoping to complete it this weekend if possible. ^_^

Reviewer: c-note   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 07, 2006 7:50 PM
Chapter number: 3
Title: On Her Birthday: Part I

argh! i swear i'm addicted to findign out how this story turns out. will they be happy with a twenty year age difference? will it just be a wonderful fling on both their parts? i can't not read this one!

Author's Response: C-note!! I'm so glad this one caught you. You leave the best reviews, lol!

Reviewer: inuyashaloverr   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 06, 2006 6:52 PM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready

Oh that was just so awesome really was...This is one helluva fic My Onna, you are really doing the pairing justice as only you could. I absolutely love it!

Reviewer: sheena   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 06, 2006 9:03 AM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready

this is such a cute story...

Reviewer: sexy_capricorn   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 05, 2006 10:35 PM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready

Ooooh! Motown! Being from Detroit, I love the temptations. I know this is off topic, but my mother actually met eddie before. But besides the point, great update. This story is getting better and better. I love odd coupling. I wonder if this is going to be like Edge of Seventeen. Except it'll be called Edge of Forty because Kaede is about 33 or something right? NEwayz, great update and I wish you luck and prosperity.

Reviewer: Boop   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 05, 2006 7:03 PM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready

thanks for the great chappy Kiki and i must say this...I LOVE THE TEMPTING TEMPTATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eddie Kendricks especially. i can't believed he kissed her, that is too cute. keep writing and given more chappies and thanks!!!

-love ya,

Reviewer: 'Tina   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 05, 2006 5:03 PM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready

Aww, I can just picture a thirteen year old Inuyasha singing a song trying to be all cool. *giggles* SQUEEE! I wonder what is going to happen next? Another age skip perhaps? Maybe some attempts to woo Kaede? That part with Sesshoumaru was an interesting twist, I love it! Happy Writing!

Reviewer: c-note   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: December 05, 2006 10:02 AM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready

i think i got distracted by your avi on this one and forgot it was onnas! poor kaede is gonna be in for a shock when she finds out it's more than a crush (please don't put kags with kouga, i beg of you, please, for the sake of my fragile sanity)

Author's Response: LOLOL! Yah, this is definitely onna's! ^^ But I actually like riting it. I like doing Yasha as a kid :P

Reviewer: sexy_capricorn   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: November 09, 2006 11:08 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Babysittin' Blues


I love how you are switching things up with this one. I love odd coupling.( i.e. Miro and Sess)Even though you always keep me guessing, I'm always sure it's going to be fantasmic. So, wonderful start to this story. InuYasha is such a little cutie yet such a little hellion(deadly combination). NEways, great start and I wish you luck and prosperity(not that you need it)

Reviewer: Boop   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: November 07, 2006 5:49 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Babysittin' Blues

I'm curious about this one. Don't really read Kaede/Inu fics but i know you'll make it a great fic worth reading!!! ^_^. what gave you the inspiration?
p.s. can't wait for other updates epscially for The Edge and Hikari.
-love ya,

Reviewer: kagome313   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: November 07, 2006 6:14 AM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Babysittin' Blues

This is something new. And for some strange feeling i kept picturing some1 similiar looking to kagome for the young kaede O.o Oh well, I luved this alot. Inuyasha is so evil!! Reminds me of my lil sister. tsk rude! But i luv them both still!!!

Author's Response: LOL, true! She is a lil' like Kagome, ne? But if we can use anything about Kaede from the manga, she would have had long dark hair and been cute :-D Tho, she has no eyepatch... yet? Hmmm....

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