Date: June 23, 2011 5:07 PM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real
oh my...i need a shower after reading this...
Date: June 23, 2011 4:29 PM
Chapter number: 4
Title: On Her Birthday: Part II
...let this happen for me on my 35th....:)
Date: June 23, 2011 3:35 PM
Chapter number: 3
Title: On Her Birthday: Part I
Date: June 23, 2011 2:46 PM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready
awww...he's got a crush..i like how she comforts him when he throws little tantrums
Date: June 23, 2011 2:26 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: The Babysittin' Blues
she's more patient than i am..i would have warmed his behind with the palm of my hand
Date: November 01, 2008 10:23 AM
Chapter number: 8
Title: No More Words
I can't believe I never reviewed. OK, yes I can, I am such a lazy chica. But I always like trying out new Inu/NonKag pairings, so I got into it.
Date: October 22, 2008 6:49 PM
Chapter number: 8
Title: No More Words
I don't have much time, but I'm here for a quick sec just to tell you how excited I was to see this. I can't wait for the wrap-up! Oh, and I owe you a few reviews, which I will def get to before the end of the month!
Author's Response: Thanks, girl ^_^ I didn't even know you read this one (Or maybe it's just been so long that i forgot!) I want to wrap this up in one more, so here's to praying that it happens!
Date: October 21, 2008 7:56 PM
Chapter number: 8
Title: No More Words
*does dance* UPDATE! w00t!
Update, update, update, update, update! And this update am an awesome one!
All angest ridden... yesh! :P
Down to business: Love the heart to heart between Inu and Sess, then with Sess and Kaede. heh, even with Sess being nice he's still intimidating, hehe.
Wonder ifin Inu and Kags friendship will ever be again, anythings possible. But Inu needs to get his act together somehow, but how he does it should be interesting.
Maybe over due but still worth the wait. Wubs Ya! Hugzzz...
Author's Response: I'm just happy that you're happy, Onna. This shouldn't have taken as long as it die -sorry about that. I'll try not to take so long with the next one, but you know how that goes. >.< Wubs ya back! <3
Date: October 21, 2008 7:16 PM
Chapter number: 8
Title: No More Words
Sessh is amazing XD. I can't wait for him to play fairy godmother and get Kaede and Inu back together. I first, I couldn't get the idea of the one-eyed "grannie" Kaede out of my head...but this fic has quickly grown on me and I love it.
Great chapter! And I'm diggin' the new skin ;)
Author's Response: Oh, wow, you read this one? LOL. Almost no one does because it's not Inu/Kags, but I'm glad you did and got past the "Canon Kaede". :P I didn't really have her in mind at all when I started this. I was thinking of the kiddie Kaede and what she would look like all grown up. This fiction ends in one more chap -it's a shorty. But it's taken a long time to do it because I'm lazy and uninspired about everything. >.<
And you like the skin? Sweet! I had some new art made for it (obviously, lol) and that's where she got the idea for the chibis. Hilarious, huh? lol.
Date: October 21, 2008 12:03 PM
Chapter number: 8
Title: No More Words
wow. i know heartbreak can be hell on earth, but for a year and a half? poor guys. and sess is finally being the big brother he always had in him to be. ^_^ i guess seeing his otouto in such pain and finding out the root of it was too much even for him. i hurt for yash and kags lost friendship, too. i had a best guy friend in jr./high school and something like that would have ruined us. thank god nothing like that ever happened. so sad! off to read the other new posts! yay!
Author's Response: Thanks, Court! I feel awful that I've taken SO long to update this story. Onna deserves better than that. But I have so little inspiration right now. Sigh. This chapter was a little angsty, kind of like everyone closing the gates on everyone else. But the next chapter is the last one, so I can finally end this for her. I was going to send this to you this morning, but I wasn't sure if you'd be able to beta with school in session. I'll e-mail ya. :P And thanks for always supporting the work. *hugs*
Date: March 05, 2008 11:27 AM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
I love this fic! I should have read the whole fuckin' thing the first time around. But it was definitely worth the wait. Like I said, this is a close second for me personally to EOS. Now, I don't know how to feel about this. Why did he betray her in the first place? That's the first question. The second question is, will she ever feel she can trust him again? I am torn. I really couldn't say what I would do in a situation like that. Especially if he followed me to my apartment. I think I would end up a puddle at his feet. I guess only time will tell. Can't wait to read the update.
Good stuff, girlfriend. I bow down to the Queen of Hentai and Angst :P.
Date: February 20, 2007 6:10 PM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
He betrayed her! There are no excuuses! And even his conscious mind knew it and he tried to push the htought away. How could she trust him again? And yet he really does love her. How sad.
Date: January 30, 2007 12:08 AM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
-love ya,
Author's Response: LOL, Boop, you crazy!
Date: January 29, 2007 12:43 PM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
Damn, Kaede is stubborn. I think that I know what is going to happen next! ^_^
Poor Yashie...I feel so bad for him.
'No longer need her care?! I need her more than I need fucking air.' Hey, that rhymed!
Happy Writing!
Author's Response: You;re totally silly, lol!
Date: January 29, 2007 2:36 AM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
Oh My Onna... that was heartfelt. So much so, I felt the tears coming again.
No matter how much someone loves another, when you're being pushed away, for whatever the reason, it hurts so much. And even tho Inu is hurting so much, Kaede is hurting even more...
Great My Onna...
Author's Response: Onna! I'm glad you liked it though it was sad. It wouldn't be me if I didn't have angst. But at least you're okay with it. These last 2 chaps, I thought you were gonna kill me :P
Date: January 29, 2007 12:16 AM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
Nooooo!! Don't leave! (but leave because her staying = no drama and I don't want no part of that)
Great Short and Sweet Update
"InuYasha felt like a man at sea and she was his only lifeline. Without her, he knew he was going to drown"
Best line I've heard ALL year!!!(even though it hasn't even been a month)
I can't WAIT to see how they'll bump into each in the future.
She'll be like 75 and he'll be like 30 and shit. HOTT(Sike, I'm kidding) but for real though, amazing story and I love the angsty Blackstreet don't leave me girl theme.
Anyways great update and I wish you luck and prosperity
Author's Response: LOLOLOL! I was like, she said sike! ^^ Damn that reminds me of the fam :P Glad you liked the chap tho. I don't even know where it came from. I was sitting here and it hit and there ya go -angst all day!
Date: January 28, 2007 11:34 PM
Chapter number: 7
Title: Your Walls Surround Me
oh god, you really know how to pull out the gut wrenchers! although kaede is being logical (fuck logic, damn it!) and grown up. it's a big age difference and no matter haw much growing up inuyasha does, kaede is that much ahead of him. in a way, she'll always be caring for the child she first met. but still, it hurts. i'm excited to see where you end up taking this.
Author's Response: True, True, she will always have more on him, but he has the ability to catch up, but he has to grow some. He hasn't really lived and that's what she's forcing on him. Sad tho, ne?
Date: January 27, 2007 3:04 AM
Chapter number: 6
Title: The Collision of Her Kiss
DOG!!!....what!!?!!?!?!? ?that was SERIOUSLY fucked up, fa real real, not fa play play!!!!! update!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
-love ya,
Author's Response: Ain't he a woof, girl? Pfft, I was mad writing it but it had to be done :P
Date: January 26, 2007 8:26 PM
Chapter number: 6
Title: The Collision of Her Kiss
InuYasha is the player of the year right now. Lil' man got game out this world. Seventeen? Just imagine him at 25, he'll be banging everything in a skirt. lol But from the beginning of the story I just knew Kagome and InuYasha were gonna kiss or somethin'. I knew you couldn't keep the Kaede and Yash thing up for too long. You was gonna play Kags into it some way or another, but girl it was hott. I feel sorry for Kaede and all that, but it was hotter than school in the summertime. They sex scene was better than Kaede and Yash's and it was only like 2 seconds long. Maybe because it was so deliciously forbidden why it was so hot. Or maybe it reminded me of something me and my best friend Eric did. It was a weird summer. We're still good friends and we both know not to tell anybody about the infamous summer of '04. But enough about me, great chapter. You knocked it out the park once again and I wish you luck and prosperity.
Author's Response: LMAO!!!! This whole review had me dying! Girl, you wild and I'm glad I brought back some *ahem* memories! I was trying to show that InuYasha is a kid with a kid's view in a way. He was bound to fuck up sooner or later, lol. <.< But it would have to be with Kags *sniggers* I couldn't do it with anyone else. Glad you liked!!
Date: January 26, 2007 5:34 PM
Chapter number: 6
Title: The Collision of Her Kiss
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I knew it!!! I knew that somebody was going to walk in on somebody eventually!!! I'm finally right!
I'm so's a heartbreaking scene and I'm laughing. *shakes head* Let's try this again:
OMG! I can't believe that happened. :( Poor Kaede...I can't believe that Inuyasha did that! Jerk! How is he going to get out of this one?
Happy Writing!
Author's Response: Tina, you're awful! LOL. But yah, he went there -that lil dog!
Date: January 26, 2007 3:23 AM
Chapter number: 6
Title: The Collision of Her Kiss
Well, that was an interesting turn of events, I must say... Bad Inu, bad. A moment of weakness and he couldn't help himself? Damn... what a hard lessen he learned there... now what happens? Only time will tell. Great chap Onna
Author's Response: Onna! Sorry I had to do it to ya, lol. But I'm angsty, I can't help it. But I'll update again as soon as fan week is done. ^_^
Date: January 25, 2007 10:12 PM
Chapter number: 6
Title: The Collision of Her Kiss
talk about an ominous ending! and kouga is an ass! fuck he can have his bevy of beauties at his beck and call. he's not cool enough. i'm guessing this is almost at the end? god, i ending up loving this one!
Author's Response: C-note!! I know, Kouga is a jerk. I sooo had to make him one in this :P But yah, I give this 2 chaps -3 at the verrrry most. I loved this chap -so much angst!
Date: January 06, 2007 12:56 AM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real
I'm not gunna lie. The fact that this story was so totally wrong drew me to reading it. I really cannot believe you had the guts to write something like this. Frankly, I just can't stomache it. The age difference is just too much , and it is really, really awekward in this case. Believe me when I say I love all your lemons, but I cannot bare to read any in this story (I skipped over it). I love your writing and I give you credit for having written such a....different story, but I don't have the stomache for it, which is O.K. cause that's just me.
Thanks for updating all your other fics. You are an amazing storyteller and have a great amount of talent! Keep on going (with Inu Kag preferably. theheheh I kinda love when you do their pairing because you do it so well, sry if I'm being brash):)
Author's Response: Not brash at all ^_^ This story isn't for everyone, admittedly. Most people don't care for this pairing (I can understand that) but it was a gift, and to be honest, I can write any pairing (even Inu/kikyou though I will only read Inu/kags). It's almost like a challenge, ya know? Besides, it's just a fic. If we changed kaede to kagome, most would read it just on that alone (not saying you would. The age diff bothers most), lol.
Date: December 21, 2006 5:18 PM
Chapter number: 5
Title: Make it Real
daaaang. that was awesome. i loved how intense the emotions between them seemed. i hope naraku doesn't f*** things up and that he gets the hell out of the picture. poor yash. all he knows is he loves her and why can't that be enough!? *sighs* you have me hooked, again.
Author's Response: Courty! I'm glad you like it! I'm hoping to get another chap of this up soon <.< if I can get over this block. @_@
Date: December 17, 2006 10:54 PM
Chapter number: 2
Title: Get Ready
this was too cute and the song was perfect. it sets the stage for the next chaps so well. i can't wait for chap. 5. this fic has really grown on me. i can't get over inu/kaede... still. but i LOVE it. so tabu, i guess. *cheers for more*