Back in the Saddle… For Now.
The last two days have been good. Better than good. I updated The Knife of Romance twice in 3 days, and though I hated the first update, I was happy with the second. Best of all, the lovelies are happy, so there’s a fat plus. 😀 KOR, hands down, is probably my favorite fiction in my entire stable. I think it even edges out The Edge of Seventeen, which held the crown ever since it began.
It’s just so raw and emotional and DIRTY. LOL. Okay, so it’s not so dirty if you’re looking for lemons. It’s not that I’m dragging that out, or “building it up”. Y’all have had a taste of my fictional sex before, so you know how it will go down. The reason why there isn’t a hard focus on sex is because the story isn’t about that. Having siblings screw is just cream on the cake. 😛 The point of KOR is to explore what drives incest and how it can break entire lives apart. I’m no expert, obviously. I’m an only child. However, this is the way I imagine the scenario going down in those kinds of circumstances.
That said, I know I’ve been harping that KOR will be over soon, and it will be, but I admit that I’ve had it in my mind to leave certain things unexplored for the sake of keeping my “timetable”. Now, I’m wondering if that’s a bad idea. There are a few places that I should probably go, just for the sake of completing the picture, but they will indeed break my schedule for ending it. Dilemmas, dilemmas. What should I do? Feel free to weigh in, if you’d like.
In other fic news, I was up most of the morning writing Treasure on the Tide. I ended up rewriting a few parts of the draft I’ve had sitting on my desktop for the past month and I like it better. I will definitely be finishing that today, and then I shall pass it to my absolutely awesome, but rarely used, beta, Leila-chan. 😀
Then, guess what? It’s back to KOR. Yup. While I’m feeling it, I want to go for another chapter. I have so many half-written things on my computer that need attention; I feel guilty. But KOR is such a hard fiction to pen… I really need to dig into it when it’s cooperating with me.
Okay, time for something pretty. Enjoy!
Tuesday, 24 March, 2009 at 18:53
Hey Grrrl. You know I loves me some EOS. But then again, I’m partial all anything penned by Da Grrrl. (Is your ass wet yet from all the kissing I’m doing? :P) Seriously though, I printed out the two updates on KOR to eyeball tonight. Got them in the “Bag-O-Pills” so I wouldn’t forget. Is that fucked up or what? *shakes head* My personal two cents: if you feelin’ it, do it. It’s yours. Can’t wait for the TOTT update. That’s another person fav of mine; especially since I saw the movie *sniff* *sniff*.
I been so depressed lately and crazy, girl. My head’s such a mess it has taken me longer to write this than it has to update my fics >.> Yeah, that’s an exaggeration but you know what I’m talking about. Speaking of fics … I need to dust off my shit too. It’s a crime those two chapter fics been sitting untouched for so long. *sigh*
Well, I’ll continue to be looking for updates. Heh Love ya, babe!
Tuesday, 24 March, 2009 at 23:24
Well, if you’re after my two cents… If there’s areas you want to explore in KOR, I say that you should. Tear up that timetable! As hot as it would be for the pair to finally have sex, I’m in it for the angst, grrrl. 😀 Ooo… chibis! LOL
Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 at 7:29
Yeah, I decided to do that. What can it hurt to give the story a little more background? I just wanted to have one less story breathing down my neck, but what can I do? 😀 The sex isn’t even a build up. I’m not that concerned with it. My worry is tying it up nicely. >.< Ending fictions is always hard for me. Gah. I finished Treasure, btw. It will post today!
Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 at 7:34
Aww, what’s up homegirl?
You know you can hit me up if you need to get it off your chest. And a bag of meds? Is it as bad as a drawer? I have an actual DRAWER filled with everything from muscle relaxers to acid reflux pills. Trust me, I feel your pain. Literally, lol.
I just finished Treasure a couple of hours ago and sent it to my beta. So at least you’ll get to poke your head in there and get a lil fluff. 😛 I always laugh when you tell me your printed out my chaps. I be like, dang! I’m at Liz’s house! xD
*HUGS* I’ve been up all night, and I don’t have to work (woo hoo!), so I’m gonna sleep it off.
Love ya, mah sistah. You come get me if we need to choke a ho! <33
Wednesday, 25 March, 2009 at 19:43
I got the alert for it! *bounces* I’m sooo saving it for when I know I won’t be distrubed and review to my hearts content!
I know I love the angst and the emotional torment that is going on in it!
Kudos on the updating! *bounces excitedly*
Do these sections/parts that you want to cut out from the story result in a big impact to the story or do they have only minor relevance to it? Will the reader be going “Did I miss something?” if they are gone; then, no, keep them in.
I guess it would be.. what do you see being played out like in a show or movie for the story?
*giggles* Yea, stories have a way of making themselves either longer or shorter than what was planned for them!
Haven’t read chapter two of TotT yet! *DOH!* That is another awesome one!
*eyes chibis* Too…… cute…… for smut writing mode…… is making for wanna scoop them up and cuddle them!!!!
Loves you Goddess!!
Thursday, 26 March, 2009 at 5:37
Take your time and check out KOR when you can -no rush at all. 😛 I’m just glad to be getting them out after such a long hiatus. *cringe* I’ve been working on Love Like Winter and Hikari, too, so I’m really hoping the muses behave and give me a break!
The parts I wanted to cut, well, I think I found a work around. I’m going to add a few things, but not elaborate too deeply, just so that they’re properly touched on. I don’t want to tell you what they are because you haven’t read the two new chaps yet. You’ll get more of an idea what I’m talking about when you do. xD
TOTT is a couple of chaos from being over. I’m kinda shocked at myself for getting that one out as fast as I have. Definitely not a story that most people can get into, but I really like it because I love the movie.
And aren’t those chibis adorable? I couldn’t resist slapping them up there! 😀
<33333333 to you!
Hope you’re having a good week!