Beyond Redemption – Happy Mama’s Day!

Happy Mama’s Day!

I’m on my way to see Star Trek again (squee!), but I wanted to wish all of my friends, lovelies, and their mommies a wonderful mother’s day. I hope you’re out doing something you enjoy and cherishing the women that gave you life. <3 Image and video hosting by TinyPic


    • avatarneo says:

      hope you had a good one too… Enjoy your Star Trek…

      tootles Grrrl!!

    • avatarSelina says:

      Happy Mother’s Day to you, too, girlie! Hey, we all play mother at some point, even if it’s not literally. Not that we can compare to the real ones out there!

      And twice in as many days? O.o You are hooked, girl! Enjoy your young Spock! 😀

    • avatarJenn says:

      Ummmm. Yesh. Star Trex was AMAZING. I was staring at McDreamy the whole time who in my opinion is godly sexy. Kirk. *floats on a cloud* And it’s okay I saw it twice too! I definatly went Thursday at 12. I’m not a Trekkie. I just had to go see Sexy McSexyPants in action. hehe. Sorry to say that Spock wasn’t my favorite. Definatly Kirk stole that spotlight for me. And this whole time-warp continuim had my brain in an conumdrum. lol. But that’s all! Just dropping in!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Jenn! ^_^

      I’ve seen that movie 6 times now. I saw it twice on opening weekend, then I got my hands on a bootleg (that I happily slapped on my iPod) and watched it 4 more times (and counting!). You like McCoy?? LOL. I loved him, but not in that way. Kirk was cool, too, but my sweetheart is Spock. I think he’s SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking cute!!! And I love him and Uhura together -totally made my week. I’ll probably watch it again tonight. xD I totally need to mail you, too. I didn’t forget the “ad” 😀 I just haven’t posted anything yet, but I’m working on it!!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Lina!! I know this reply is all late. It’s been crazy around here (as you know), plus (Yeah, I admit it) I’ve been hooked on Trek. I’ve been watching it over and over. *Squees quietly*. Hope Mama’s day was fun for ya and your 4-legged baby!