Beyond Redemption – R.I.P Teddy & Yes, I’m Alive!

R.I.P Teddy & Yes, I’m Alive!

First, R.I.P. Teddy Pendergrass. My mom loved him and I grew up hearing him croon. It was really sad when he ended up in a wheelchair, but he kept singing, and that’s pretty damned inspirational. So, from mom and me, you were da shit.

The One and Only, Teddy Pendergrass.

The One and Only, Teddy Pendergrass.

In other news, I’ve been pretty busy lately and haven’t had much time to do anything fandom related -and it will probably be that way for a while. Things are changing in IG’s real world that must take priority, but the fictions will still be written and the sites still run the way you expect them to be. Things will be slow, though, so as they say in mass transit: “Expect delays.” xD

With any luck, I should have the OC fiction completed sometime over the weekend, and I’m hoping to start a new story for a dear friend. I actually have a few stories to start, but this one is special, so I’m jumping the line, lol. I just hope I have the opening chapter ready in time -it would suck ass if I didn’t! >.< And speaking of dear friends, we all know how fucking awesome Neo is right? (Of course we do! Just look at my sites!) But she just one-upped herself by sending m the most unique little gift! It's a picture ball, almost like a Xmas tree ornament, but completely unique, completely fantastic, and completely INUYASHA! Yes, yes, I know. Get on with the pics! 100_2450

My layout is stretching that pic a bit.

Jewel shards! xD

Jewel shards! xD

Is that cool, or what? And no one has one. No one. Neo has talent oozing out of her damn pores, lol. I have it hanging above me as part of my IY shrine that I keep over my computer desk. Squee!!!


Okay, that’s really all for now. I’ll be updating as soon as I can, and I’ll hit y’all up again over the weekend. 😀 Now, I shall leave you with a song I discovered off the “Dead Presidents” soundtrack by Harold Melvin & the Blue Notes (Teddy was the lead singer) called “I Miss You”.


    • avatarbeau_zak says:

      I just like the title of this post!

      Glad to hear that you are alive!

    • avatarAm says:

      Grrrl…you know some pretty talented girls! The picture ball is so unbelievably cool. I love the shikon shards attatched to it (and I see a human Yasha!) I hope all is well in real life world and that the changes are at least positive :) Happy almost-Friday!

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      Neo is indeed talented and it’s just being proven over and over lolz!! Yeah my mom had a thing for Teddy too. I was more into Marvin Gaye, though! Well I hope things in the real world are alright. Until next post…

    • avatarLindsay says:

      That is really cool, I wonder how she did that. Neato Cool!

    • avatarLiz (Da Sistah) says:

      Hey Sistah. Uber coolness with the picture ball. It’s awesome. Hang in there, girlfriend. Not much else ya can do, eh? As they say, “This too shall pass.” Let’s just hope it’s soon. Hit me up when you get another chance for a play by play. Been talking to the “Big Man” for ya. ::HUGS:: There’s just too damned much suck for everybody starting off this year. :(

    • avatarMeanha aka LadyWolf says:

      He was a great man and could put on a show!! R.I.P indeed.

      Wow that’s sooo cute!! She’s so awesome I love and it’s red!!(one of my favs!!) InuYasha in all his cuteness, I know that made you smile!!

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      That is one WICKED ornament! Go Neo, go!

      Thrilled about the new things going on and the ‘break’ from the fandom you are having… do a world of good. *winks* Getting a refresher. I hope it’s all going well for you!

      Looking forward to seeing the new ideas you have on taps.

    • avatarkmoaton says:

      The ball is wonderful. How awesome to be surrounded with talented people! I miss Teddy and you would find one of my fav songs to have playing!! Like you, I grew up with my folks listening to him and he just played a big part of my childhood memories. (being in the back room when the folks had a party stands out! :D) I’m glad to see you are still with us and I can understand priorities, even though I’m typing this instead of my powerpoint! 😛 Be sweet, hunny and be blessed.

    • avatarNeo says:

      I will have to say that I have not heard much from this artist..but any artist that shares their talent with people is always missed when they pass.. and all we can do is thank them and remember what they had to offer.. I’m glad you love the ball.. they are fun to make, but with all things just takes time… if you wish for another one sometime just ask..
      If you need any help or just want to rant look me up… take it easy and let us know you are at least breathing .. LOL!! (^_^)b

    • avatarSelina says:

      Damn – I didn’t even hear that Teddy died. How much do I suck? He will be missed.

      Hugs, my girl. I know I’ve been quiet, but I’m hoping to rectify that today. In the meantime, I hope you’re doing well. <3

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Lina! I’ve been really quiet , too. You are not alone! I just hope we both start feeling better soon! *Big hugs*
      And yesh, Teddy will be missed. :( He was always a reminder of my mom.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Neo! <3

      Thanks again for the awesome giftie. I totally LOVE it! Everyone that comes over have been like, "That's so cute! Where'd you get it?!" And I get to say, "HA! There's only one!" xD Yeah, so I'm just a lil evil!

      Teddy Pendergrass sang soul music and such. He's very old skool, but still pretty darned awesome. He'll be missed; he inspired a lot of people that came after him. :)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Karen! 😀

      How late is this? o_O

      Priorities suck, let me just say that loud and clear! I’d much rather be trying to write, but alas, real life had decided to give me a beat down. But I’m trying to squeeze the pen in and make time for my homies! 😀

      And how are you doing? I hope things are well. Powerpoint >.> is the root of all evil, but still, it takes a backseat to excel. I hate, HATE that shit. Formulas can suck it, lol. So, needless to say, I don’t envy you! (Though, I’ll be joining you shortly!)

      OMG, you remember the parties, too?! We were supposed to be sleep, but you know we were wide awake tryna be nosey and listen to the festivities! Damn, those were the good old days. It’s sad to see so many legends passing away like this. Sigh. It’s just a bad reminder that our time here is too short.

      Stay awesome until next time!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Nik!

      I’ve been wanting to toss you an idea for CD, but I haven’t had time to jot it down. I’ll try to do that this weekend. I want to simplify things over there. But more in mail. 😀

      I’ve had a break, but it’s not a wanted one. I’ve barely gotten any writing done and that sucks since I’m WAY behind on finishing the OC fic. I really hate that endings like to screw me over without lube. Grrr. But I’ll get it together somehow. o_O

      And isn’t Neo da bomb?!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Hey Kid Sissy! 😀

      The giftie definitely made me grin. Neo is so darned creative! I squeed so much I think the neighbors heard, but fuck em! xD
      And Yup, Teddy was the man in his day. It’s really sad that God called him home, but I hope he’s at peace.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:



      Thanks, girl. We need all the Big Man’s help that we can get! Shit has calmed considerably over there, but it’s not over yet, so any and all prayers are accepted and appreciated! And thanks for giving that a “once over” for me last night. You helped SO much -you rawk!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      LOL, thanks Linds! 😀

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Kimmy! ^^

      I think Neo is some kinda artist Demi God, lol. She just whips shit out of thin air and has us all O.O What I especially love is that no one has one. It’s completely unique -and you know what I feel about that!

      I like Marvin, myself. Specifically, “I want You”, “Let’s Get it On”, and “Sexual Healing”. Those songs are a LOT of fun. His death was so tragic, though. *shakes head* But hey, they’re in heaven singing for angels now. :)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Thanks, Beau. I’m certainly happy to be alive! 😀

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      I agree -totally, totally cool picture ball. I’ve never seen one before this, so I’m just all giddy over it. I have it hanging on my shrine so I can look at it for inspiration. 😛 (Squee for Human Yasha!)

      Real life ain’t great >.> but I’m hanging in there (thanks for the good vibes!). The hope is that things around me will smooth out and I can go back to the business of fanfic; my resolution to write more is just all blown at the moment. Grr! Happy Thursday!