Fiction Updates.
As most of you know, I did end up updating The Neighbor and while I wasn’t super happy with the chapter, it was okay enough to finally post. Big thanks to everyone that came out and left a review. Yes, I know hundreds more read it, but I’m really acknowledging my reviewers for taking a minute to encourage. I didn’t leave any of my usual end notes; I was tired, having just pulled an all-nighter and didn’t have a lot to say, but they still popped in to say the enjoyed the chapter -even if it was in a one line comment. So, thanks for that. <3 That said, I've already started the next chapter, so it's safe to say that for now, my block seems to have subsided some, which can only be a good thing. No other story is on my mind atm, so chances are that will be the next update. However, I'm hoping to get Hikari and Eden posted soon as well. Just not sure exactly when. I've got a concert on Wed, so if I don't finish that chapter tonight, it probably won't post until late Thursday or Friday. Goodie Mob: The page has been updated.
Wednesday, 26 May, 2010 at 19:31
Oh yeah!! You know how I love Goodies!! Yum Yum! lolz. And thank you for updating The Neighbor. The chapter exceeded excellence 😉 Well, I’ll see you over at EX (I’m not sure it that’s the official abbreviation but…) Have a nice Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed and wish me luck! I have another big test tomorrow in JAPN 101 😉
Thursday, 27 May, 2010 at 1:11
hope you had fun at your concert!!!
Saturday, 29 May, 2010 at 1:47
What concert was it again? =o
I agree with the first comment – THE CHAPTER EXCEEDED EXCELLENCE! I shall make fanart of The Neighbor sooner or later… maybe sometime this week. Anywho, keep it coming, Grrrl! You have all our support from us in the world!
Saturday, 29 May, 2010 at 19:38
Thanks! It was reeeeeeeeeally hot outside and I sweated my clothes wet >.< but still, it was a great time. 😀
Saturday, 29 May, 2010 at 19:42
I has happy you liked The Neighbor. I’m halfway done with the next chapter. I’ve been a little sick lately, but I don’t feel blocked so as soon as I’m feeling better I’ll be posting another chapter. Yay! And yesh, EX is the official abbriev. I haven’t been in there in a few days, so I must rectify and argue with Danga some more. 😛
Hope the test went well, but I’m sure I’ll get details at EX, ne? 😀
Saturday, 29 May, 2010 at 19:47
Hey T!
I saw Coheed & Cambria -my all time faves. It was crazy hot and the sweat POURED, but still a great show. And I’d be SO honored if you made Neighbor fanart. I love art and always get a HUGE kick out of inspiring some. The next chappie of The Neighbor is halfway done, so expect to see something soon. I’ve been under the weather, which is why I haven’t been around much, but I’m not blocked (yet) so keep your fingers crossed that I’ll have something up soon. *hugs*