Beyond Redemption – …And Another Leaves The Fold.

…And Another Leaves The Fold.

I got a note today from another author that I like and respect. She’s leaving fanfiction and took a minute to tell me and say goodbye. I won’t say her name because this is her private business; she’ll announce it if she chooses to. But I feel awful. Seriously. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve never felt closer to doing that myself these days, or if it’s because anyone “leaving” just feels terrible after having so many people of note die in my life. Not that she’s dying or anything remotely close, but it is the death of something, you know?

In any case, her presence will be missed and I’m glad that anime gave me a chance to meet her, and many other people that I’ve come to like and admire. I guess, for once, the rumors are true. The good authors are walking away. Makes me wonder who’s next, and if that someone is me.