Awake Too Damned Early.
Been awake since 8:22am, but didn’t go back to sleep. I have some chores to do today, so I’m not sure if I’ll get any writing in on my current stories. My mood on that hasn’t improved, so I’m just choosing not to bother with anything. I did change the character in my story, though.
The thing is, I only know a handful of anime characters:
InuYasha Cast
The Angels from Angel Sanctuary
Zero/Kaname of Vampire Knight
Sasuke/Naruto of Naruto
Light/L of Death Note
Hakuron of Haou Airen
Yori from I love my little sister
(I found this years after starting Knife of Romance and was so giddy!)
But yeah, that’s everyone. What can I say? InuYasha is my mainstay and I read Angel Sanctuary, but that’s really it as far as animes. I’ve never seen/read Naruto or Death Note, and the guys from AS don’t fit in that role.
The reason why I chose Kaname is because I couldn’t use Zero, hadn’t thought of Sasuke or Light, and thought he’d fit what I was doing personality wise (plus, he was cute). Had I known that picking him for anything would have me feeling the way I do today I would have burned the thought with gas.
As it stands, I’ve changed him to Light Yagami of Death Note (I’ve altered all 3 chapters already), which also allows me to be more sinister than I originally planned. *tosses off the kid gloves* Hilariously, I had to google “bishies” to even remember Light existed because I’ve never read a single page of Death Note. But based on his personality -from what I read in wiki- he’ll do fine. And I really wish to GOD I had thought of him first. I never want to look at Kaname again. Seriously. I’m never going to touch Vampire Knight again (not that I ever read that manga or watched that anime anyway). I still like Zero, though, but I want no parts of that other one. Don’t ask.
Anyway, I’m going to try to do write later, maybe, after I do my chores. No promises, and sorry for the big delay lately when I was on such a roll. I just got so fucking sick, and then >.> other stuff happened that just completely altered my mood to pen anything. I just hope this isn’t the beginning of a months-long stint.
Have a better Saturday than I’m having.