Beyond Redemption – Sigh. Just Sigh. [RANT]

Sigh. Just Sigh. [RANT]

I got no writing done. I was already feeling shitty toward it since last week, and then doing Kouga/Rin just sucked the life out of me (Two characters I really can’t stand. They may even surpass my disgust or SessKags and that’s saying something), and people have been pissing me off all week with their nonsense and unnecessary snark.

I’m tired of a lot of people and tired of dealing with their childish bullshit. I’m not going to get all into specifics here, but I do know that I’m going to start cutting people off. I keep to myself in fandom, tbh. I don’t go out of my way to get chummy with people because they always end up proving to me that it was mistake. Every. Fucking. Time. It’s depressing, so I just “do me and fuck you” (so to speak). But yeah, scissor time is closing in.

I’ve dealt with enough assholes out here, and it’s to a point that I’ve yanked myself off the radar with the exception of my website and Deviant Art. Why? Because I want to be left alone. I want to write for the people who support my work and avoid every other dipshit who wants to “know” me for some petty, ulterior reason. If you’re my friend, then BE my fucking friend and don’t give me grief, don’t bring me snark because you want to be “cute” and feel “clever”, don’t attempt to use me or my so-called “name” for anything, because trust, I’m just like everyone else -an IY fan. There’s no “magic” to it. Sorry.

In other words, don’t go out of your way to make me dismiss you because I’m good to all my friends and I’m sick of tolerating less than the same, aight? I’m done with that. I honestly am, and I will cut anyone out of my world completely if I have to think about them negatively more than once ever again.


In nice news, I got my tweaked art back and the header is done. The skin will be up in a few days (been lazy this weekend), hopefully along with an update. However, it could be delayed if I update something that has a new skin waiting for it already. Either way, the new art is ASS-WHOOPING!!! ^_______________^

Here’s to a better week for all of us.