2012: Trimming the Bullshit
Dang. We’re coming up on 2012 in a couple of days, and I don’t know about y’all, but 2011 sucked for me. I had a few high points, like having great art done by my Sarah-Belle, the wonderful gifts I’ve been given by my friends, the time I’ve spent with my family -RL and online- and the fact that I’m still alive… But plenty of shitty stuff happened too.
I won’t get into specs, but I was diagnosed with a genetic “disease” and it sucks the hell out of everything! I was blown away when I found out right before Christmas, spent a bit of time being miserable, but realized that it isn’t lethal unless I choose to make it that way. I can deal with it and still do everything (well, just about everything) I love to do. I just have to stay on my meds and treat myself better. And there is no choice in that because I’m not ready to go anywhere yet. lol.
I took another unintended hiatus from writing, but you guys know me. I always come back, even when my inspiration is at an all-time low. This won’t be the exception. I want to start the new year doing things I still enjoy and that means remembering how much I love InuYasha and how much I love dishing out my crazy shit to y’all. So, no more BS. No more worrying about my health (now that I know what’s up), no more dwelling on past hurts. It’s over and done and time to get back to business, ne?
And big, huge thanks to everyone who has been coming by Absolution, leaving reviews and letting me know you’re ready for some new chapters. It’s been motivating, which is why I’m going to be starting FA month for the new year. So just hang in there, lol. And remember, chapters will NOT be long. My hands are giving me business (in part, due to my new illness), so I can’t blow tons of ‘hand stamina’ on just one chapter if you guys still want FA month.
In AWESOME-FANTASTIC news, InuGrrrl [dot] Net will shortly have a new look with layout V3, and it is sooo cute, lol. My super-awesome-da shyt g-artist, Neo the Great, just showed me the sneaky peek and I love it! I commissioned my Sarah-Belle a while back to make this really off the hook new version of Yasha and I and she knocked it out the park, as usual. Add Neo’s brilliance and your Grrrl is ready to roll for the new year. 😀
And speaking of new year, my resolution (aside from taking better care of myself) is to, as the title says, cut the bullshit. Those who have wronged me in the past are going to stay in my past. I just don’t have time for it. Given what’s going on in my life now, I couldn’t give a rat’s ass about online dramatics. No hard feelings and buh-bye. I’ve always been a “one strike” type. Fuck me over once and we’re done. Well, that’s going into overdrive. If you’re a friend, act like one, or I’ll walk away from you forever. If you’re not a friend, then why the hell are you here? There’s always a door. Use it. Life is too short for nonsense.
If you’re one of my readers who never review, I advise you start. Illness means prioritizing. If I feel like I’m writing just to see myself make a post, I’m going to stop, period. It taxes my hands, takes up a lot of time, and it isn’t worth it if my readers are too lazy to leave feedback.
That’s pretty much all I have to report for the moment. Just wanted to come in here and keep those who watch this journal updated on the happenings. Chapters coming shortly. 😀