After a morning of site maintenance and preparing to complete a chapter (Yeah, finally), I wandered into Deviant Art and got the nicest surprise! My awesome friend, Moniquiu, read Last Exit to Eden and decided to make a gift wallie for me. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!
(Full size glory at my gallery)
Isn’t it lovely?! She totally made my day -and the day isn’t even half over yet! 😛 It’s always humbling when my stories inspire creation in others and I’m ecstatic with the result. She’s completely awesome and I’m completely grateful for her friendship and kindness. <3 As for writing, well, Linds, I think you’ll be happy. 😛 I’ve been having a hella hard time writing these last couple of weeks. I’m not inspired at all and it will probably show. However, I realize that I must pen something or I’ll stop altogether, so be forewarned that you won’t be getting my best.
In site news, the Terms of Service and Site Rules have been revised at Absolution and I advise you to look them over if you’re a member. As for other updates, there will be some, but I forewarn, they’re going to be pretty short. Again, I’m not inspired right now and simply writing for the sake of not staying idle for too long (because, srsly, if I don’t, I won’t bounce back from this hiatus).
…And that’s all folks! 😀