I Haz Neglected!
Okay, first, soooo sorry you guys didn’t get your update. That was the plan, but I got severely sidetracked with U-KISS stuff. This week was the release of their new album, and well, there was some fandom stuff I wanted to do. If you’re a KissMe (and you’re probably not, lol) then you’ll know what I’m talking about in regards to MNET, Bugs, Soribada, and so on.
….and I’ll stop there. 😛
There is good news and bad news. The bad news is that I’m still doing U-KISS fandom stuff. The good news is now that some things have calmed down for the next couple of days (well, until Wed. night), I’ll be working on the chapter that should have been posted this weekend. The plan is to get it out ASAP, but at the very least, this weekend. The other good news is that in the next 2-3 weeks, my U-KISS stuff will calm down a lot and it will be mostly all IY again. (Mm, yeah, the lure of U-KISS is strong! XD), but I’m still not going to abandon my first fandom, so no worries. The stories will not end.
That is all.