Good Mood + Writing More!
Hey y’all! *waves*
I’m in a good mood today -can you tell?
My Coheed & Cambria tickets showed up over the weekend, so I’m on CoCa countdown! Woo!
Thanks for all the kind reviews on Knife of Romance. It actually feels really nice to be “back” and I want to keep it up for a while. My hands are a little annoyed, but not enough to stop, and since inspiration is bitchy with me, I want to do what I can now. I haven’t written a lemon in a long time, so it meant a lot that you guys enjoyed it (Your Grrrl be rusty!). I’m also working on another ‘fan fave’, but it’s giving me trouble. Same rules apply, guys. It won’t be that long (4k or less), and forgive the lack of awesome. At this point, I have to write something on it, or I’ll be stuck in perpetual block forever. This story just… isn’t a favorite for me, so I block on it often even though it should have been completed ages ago.
I owe so many people mail, too: Joey, Summer, Boudou (Thanks so much for all the info!), and several others. >.<
I’ll definitely try to sit down and get it all answered this week.
Man-Man: Did you hear the new playlist? Haha!
Abbs: You rock!
Aisha: I’m probably gonna toss more stuff straight onto the site for a bit because I’m so behind, but when I’m properly caught up (a little), it will be back to business. 😀
Okay, I’m out. I’m kinda sleepy (haven’t had a full night’s sleep in a couple of weeks), but I want to get more writing in before I get too tired. ^^