Hump Day Confessional: God, I Hate Racists.
I was busy and forgot to do my confession, so I’m doing it now, at 2am on Wed going into Thurs.
Today’s Confession…
I really hate racists. I hate people who can’t see past skin color, ethnicity, and nationality to the person’s core. I despise people who create judgments based on a glance. It’s as bad as these fandom whores I’ve dealt with who judge people based on a fucking story or a piece of fanart. They know NOTHING of the person who created it, but just based on words on a webpage, or ink on paper, they’re either the best, or worst, person on earth. *eyeroll* And the painful part is that these are grown women in their 30’s, 40’s, and even 50’s who do this. It’s especially funny when the slug in question is both racist and stupidly judgmental… but that’s a story for another time.
I’m biracial, genetically made up of 3 different races (And no, none of them are white. Though, some time ago, I was accused of being white and just “pretending” to be biracial by one of these fandom assholes. Whatever that fucking means…). I’m proud of who I am and all that makes me, me. Hating someone based on color, race, or religion is retarded to me because there’s good and bad in all people, period. I don’t believe in discriminating against, or looking down on, anyone unless it’s because of their shitty, loathsome personality. Color and ethnicity plays no role whatsoever.
Case and point, my inner circle is comprised of Whites, Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and biracials. And you know what? When, and if, I meet more people along the way who I deem cool enough to be a art of that circle, they will be, because you don’t have to be a certain anything in order to be my good friend.
Life’s too short to be a prick. Drop the racism and stop missing out on some of the best people you’re ever going to meet.