Beyond Redemption – Nice Things During a Bad Week

Nice Things During a Bad Week

So, I had a few really cool things happen during a week that should have been out and out lousy and I’m pretty happy about it. A good friend of mine bought my tickets to see my favorite band, <em>Coheed & Cambria</em> (The concert is in Oct), pre-ordered their deluxe boxset for me (the latest album, plus a slew of extras that will only be available with the deluxe), and then finished it off with a new drawing tablet. (Nope, I can’t draw at all, lol. But I feel like trying!). It was the coolest gifts and it was totally awesome of him to do that for me.  Love & Kisses

I’m also in the mood to write a bit, which is always a good thing. I haven’t felt like it much lately, but I think I want to give it a try. Only… the house is getting painted this morning. ARGH. It was supposed to happen earlier in the week, but was canceled at the last minute. Now, I’m stuck doing it in just a few hours from now. YUCK. But I’ll endure; I just want it over with! Hopefully, the smell of the paint won’t be too horrific and I’ll be able to get a little writing done, but if not… >.<

And thanks to everyone who’s been dropping by and leaving such nice reviews. I appreciate it! <3

Happy Sunday!