Beyond Redemption – Hump Day Confessional: Hating the Yankees These Days.

Hump Day Confessional: Hating the Yankees These Days.

Today’s Confession….

I’ve been a Yankee fan since the day I was born and I was raised in a Yankee house. I am a New Yorker -no, not some Wisconsin transplant, here to follow my “dream”- but a born and bred, bona fide New York City Grrrl. So the Yankees is what I know. Period.

I’m pissed off at the Yankees and will not root for them for a long time. It has nothing to do with getting beaten by the shitty Tigers, either. I’m not even getting into the whole thing; it’s a waste of time. But I’ll be glad when this season is over and I won’t be cheering for them again until “Captain Ground Out” and half the line up retires for good because, really, I can’t stand that overrated clown and the blind worship he receives. He’s out with a broken ankle (SO. WHAT.) and I keep hearing shit like, “Win one for the Captain!” “Do it to honor Derek.”

Honor him? That asshole isn’t dead, you idiots. He ain’t the fucking gipper, morons.  Truth be told, the fall didn’t even look like it was hard enough to break anything, which just means his ass is getting OLD and needs to retire… But anyway, fuck him and fuck the Yankees Organization. They suck, so die tonight and put NYC out of our misery. And fuck their fairweather fans, too. You’re in for some LEAN years, so get ready, you bunch of selfish, spoiled brats who don’t remember the shitty years before the dynasty when the Yankees were getting rocked at every game. They’re heading in that direction again, so I hope Captain Douchebag, Captain Overrated, Captain Rally-Killer, Captain ‘I’m past my prime but is too much of a primadonna to take a bow gracefully’ will help you through it, him and his glorious, game-winning ground balls.
