Puttering Along.
I’m working on another story I haven’t updated in ages, and no, it’s not The Neighbor. I need a certain mindset to pen that one and I’m not there yet. However, I found some music that immediately reminds me of that story, and that, combined with the new super-smexy art, has definitely been helpful in getting me in a “Neighbor” mood.
The one I’m working on now is more like my last 2 updates -something slightly easier to deal with. Then again, fluff is like torture for me, so I’m certainly suffering through it, especially since I still don’t really “feel” the writing yet. But on a good note, provided I can finish this chapter, some cute art will be posted with it that I think you guys will like.
I’ve been suffering from frequent headaches, too, and that certainly has impeded my ability to concentrate. But hey, at least I’m trying, ne?
I’m making member cuts soon for people who haven’t reviewed or made their presence known in some time. I already said I won’t let anyone lurk. If they’re not showing that they still actively read the stories, they’re getting dismissed because I no longer know why they’re there. I’m pretty done with all aspects of mainstream fandom. I suffer through trying to update for those who care enough to show some appreciation for the effort. If you’re not in that number, you’re getting cut and I won’t re-issue your account. So yeah, keep that in mind.
You’ll also get cut if your review pisses me off, so mind your manners. Yep, I know that sounds controlling. It is. That’s my house and I don’t have to cater to anyone but myself. I write for the enjoyment of others, as my own enjoyment for such things have long passed. Therefore, the moment that changes, they need to go. It’s just that simple.
In other news, I intend to keep updating as much as I can, despite the RL issues. Don’t expect awesomesauce -I’m fucking suffering here, lol. But I’ll never update again if I don’t force it, so even if they’re filler-ish, I want to post something as opposed to absolutely nothing.
And please don’t inquire about when ‘this’ or ‘that’ will be updated; your guess is as good as mine. Whatever feels like it might cooperate is what I’m updating. That could be a story for 4 years ago, or 4 months ago. It really depends.
And I missed the fucking postman today -he had the autographed CD I won from U-KISS.