Beyond Redemption – Listen, Don’t Bullshit Me.

Listen, Don’t Bullshit Me.

Word to the wise.

If your account is locked, then you know why, because all the rules of my site were given to you when your membership request was approved. Now, since you know why you’re being blocked, don’t get cocky and try to bullshit me about what you did and didn’t do because I’m going to call you on your bullshit then ban you accordingly, got that? Yeah... Sure

I’ll explain this one more time for those who still don’t quite get it.

Reviewing isn’t optional anymore, nor is anyone required to comment on every single thing they read. Dropping a line every so often to let me know that you enjoy the fics and appreciate the effort is a small thing that takes you 2 minutes. Meanwhile, writing a chapter takes me hours, even days, along with a nice amount of CT pain. I feel, and rightfully so, that if my stories aren’t worth a few positive words, they shouldn’t be worth reading, either, and I will quickly relieve you of the ‘chore’.

So, if you’ve been fucking up and want back in, just own it, because most likely, the end result will be a warning. But the moment you start trying to BS me, I’m going to delete you.

And yes, it’s only fanfiction. But it’s my fanfiction and I get to decide who reads it.

Capiche? Big Smile

EDIT: For those who are still in a position to pop into Absolution, I’m about to update a blast from the past! I’m not done yet, but it will be sometime tonight, I’m sure.
*blows all the dust off* XD