Beyond Redemption – Blah.


So, I wasn’t saying anything, but I’m sick again. Been sick all week. Not with food poisoning, though, so I’ve been a little counterproductive still trying to do stuff, when I should be resting and such. I hate this shit. Seriously. I think I may have changed my mind about attending that k-pop concert. The stories I’m hearing about that group’s fanbase, and their behavior during concerts, is a serious turn off -and that’s in Korea. I can’t imagine how they’d act in the states where people wild out as easily as breathing…

I’ve also been checking out this show called Scandal. During my sickies, I’ve been holed up in bed with Netflix, and now, thanks to Kau, Hulu+, so I’m catching up on all of the episodes. It’s 10 times better than I thought it would be (I’m not a Kerry Washington fan, but I like her in this role. I just wish she’d have more than 2 facial expressions: Pissed off and pitiful). If you haven’t seen it, give it a try. You may be pleasantly surprised (ABC, Thursdays, 10PM in NYC).

I’m going to try to update this weekend, provided I can get my shit together. We’ll see.