Beyond Redemption – Hump Day Confessional: UGH. Just Ugh.

Hump Day Confessional: UGH. Just Ugh.

Today’s -Rapid Fire- Confession…

1. My fucking fridge isn’t working properly. The freezer is fine, but everything in my fridge is, like, room temperature. I’m so pissed off.

2. I’m sick of taking care of people. I’m sure that other frustrations are at play here, making me unbearably cranky, but really, I’m tired of being doused in other people’s fucking problems. I have enough of my own.

3. I’m less than 2 weeks away from my anniversary and I don’t even have one update ready. Not one. I’m so fucking disgusted. So much for my update tradition.

4. This root canal/crown thing is still not fucking finished. Dentist tomorrow, and again in a week. What the actual fuck?

5. The mailman is never accurate, not even for priority mail. Every time Kau sends me priority stuff, I feel like telling her not to bother because those fuckers can’t get shit right, ever.

6. Summer is almost here and I hate this fucking hot weather.

7. Been stuck on the same level of this FB game for, like, 4 days. WTF?

8. Right now, I just hate every-fucking-thing.
