Beyond Redemption – Birthday Grrrl!

Birthday Grrrl!

Tomorrow is my birthday! Yay! And I got new art to celebrate -3 to be exact. Two of IG with IY and one with IY alone (A birthday gift from Cati!), and boy, he’s looking GOOD in all of them! (^▽^)

In sucky news, I had to go to the ER today. I’ve had a headache for 4 days -a bad one- and since none of my migraine methods worked, I was worried enough (and in pain enough) to get some professional help. Turns out, I have a sinus congestion/swelling that is working in tandem with a migraine. A bunch of IV meds managed to stop the pain for a while, but now, hours later, I feel the pain coming back. This fucking sucks and is not at all how I wanted to spend my birthday. Oh, and I dropped my iPod and cracked the glass. I was on a fucking roll today.

Anyway, I’m working on my 2014 main site (I try to change it every year) and it should be done in a couple of days. I’m going to do a new skin for Absolution, too (Probably the one Cati made for me). I was hoping to have an update for tomorrow, but I’m not putting any stock in it. The pain in my head is a killer once it really gets going. It just blows that I’m dealing with this at all. s(・`ヘ´・;)ゞ

Anyway, I’m off!