Beyond Redemption – Nothing Yet.

Nothing Yet.

I was hoping to get an update out to you guys pronto, but it’s been busy and I’ve been in a shitty, non-writing mood. I have a concert on Sunday, doc appts and shit… the mood is just not here. That said, I’m still going to try to get something out to you guys in the next week and a half. Fan Month is still tentative. I’m hoping to get my mood -and overall care- for fanfic back by then, but keep in mind that April is tentative and it may get pushed back a bit. I should probably do it in June when my anniversary hits, but I don’t want to wait that long (and I’m sure you don’t, either), so just gimme some time to get my shit together.

Thanks for the unending patience and kind comments at the site.
I really appreciate it! Crying

ALSO: I have some upgrades to make at my domain (all IG [dot] Net sites/internal and external). The plan is to keep all of the sites open while I do them, but don’t be shocked if you lose access to one for a while.