Beyond Redemption – Work. Ugh.

Work. Ugh.

I’ve been busy lately -busier than usual. I have work stuff going on and haven’t had time to try writing. It all kinda hit unexpectedly, but I’ve got some free time this week, so I’m going to try and get a chapter out. Not sure which, but it will be one of the ones you guys voted on. UGH, Fan Month is a curse, lol. Something always happens when I try it!

But anyway, the only fics I’m working on ATM will be the ones that were voted on. I want to get those out first -if I can- then I’ll see about the others. I have definitely moved on from IY fanfic, which sucks since I have so many things I want to do for you guys, but while I’m not really in it anymore, I’m still going to attempt to finish a few things before I pack it in.

I haven’t gotten a chance to read the reviews you guys have left recently, but I’ll be doing that this week as well. And big thanks to the lovelie who sent me the letter of thanks and appreciation (I won’t name names for privacy’s sake). It means a lot to know that through all the insanity, my little fanworks made someone genuinely happy. (。´ ‿`♡)

Until soon!