Beyond Redemption – [FICTION] New Mailinglist

[FICTION] New Mailinglist

Hello All, long time no see!

Due to changes with yahoos groups, I’ll be changing my mailing list. If you’d like to keep receiving notifications when I update, take a minute to sign up for the new mailing list at my fiction site. Btw, your device or computer may say the link is “suspicious” or from an “untrusted” site, but that isn’t the case. It’s run by Bravenet, and they’ve been around FOREVER. So don’t worry!

As for updates, I’ve been away for a long time due to personal and health reasons, but I’m slowly cleaning up my sites with the full intention of picking my stories up so I can give everyone some closure. That is, if you guys are still interested. I mean, hey, if you want to read my crap, it’s there. If you don’t, you don’t! (✌’ω’)✌

Anyway, if you ARE still around, thanks for sticking it out all these years!
I’ve always enjoyed weaving tales for y’all (when I can)! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و
