Beyond Redemption – I Like You In That, Like I Like You To Scream…

I Like You In That, Like I Like You To Scream…

I haven’t been writing for the last two days, mostly to give my hands a rest (I’m listening to you, Alex! :D). Only, I hate those necessary breaks because A) I still end up using my hands for other things, and B) It takes me off my game.

So now that I’m eyeing my outline for the next chapter of If I Want To, I’m having a hard time starting. I know exactly what will happen in each “section”, as I call them, but getting it written is proving icky (plus this one may be a bit long as well). I know it’s a miracle that I even want to do this right now (I take death hard, even if it wasn’t someone I interacted with daily), so I have to take things slow and try not to push myself or I could end up in a writing rut that takes weeks to shake off. (I sooooo don’t want that >.<). But I'm definitely shooting to have something posted for that fic by the end of the week. And *squee* for Money. Power. Respect. winning the poll for the story you most want to see get completed. You’re going to LOVE the new art for it. That, I can promise with confidence. 😀 Not sure when it will get posted, but I’m going to try and get an outline going for it soon because I do want you guys to get an ending for that as well (along with Knife of Romance, Hikari, and The Neighbor ^^)

Ciao, bellas! <3 Have a taste of Hakuron


    • avatarLindsay says:

      Oh my gosh! You turned the comments back on! ~.^

      I’m glad you’re starting to enjoy writing again! I hope that nothing breaks your stride cause you really seem to love to do it when the inspiration comes to you (and when others in fandom don’t “irritate” you).

      How’re you doing? Hope everything is going well! So far I’m enjoying “If I want to”, but I can’t seem to find time to read a chapter is one sitting! AHHH!!!!!! OH BTW I’m having interviews for a full time job so keep your fingers crossed for me please! (I need all the good luck I can get!)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Linds!!! 😀

      Yeah, I keep forgetting that they’re off by default, but I’m gonna switch that today. Comments SHOULD be on, so I can holla at people through someplace other than Abi (since I’m barely on Twit or FB).

      How are you, girl?! I’m totally wishing you GLOBS AND GLOBS of support and luck from NYC. I know you’ve been wanting something like this for a while. <3 As long as you’re happy, ya know? I hope the job at least does that for you.

      WAAAAH! I’m glad you like the new fic! When the words flow, I honestly do love to write. I even say, “Retire? No way! Not until I’ve told all the stories I have locked in my head!” But on days when I’m struggling, or feedback is crappy, I’m like, “Why am I doing this again?” Vicious cycle.

      Right now, I’m trying to stay happy with it and get more chapters done. Hopefully the inspiration continues (especially since I’m bound and determined to ignore anyone and everyone that annoys me.).