Fan Appreciation Month?
Remember Fan Appreciation Week?
If you don’t, it may have been before you started reading my stuff. I used to take one full week to update every single WIP in the stable as a “thanks” to the people who read and review my works. Well, I have a HELLUVA lot of WIPS now, which makes a ‘week’ impossible. Therefore, I was thinking about a Fan Appreciation Month, but still, I have too many things to update to think about doing them all in 30 days.
Hence, the poll. Every voter is allowed 3 choices. Choose the ones you’d like to see updated the most. Depending on the scores, I’ll post a list of what I’ll update and when the F.A. Month will begin. Last time I attempted this I bombed it by getting busy and being unable to get it going. I’m really going to try to do it this time when I think I’ll have a better schedule. So vote for your faves! ^___^