When You Shouldn’t Bother to Request a Reader Account.
If you “can’t find the password”, don’t bother.
If you don’t understand what an introduction is, don’t bother.
And for heaven’s sake…
If you know you haven’t reviewed my work in years, don’t bother.
Three times this week I’ve had people request accounts from me who haven’t reviewed in 5 years or more (Yes, I can tell you exactly when you reviewed, how many times, all that), and even then, it was 4 times or less.
Seriously? o_O
If you haven’t said a word in my house almost since I opened the fucking place, and you think I’ll let you in now, here’s your answer before you send the e-mail: NO HAPS.
I have a “time frame” when it comes to giving accounts, and if you haven’t reviewed within that time frame, you’re not getting in. If you couldn’t bother to show the stories you claim to like so much some comment love nearly since the site’s inception, why on earth ask now?
And yup, I do sound bitchy, but for real, that’s a little too brazen for me. I feel a sense of loyalty to the people who’ve been showing my work love all along and they’re who I continue to write for, not those who blow in once in a blue moon, or only know how to use their keyboards after they’ve been cut off.
Anyway, I have a super busy 2 weeks ahead, helping with a prom and a graduation. I’m all >.< because it collides with my 7th anniversary and what I wanted to accomplish by then, but I'll do my best to give you guys a lil sumthin' for 7 years of insanity. XD
Kevin Time!