Beyond Redemption – Update & New Poll

Update & New Poll

So, I have a new poll up that may help determine which stories actually receive proper endings. As you can see, you can vote more than once, so…

Anyway, I was a bit busy for these last 2 days and didn’t get to any writing, but I’ll probably work on something today. I’m still getting my fanfic footing after a 4 month hiatus, so you know the drill: Don’t expect too much and you won’t be disappointed. Those with accounts should also start reviewing if they haven’t done so because not doing so will cost you over time. I no longer write for free. If you enjoyed the updated, it won’t kill you to say so, and if it will kill you, then you don’t need to be a member anymore. Simple as that.
To those who have been reviewing, thanks! I appreciate it muchly!

Gonna try to work on a new short I mentioned a while back, too, but no promises. I still have a lot of fictions to deal with and I owe two giftfics. @_@