Hump Day Confessional: People Have the Wrong Idea.
Today’s Confession…
I think I’m a little too nice. I know I have this “rep” for being a bitch, but that’s such bullshit. Anyone who knows me will tell you otherwise. I just have a low threshold for crap after years of abuse at the hands of internet strangers who are abnormally obsessed with cartoon characters and need to get out more often…
People tend to ask/want/expect things of me all the time and it’s like… really? What makes you think that I, an only child, was born to serve/offer/do things for you? What makes you feel like you have a right to ask for/expect favors from me? Very few have that privilege and I’m not adding to the list anytime soon. As for myself, I don’t expect people to do things for me, not even when it comes to something as small as replying to an e-mail. If they choose to, that’s great. If they don’t, trust, I won’t keep annoying them. I tend to treat people according to the way that I think. I don’t expect anyone to rush for me or be at my beck and call. It’s great if they are, and I’ll return the favor when they need me, but I don’t expect it. However, because I tend to keep my cool, I think people assume that I’m some sort of pushover without knowing that my increased silence usually isn’t a good thing, but the calm before the cut off. I don’t argue or fight with people anymore. It takes just ONE time for you to step over my line and You. Are. Done.
The internet makes cowards brave and makes normally cool people ridiculously aloof and outlandish because of the anonymity factor. To me, that’s no way to live. Whatever I say to you online is what I’d say to your face. There’s no split personality with me, and if I wouldn’t dare to say something awful to your face, I won’t be a pussy and say it online. That’s the epitome of childishness (Hence why I don’t flame and “wank” people. Stupid, 3rd grade shit that doesn’t make sense to anyone who isn’t a loser).
I won’t impose on you unnecessarily, nor will I infringe on your time with no thought to how you feel. I won’t bother you with random nonsense and I won’t come at you like you owe me something ( >.> Unless I paid you. Then you do owe me something!) Anyway, the point is, I don’t owe anyone anything and I wish people would remember that… before I have to remind them.