Hump Day Confessional: To Publish or Not to Publish…
Today’s Confession…
I’m not really interested in getting published.
I’m probably the only fanfic author to say this, but becoming a published author isn’t really a goal. It’s just not why I write, not at all. At this point, I write for the lovelies, but even when I was gung ho about it, I wasn’t doing so in order to build an audience that would then follow me into my originals. That kind of thinking is fucking lame. I mean, sure, it’s always an honor when people tell me that they enjoy my stuff so much they’d want to read my non-IY works, too, but I don’t write with those thoughts in mind.
Back then, I wrote because I loved InuYasha and had fun telling stories. Still do. But with my hands and other crap, writing is only for the fans now. Twice, since becoming an IY writer, I got correspondence from people in the publishing industry. They were interested in having me submit some original work. Whatever they were looking for, they must have thought I had it, but I declined. I know myself and my abhorrence of deadlines. I write when I’m feeling it; it’s not a switch I can shut on at will. I would have just dragged myself into a place that offered more pressure than I wanted to deal with, so that was that.
Will I ever try in the future? Maybe, but again, it’s not a must. Right now, I’m okay with the way things are. I write when I want to and that’s good enough for me.