I need to vent and I don’t give a shit who feels what about it. I have a fucking gripe, so fuck that. (-_-)
I’ve been catching the new episodes of InuYasha, and I have to say, if they were looking for me to be more compassionate toward the Kikyou-fucking-SAGA that has been going on all this time, I’m not. If anything, my mellowness toward her is all but gone. I mean, yeah. In the beginning, I made her a villain just like most Inu/Kags fans did because, fuck it, we hate her ass. However, I have since mellowed in a big way and have even made her a good guy in several stories. So, in essence, I have learned to tolerate her.
Yeah, well, I’m pissed off now. It was bad enough that we had to sit through that dragging manga for over a decade, watching, with increasing agitation, as RT fawned all over Kikyou and shit all over Kagome. (Yes, I said it. ) But to see that shit played out live and in color really pissed me -the fuck- off.
Last week, we got to see InuYasha bitch up, BAWL over her -and KISS her- when she finally, FINALLY ate dirt. This week, we get to see him depressed and ridiculous. Next week, we get to see the “blood tears” episode (a manga chap I would BURN if I could) and I’m just sickened.
They are splicing manga chaps left and right to make it all fit into what we assume will be 26 episodes, but isn’t it funny that none of the Kikyou-related shit is being cut out? Naw, we get to sit through ALL of that, and why? Because she is clearly the creator’s favorite.
Am I the only one who feels fucking cheated?
I don’t give a RAT’S ASS about the fact that InuYasha and Kagome ended up together in the end, not when she is clearly (and thank you, Selina!) a consolation prize. Yes, she IS. Who really fucking believes Kagome would be his first choice if Kikyou had lived? Come on…
RT has made it abundantly, ridiculously, disturbingly clear that InuYasha is, and will always be, stuck on Kikyou, and as someone that has invested time and money into this shit for YEARS, I feel completely fucking hoodwinked.
If it was all about Kikyou, why not make this a Inu/Kik manga from the start and stop jerking us around with the 3-way bullshit? We got NO kiss, at all, EVER. We got NO confession of love. We got NO wedding.
That’s bullshit, and sadly, I can see why some people do Kagome/Sesshomaru stories. Some people just can’t forgive InuYasha for all that he did to her, and if I didn’t love that hanyou bastard so much, I’d join them. But really, we know who’s to blame in this. His creator, who people seem to endlessly praise as if her drawing hands are attached to God’s wrists. ::hard eyeroll::
Is InuYasha a stroke of brilliance? Absolutely.
Is she talented and awesome? Without question.
Did she do right by the Inu/Kags sect? Hell no, and I don’t care who doesn’t agree with me.
I’ve been sealing up this rant for AGES, but after seeing that preview, I couldn’t hold it in another minute. RT makes me HATE InuYasha at times, and I fucking despise that about her.
So, it comes down to this: Will they take a few liberties with the anime and give us something that will properly validate the Inu/Kags relationship, or will we get that same fucking slop we got in the manga? I’m leaning toward the latter. Shit, if it wasn’t for the movies, which, from what I understand, aren’t really in her hands, we would have NEVER seen a kiss between them and that’s fucking sad.
If we don’t get something decent, I’m not going to be buying any new merchandise for myself. Fuck that. Why should I financially support this millionaire when I can’t even get a kiss between my favorite pairing? Naw, let the other suckers continue to fill her pockets.
EDIT: I feel so much better now that I’ve finally vented, lol. I think being hungry (I hadn’t eaten all day) contributed a lot to my snarkiness, but I still mean what I said. We need proper validation or I’m just totally writing that manga off. Yes, it IS complete, but what makes something legendary? The fact that no matter how old it may be, it is still appreciated and revered. I’d like to feel that way about InuYasha, but at present, I really can’t.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 0:16
THANK YOU! I’ve been wanting to say pretty much the same thing since the last episode…and I’m REALLY not looking forward to next weeks episode. I agree with you though RT totally should have given us SOMETHING! I’ve never read any interviews by her and from you said about her view on Kikyou I don’t think I ever will…:(
I’m like you, hoping the anime creators will give us alittle something. Oh well..I’m still a die hard Kag/Inu fan.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 2:49
Amen, Grrrl! >..> chat with RT.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 2:56
Okay….my entire post got cut *scratches head*:
Amen, Grrrl! -.- It is annoying how much she’s dragging this out and how much of a WEENIE she’s making InuYasha. Thats why I was cheering when Kagome gave Kouga that long-ass goodbye hug and when Kouga told him to get over it. What really gets me mad, though is that Kikyou and InuYasha haven’t just kissed once, but a FEW times and we don’t even get one canon kiss. Not only that, but this is the THIRD time she’s died. Its getting old and dragging it out for multiple episodes isn’t fun for us watching. Thank God for Sessh taking over the last episode. It got better from there when he had to save Rin (which was really cool to watch played out. Usually Sessh bores me, but the episode brought on some unexpected squees, especially when he held her thinking that making his sword stronger wasn’t worth it if she died…and Jaken/SesshMama was funny, too). But yeah…I’m not looking forward to that next one either.
…btw, RT has a really short manga called “Fire Tripper” that came before InuYasha, but the stories are practically the same only no Kikyou-esque characters and an actual kiss. Maybe you’d like it. The main characters are exactly like Yash/Kag except the girl looks like Sango. It mirrors IY a lot but its short (50-something pages), sweet, and without the annoying bits (“Ai Kisugi’s” FFN bio page has a link to the manga scans if you’re interested. There’s an OVA floating around the internet, too, which I haven’t seen).
I’m keeping my fingers crossed for something nice to happen with Inu/Kag, but I doubt it in which case me and my black-friday easy bake oven might have to fly to Japan and have a little.. “chat” with RT, lol 😉
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 2:58
Ignore that first comment. For some reason it got cut off in a wierd way. I reposted it in full, but its not showing up -.-
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 17:11
Lol….sis you know that I’m always on your side..but I can’t be on this one not in full anyway. I can see why you need to say all of this. I may not have to say what i’m about to, but I don’t think anyone else will. So I’ll say it and then leave it along k.
Kikyo was a pain in the ass for many reasons. But I knew she wasn’t meant to ALWAYS be hated cuz to hate her is to hate Kagome((oh she pisses me off lot sometimes! lol)). InuYasha wouldn’t have been able to have Kikyo. Why? Kikyo as a person wasn’t in the right time or place for him. Her soul is what belongs to him. Sadly NO one gets that. If you knew how fate works you would see Kagome isn’t a consolation prize as you put it. She IS the part of Kikyo’s soul that was meant to walk beside him not in front of him like kikyo would have if he was human. Now that doesn’t mean Kags is kikyo more like the soul that longed for him..loves him. Now they had to keep all the kikyo parts that we saw. I think Inuyasha has every right to cry for her and have that last kiss((I was to busy understanding his pain to care for it really lol.)) Let’s be real the time that he comes from, you don’t just move on after all he’s be through. No mother, father, living on his own around six, everyone wants to kill you and a brother that seems to hate him. just when he thinks he has someone the shit goes oh so wrong and even if he has Kags by his side now, He can just sit there and go “well off we go kill naraku, that bitch kikyo is die.” Now as for kags I most say I don’t like it when people are always on her side. They are not dating at the moment, yet she acts like the are at times. Just as Inuyasha hasn’t said “I love you” nor has Kagome. She said “i’ll stay by your side” he said “I’ll protect you” so in way the both said the same things. He loved kikyo and for him it was like a day ago he was pin to that tree yet kags knew kouga for a second and she let him say whatever he want to her sat inuyasha over half the time. I’m not saying yash hasn’t had his moments of being a dick but…..really what did everyone think was going to happen?((I could say soo much on that but what’s point? lol)) The story is about him not kags or kikyo as big of part as they may play. As for the Kagome being his first choice if Kikyou had lived. Well really kagome would be. Why or How? Kikyo was the walking dead. If she lived to help beat Naraku she would end up dieing anyway and not going to hell. Kikyo ask Inu if he remember what she ask him to do because a part of her knew she was wrong to ask that of him back then. He wouldn’t have been happy as human because he wouldn’t really be himself. Yet it was the only way for her at the time to be with.((there a long thing about that but I don’t think you world care lolz)) The bottom line is fate gave him kagome she IS his soul mate. She was born in a time a place where her heart could be free unlike kikyo was. She didn’t have to look for was to change him because of that. It’s almost the point of everything happening the way it does. Now I do believe that we NEED to see a kiss between Inu & Kags and that falls on the anime. RT leave her fans to paint that picture, she’s just like that with some of her work I don’t like it! So I hope the anime will make it wonderful. I mean the change parts in the past so why not now. At the end understand the story I would buy it.((but that just me lmaf)) Now I know that in end you just want it to show more that Inuyasha loves kags; and kikyo is just gone over all. And we’ll get that so let it all out now then breathe and get back to watching him, he is too damn cute to not watch lolz. I could say more but I’m better at talking about what I know on Inu then i am typing it…I can move faster as well as say talking lolz.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 21:17
Kid Sissy ^^
All VERY good points and I am not going to knock your flow at all. I agree with most of it, too. However, I stand by consolation prize. I don’t think he would choose Kagome if Kikyou had lived -and yes- I understand what you’re saying about the souls. But I read a story once that made a plausible point. Kikyou is from 500 years in the past and Kagome is from the future. If he chose Kikyou over Kagome and sent her back to her own time, they would both live since they would be living in completely different eras. At some point in the past, due to old age or whatever, Kikyou would eventually die so that kagome could be born 500 years later. (Hope I explained that correctly). So, again, I think if he was given a choice knowing that both would still be allowed to live at some point, he would choose Kikyou.
And no, InuYasha didn’t say he loved her (Kagome) during the manga. I wasn’t asking for that. I was asking to hear some form of confession at the end that he loved her and was choosing her for her and not because she was all he could have. We probably won’t see eye to eye on that, but that’s how I feel. RT could have done better by us in that regard; it’s just a fact.
I also agree that the story is about him. That’s actually the way I like to write. All my stories are about him and whatever turns his life is going to take. But that said, RT made a point of making a very complicated and frustrating love triangle and that takes away from it just being about him because she made us feel for other characters. (I accept that when I write/read fanfic as well.) And you should know better than most that I’m not a hardcore Kagome fan. You’ve read my shit – I try to give her all the grief that other writers seem to reserve for InuYasha. 😛 However, I do believe she is the one for him, so I defend them as a couple.
Now, the crying. I hated it and I’m not going to front on that. I cried when I saw it. I cried because his pain killed me, but that doesn’t mean that I was so wrapped up in that that I didn’t feel anger. I did. Lots of it. I don’t think it’s necessary to drag out every little thing with them. It’s enough because it’s been all about Kikyou for too long (IMO). I don’t want to see the endless pining; it sickens me and that’s probably why I reject canon. I will read 1000 AU fictions before I’ll consider one canon. Why? Because I’m sick of the scenarios that play out from it, and to be honest, the whole triangle just made me develop a dislike for the story itself. That’s why, as a fan, I have all of the box sets, but I haven’t watched them more than once. I also have all of the manga on my computer and all of the books that have been released thus far. I’ve read through them ONCE, and some chapters and books I skipped outright, because again, RT has made me dislike the canon story enough that I’m not all that interested.
Now, when she finally ended it, I said, okay. I’m going to give her the benefit and follow this to the end and see if she makes up for all this back and forth shit. Yeah, well, she didn’t and my aversion for the canon story tripled. So, unless she shows us something at the end of this anime, the canon, for me, is written off. I don’t even think I’m going to buy this season when it gets to DVD. I’m not happy with much of the last few chapters of the manga, and the end? Pfft. It’s not worth the $120 it’ll costs me.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 21:39
I’m so happy that someone thinks the same way about this manga and RT. I admit, I overall enjoy reading this manga, but I always wished for something more for Kagome and Inuyasha. The movies and fanfics sort of helped.
Thank you so much for sharing your views. I always felt some sort of anger for this manga (part of it has to deal with the length and the ending), but was unable to properly express it. This post has really helped me sort of my feelings about RT and Inuyasha. Also, after watching the latest preview for the episode, I’m debating whether or not to watch it because I had such a hard time reading it. Maybe, I should wait until after I read the reviews about the episode. I’m so nervous and anxious now.
I also pray and hope the anime creators give us something more in the end.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 21:40
How weird. I got your whole reply here, but it didn’t show for you and that’s happened to others, too. Hm. WordPress has a new update but I haven’t installed it yet. I wonder if that will solve the problem…. *puts on her ‘to do’ list*
Thanks for venting with me! 😛 I was just so damned heated over seeing all the shit I hated about the end of the manga being played out like that. (-_-) I feel better now, though, and I can even appreciate opinions that differ, lol. However, my mind is made up on that front. The abuse of that love triangle made me dislike the canon story a great deal, which is why I write AU. Others can love canon until the cows come home – to each his own and I won’t knock them. But me? I’m done with it ALL if we don’t get a kiss or some-damn-thing.
I think I want to see this Fire Tripper thing! Can you get me a link? Or is it on her profile at ED? I wouldn’t mind checking out something that doesn’t include a third wheel. >.> And yes, she actually died (or was believed to be dead) like 4 times. WTF? DIE ALREADY, DAMN YOU! LOL.
Hallelujah for Sesshomaru. He saved that fucking episode. I absolutely LOVED him in it. Like you, he usually bores me and I find him hard to pen, but he was brilliant in this epi and I loved his relationship with Rin. Jaken and Sess-mama was also a hilarious treat. (Little youkai. *rofl*)So that made up for the aggravation of watching the hanyou mope. The blood tears… I may skip that one. I’m just so sick of him and Kikyou that I don’t want to be bothered. But knowing me, I’ll watch anyway and be annoyed all over again. LOL.
*Grabs an easy bake oven and waits with you* >.>
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 21:59
Hey Linds! 😀
I think a lot of us have been wanting to bitch about that 3-way retardation, but some are so caught up into the canon story that they don’t want to say anything negative about it. Either that, or they sincerely love it and think it’s peachy. *shrugs* I’m obviously not one of those people. I’ve invested a lot of time in those characters and I feel pretty unsatisfied. At first, i was just so happy that she said they were married that I was willing to give RT a pass for all of this. But that shininess wore off a long time ago, and with these new episodes, it’s turning to downright tarnish. So, I got my bitch on and now I feel better. 😀
And hey, I don’t expect everyone to agree with me. One of the only cool things about fandom is that as fans, we’re all entitled to our views and no one is really right or wrong. But I think every I/K fan can agree that we didn’t get what we really deserved to see in the end.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 22:17
Hey Daisy!
Welcome to Redemption. 😀
Now that you’ve made a comment that was approved, you shouldn’t be forced to wait for moderation next time. ^_^
*scores one more for the frustrated I/K fan* 😀
I’m glad my bitch fest was useful for you. I just couldn’t take it another second! I mean, yes, the manga is over and all, but the frustration remains and that’s what makes it a lot less than “awesome” for me when I watch the new episodes. Like, I’m glad they brought InuYasha back to the screen one more time. However, a lot of it just isn’t enjoyable for me because the manga wasn’t (by the end). And I’m with you: The movies (somewhat) and the fanfics have helped curb some of my irritation, but you know how it goes. Only the one that hurts you can make it better, and since RT is the one that screwed us over, only she truly has the power rectify this. Sadly, though, I don’t think she’s going to. I believe it ended exactly the way she wanted it to and that ending was crappy.
I’m also with you on this next episode. I don’t know if I’m going to watch it. I’m tired of being angry with InuYasha and if I see these blood tears I’m going to be pissed all over again. *sigh* I mean, we know what happens, and seeing it played out is just… urg. So, we’ll see. But one thing is for certain, if we don’t get some liberties at the end, I won’t be buying this last season on DVD. I get the special edition box sets and they cost about $120 in NYC. I already have all of the regular seasons and I won’t shell out another hunk of cash like that for a bundle of disappointment.
Sunday, 29 November, 2009 at 22:27
Fire Tripper – http://kuroi-hoshi.org/firetripper/gallery/images/firetripper_manga/scans/
I’m seeing the comment too now, but when I posted it it didn’t show up at all. The first one got cut because I think it read something as html.*shrugs*
Hope you enjoy Fire Tripper 😀 !
Monday, 30 November, 2009 at 0:37
OMG, I read the whole thing and it was so cute! It’s basically Sango and InuYasha, lol. (because, let’s face it, that was definitely the first Human InuYasha and she looks a LOT like Sango!) I like how RT tricked you with the sibling angle, too. Really fun to read! Thanks for sending the link!
And speaking of links…
My friend sent me that. Read the synopsis and KNOW why Kikyou fans fuel the fires of hatred. LOL.
Monday, 30 November, 2009 at 3:36
I have many things I could say to really help you see what I mean on everything. And like I said I’m still with you some parts just not all. I see the over all points and facts to the story and that’s why I can say this. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not here to say what you should think I just know many don’t get some of the reasons the canon is the why it is. So I wanted to say something on it v.s saying nothing ya know. To really get why kikyo wouldn’t be you have to understand how spirits, demon, soul and all that work((even if you believe or don’t believe in them for the story they’re real and that plays are part)) The way RT set it up it just wouldn’t happen if did he wouldn’t pick kikyo still for the same reason and more. Again better talking it if you really wanted to know and it goes faster lolz so we won’t go there for now. Now I know your not on her side(kags) but almost everyone acts like she been done so wrong by him and that sucks. In end you’ll think and believe what you want and that’s fine all the more reason to love ya. I’ll watch the anime but it’s too many chapter for me to look more then once lol. And I want a kiss shit hot love under the star would make my day….to bad the last part won’t happen lol. But I love it(the over story) cuz understand it if I thought it was like you said I would’ve watch the anime at all…trust me…wouldn’t even be here now lol. So I will buy it you have, you don’t too….in fact…you can give me all your seasons haha jk jk!!! I mean the fact that in the end inu & kags are together is cool wit me. Like I said I just want to speak on it nothing more. We don’t have to see eye to eye on this. I love ya anyway and as long as you make sexy, real, lovable, fun and even sometimes sad fics about my baby InuYasha it all good big sis. *hugs* Now….how is Ever After coming??
Monday, 30 November, 2009 at 7:59
You know, Kid Sissy, my blog spammed you. o.O It’s like, giving everyone the business lately. >.> If I hadn’t checked the spam folder, I never would have got this. Lawd!
Okay, the canon. If it didn’t cost me so much (and if I don’t love that hanyou so much) I just may have sent those seasons to you! lol. But seriously, in the beginning, I was the same way. Right after it ended, I was like, ok. They’re together and I can live with that. But increasingly, I’m finding that that isn’t enough.
In the end, this is her creation and we’re just playing in her garden. I accept that because that’s how I am about my fics. I don’t want anyone telling me how to write them, but I also don’t make money off them. I’ve always been of the belief that once you take someone’s money, you have an obligation to them. That’s why I don’t accept donations for Eternal Destiny (and people have actually offered!). I would feel like I owe them something, and in essence, I would because they’ve invested in what I was doing.
She makes money off IY (that’s why she’s a millionaire) so she shouldn’t just please a certain sect. We should all be considered fairly. I could have forgiven her all if she had given us a kiss at the end, or a confession of love, but she obviously refused. So, she tore her ass with me. *shrugs* She doesn’t know I’m alive, so it doesn’t matter, lol.
In the end, regardless of demons, souls, whatever, a person wrote a story that could have went any way she wanted it to go, regardless of all the mythical stuff. She chose the path she wanted and many of us resent her for that. It is what it is.
And yes, we’ll always disagree, but you’re still my sissy! 😛 *hugs*
I’ve been working on a new story -it has an OC from Africa- and it’s been eating up my time, but I’m having a blast! You should check it out. It’s called All The Things You Never Say. The response thus far has been really supportive and I’m on chap. 3. Oh, and I have a question! Do you commission video work? If so, what do you charge?
Monday, 30 November, 2009 at 20:15
“This manga is about Kikyou’s quest…”
Really? *scratches head* I could’ve sworn I was reading “InuYasha”…
Wowwwwwwww. Kikyou was important to the story..there’s no doubting that, but even if what was happening was her going to fight Naraku, Naraku trying to kill her, or her coming up with a way to defeat or do something, directly and indirectly all she did was cause a whole lotta tension between Yash/Kag. In the end, it was InuYasha and co (Kikyou’s “bumbling reincarnation” included) who defeated the bad guy and saved the world. She might’ve helped but IMO she was one big…annoying…plot device. Not the whole freakin’ story.
Haha, and I’m glad you liked Fire Tripper 😀 The main characters are adorable! Definetely human Yasha and Sango, except this guy knows what he wants 😉 and no Kikyou! When I first read it I saw a lot of IY in it but it had everything I wished would’ve been included in the IY ending, too. *shrugs* But there’s always fanfiction/fanart, though.
Monday, 30 November, 2009 at 21:42
I said the same thing when I read that. “When did this become “Kikyou” instead of “InuYasha”? >.>
And yes, she was a very annoying, over-exaggerated plot device that should have stayed dead, to be honest. I would have enjoyed the canon SO much more if Urasue had never brought her back. That’s when everything just took a turn for the fucking worse. They could have told the entire story without ever having her there being a pain in our asses, delightfully serving no purpose other than providing an unnecessary triangle of bullshit. There was NO reason to literally bring her back. None, not when their story could have been told in flashbacks. (Okay, fine. Her being there fed the Naraku angle, but really, who cares about him? >.> I would have been happy to see less of that asshead, too!)
Anyway, off to pleasant stuff! I loved Fire Tripper. She obviously wanted to re-do it with more flair, hence the creation of InuYasha, but like you said, this had everything you want to see between the lead pairing. And girl, when I saw him in that bed when he was going to kiss her? I almost swallowed my tongue because he looked so much like my Human Yasha. Loved him instantly! Also, that part where they were teasing him about “Bedding that wench” and he showed up at the barn and leaned in the doorway eyeing her? I squeed loud and proud!
Why couldn’t we get that with InuYasha, damn it?! I bet she did that to us, in part, because she didn’t want to have both stories end the same way, but still. She could have given us something for all these years of devotion. Like the “almost” kiss in Kagome’s bedroom. Why couldn’t we at least have that in its entirety?! Argh.
*walks off grumbling*
Monday, 30 November, 2009 at 23:35
Okay!! You tell it like it is!! I agree with so much you said and second tons of it. But with Kagome being the consolation prize… not so much now. Before, through a good chunk of the manga, oh goodness yes!!! That was most certainly what it was leaning towards! I felt the same way that InuYasha was seeing Kagome just as that.
Then as it wore on, as the bond between InuYasha and Kagome developed, strengthened and grew I could see that he was struggling with his honour and his heart. He was trapped forever in a state after being revived from his death of when he and Kikyou were making plans that he was unable to go forward in his life and Live. So he was ‘dead’ for a better word.
He wrapped his guilt over ‘causing Kikyou’s death’ like a royal mantle and the make me reach through the screen to smack peoples upside the head with the so-called ‘promise’ of going to hell. There never was a promise. Just an acceptance, a sense of duty that if it made Kikyou’s enraged and tormented soul be at peace to be in hell with her then he would sacrifice himself to appease her, to make up for his sins.
Did he and Kikyou love each other? Not in the sense or depth in which he and Kagome does. They may have grown to love the other evenutally who knows. They were both drawn together and bonded over mutual loneliness and the desperate need to be a part of society, to be ‘among the faceless masses’, to not stand out. Is this a good base for love, not one that will last the test.
Kikyou’s body is made of clay, grave-dirt and charred bits of bone. No heart pumps blood, no tummy growling loudly to announce the need for food. She is dead and is living off the souls of other dead women. What about these souls she is destroying? What about their reincarnations? No one cared about their suffering.
Had they actually gone ahead and used the jewel like planned they would have ended up separating. InuYasha and Kikyou both would have sought other partners eventually because what they needed for a successful marriage wasn’t there.
No what they had was a definite lust and desire for normalacy. Excuse the pun “puppy love”which once the Dazzle of the Sparkle (yes I am using Twitlight references here) dulled and flaked off… there would be nothing left. Toss in that Kikyou was a mature woman she was 19 when she died – the attraction boys/teens have for beautiful older women. He held her up upon a pedestal, idolized her, adored her. Yes, they did care for each other.
What did they have beyond being lonely and desperate for fitting? Not much.
InuYasha and Kagome have something so much deeper and more powerful than what he had with Kikyou. They grew together. They saw each other in the worst and the best. They complimented the other and in being both strong willed created in the other the ways to grow as a person. They stood by each other through it all. If InuYasha was so much wanting Kikyou he would have been hell bent to stay by her side, he would have found a way to travel with her or at least to follow her but he didn’t. He returned to Kagome. Always.
Another thing is: Kikyou secretly harbouring Onigumo and caring for him. This was also important. Very important. She was keeping secrets. If she kept this from InuYasha, what else would she keep from him? How many would she keep? Kaede was also keeping that secret as well from InuYasha. How many others has Kaede kept from him?
Did RT shove Kikyou this and Kikyou that down our throats? YES!
Did RT cheat the Inu/Kag lovers in the series? HELL YES!
Is RT a royal Bi-itch for not having them kiss? Let me scream YES very loudly!
The possibility that RT just seriously condensed the ending chapter? Lord Tunderin’ Jesus (Newfie cussing) YES!YES!YES! I do believe that she may have thought to do a better ending (with kisses, marriage etc) then said fuck it and give us what she did.
Do I want to have a one on one afternoon talk with RT? YES! *shrugs* but it’ll never happen so…
But I did understand the ending. Kagome and InuYasha both grew up. THEY needed to grow up more. They needed to be separated to see what they had wasn’t just a fling, a desire/need created by the intensity of the situation but real Love. Kagome seriously needed her time to grow up. She came to the SJ as one hell of a spoiled brat. Did she acknowledge her part in the tragedies of the shards? Not one bit.
She returned to InuYasha as a Woman. A Mature person who can and will have a strong everlasting bond of Love with InuYasha and vice versa. Can InuYasha say the actual words to Kagome? I’m not sure.
Another thing… He showed his dog traits to Kagome (ie scratching his ear with his foot – chasing his tail around the table – catching pigeons – scenting trails – digging holes) , he let his guard down that much with her whereas he tried to be ‘human’ around Kikyou. He acted like a street/gang kid towards her but never once showed his nature.
And speaking of Dog traits. Yes, he went chasing the shiny ‘car’ aka Kikyou, went off to Kikyou but his nature brought him back to the one he has formed the deep bond and love with: Kagome. That part of his Nature, of what creature he is made itself very clear. His subconscious self picked Kagome.
The crying he did over Kikyou? That was him finally – finally- accepting her death as a reality. That what they had is finished. That he can grieve now, properly grieve. He never had the chance before for this reality of this to truly sink in and be accepted when Kikyou was brought back. So he, in his mind, switched that truth off.
Well, at least that is how I’m looking at it. *giggles* And will happily keep playing with Inu. Needless to say the Anime team is the burn for Kikyou and of course will hump those Kikyou parts to milk them for as long as they can. All we need now is Kagome parroting off Sit! And for them to make her a crybaby and vindictive.
>.> what can I say…. the fit I work myself into over the Kikyou This, Kikyou That could be a sign I really enjoy punishing and tormenting myself….
Tuesday, 1 December, 2009 at 6:51
Aw not cool! I’m too loved to be spammed(jk jk lolz)! Damn I almost had the seasons! Well I had to try for them anyway lolz!!
Well at the end of the day we both don’t like Kikyo at all! I mean now that I had my moment of being fair and what not. Here’s how I feel….she’s a bitch! I mean how could she not love InuYasha for who is when he cared her for as? I mean it’s not like a hanyou get a peaceful life with a miko(human or not). And why is it when she seen that he wasn’t to blame(the naraku thing) it took her ass forever to NOT try and take him to hell? I know why but damn i didn’t like! I mean WTF! I know how RT was setting this, I too do believe she should give us something at the end. She may have wanted too I just deal with it cuz I love that hanyou the gold eyes had me at…hello hahaha! Really I want some passion not just a kiss…but that’s me. I may understand but I ain’t got to like it. I love how INU HANYOU NIKKI put it. (she was able sit and type what I didn’t feel like lolz) she sees a lot of what I saw if not right on point. We all did git cheated in the end as far as the Inu/Kag lovers go! Thou I jsut wnat say because I didn’t before that the cheating thing(this thing people have with Inu ‘so-called’ cheating on kagome) for me isn’t really true. I hate that mostly everyone says he cheated on Kagome…they were never together. Every time he ran to see that dead women, Kagome may be hurt but she was not his at the time. Maybe in heart and in his subconscious for sure. But out load no. It’s not like she couldn’t see what was going the pain he felt the over all or lack of accepting Kikyo’s dead(In end no matter how some may to see she dead!) If that’s how it goes the we can say the same for Kagome and Koga. He someone that got to me a lot with his shit. I’m not even going to start on Koga he made my head hurt, I wanted to beat the shit out him so many times lol!! I’m happy she grow up thou Kags was beyond a brat to me. There were times I just wanted a new women to show up take him far far away. It was just hard watching how everyone acted towards him. Even Miroku and Sango made me want to just scream. I know one said it I just had to get the off me chest lolz. But all I know is I’m happy Kikyo’s at peace and that we’re even getting this anime done. I was pissed off with the way the ended it before. Now that was fucked up and then to take so long to give it back to us!
As for disagree part, you know what? I like that we can do that and then just go “okay what’s next on the list” Most people can’t do that. I like that we can talk like this get things out the way. So it’s all good to me lolz.
An OC from Africa?! Sounds like fun I have look at it. Do you know if you’re making it long or not? You know what I’ve been waiting for someone to do a story (AU) where InuYasha has a Native girl(she could look like me!! *big smile* jk…well then again that would rock!) or He can be part or even Kagome be half. I’ve seen every other kind of OC but that. Having a friend who’s native too and looks like Inu doesn’t help haha!
What kind of video work? You know you’re like the 10th person to ask me that. I’ve been think of trying my hands at it If I charged if would go by what kind of work it is.? What did you have mind?