My Morning is Already Fucked: I Hate Surprises.
I have great friends. I really do. They’re the most thoughtful, wonderful people and that’s why they’re my friends and I love them to death. I just want to establish that now.
But I hate surprises.
Some wonderful souls -whom I can’t name because I wasn’t told who- had the awesome Notoes make some custom dolls for me. When I got the mail last night from her saying that one was delivered and the other was soon to be on its way, I was absolutely giddy. After all, her work is fabulous and I have beautiful friends.
Then, I realized that she said it was delivered. Yesterday.
No packages came yesterday. I asked for the tracking number -as my panic grew- and sure enough, USPS is saying it was delivered yesterday at 11:14am -when I was home ALL DAY. In a snit, I called the USPS 800 number, and the woman tells me in a very nonchalant voice, “It was probably delivered to the wrong address.”
What the fuck does that mean? These are PRINTED labels, which means that there is no chance of the writing being illegible. They’re just incompetent fucks all year round, but they seem to go for the fucking GOLD during Xmas time, which is why I do not send, nor do I like to receive packages during the holidays.
In general, when it comes to packages, I don’t like surprises. I need to know when something is coming so I can be on top of those assholes so I can get my shit. Now, whatever the lovely doll was, I’ll never know because it’s gone. This is NYC; the person that received it is not going to say, “Hey, this isn’t mine. Let me return it.” They’re going to open it and keep it and I’m absolutely FURIOUS.
I have since mailed Notoes and asked her not to send the second doll until after the new year. I don’t want to chance losing this one as well. I’m just so angry; it’s like everything is fucking me over at once.
EDIT: For everyone in the “goodie club” I’ve erected a page specifically for you! It’s right on the toolbar beneath the header. It’s password protected and everything is there, plus a couple of new ones.
Thursday, 17 December, 2009 at 14:48
Well damn that sucks. But I’ve heard that things get worse before they get better so you hang in there. I hate surprises too but that’s because I had a terrible experience with a jack-in-the-box. That’s why clowns aren’t on my favorites list! Okay so I have this obsession with quotes and you’ve probably heard ’em all but here’s one: ‘It is in the middle of misery that so much becomes clear.’
Anywho, let’s hope that your day goes okay even though your morning was shot to hell. Things will get better. Thanks for the Britney Spears list!! It is awesome!! I was going to say ‘Thanks for the BS list’ but we all know what other meaning BS has lolz!! Now, I’m reading your Inu/Kaede story. I had my reservations about it but damn it! When will I learn that your working is nothing short of brilliant? I thought I already understood that fact but you proved it again. I’m really enjoying it! So I’ll check out the goodie bag later lolz! Thanks again.
Thursday, 17 December, 2009 at 19:23
Hence why I am waiting to send you goodies from me until after the hub bub of the holidays… not to mention that I have been up to my eyes in shirts and have been pulling 4 days worth of all nighters, thanks to the MIL… (@_@) i hope I can get some sleep tonight…
Sorry about the doll.. I know Notes makes some really cute ones..and it’s a bummer to loose something like that to mail delivery stupidity..
Well back to the shirts.. posting while doing them..
Thursday, 17 December, 2009 at 22:20
OMG GIRL! My uncle had just sent down some important files EXPRESS, and we didn’t get it til 5 DAYS LATER! You know why? It was sitting in the back of the damn post office and none of the mail men picked it up! My mom had to go to the desk at the post office and tell them to look in the back and sure enough it was there!! God I hate the PO. I’m sorry you’re dealing w/their BS too.
On a lighter note, I hope everything else for you is going well!
♥ No-no
Thursday, 17 December, 2009 at 22:36
I am feeling the rage as well. If I could I would find the one who is so incredibly stupid as to NOT be able to read a label correctly…. or too damn lazy and pull his tongue out through his ass.
*HUGGLES* It’s going to get better…. I keep faith it will. Remember what I said in my email with the thoughts of the revenge… *chuckles and winks*
Sweet! I’m going over to check it out the goodies!
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 1:31
I’m still laughing over the religious people and the anatomically correct Inu! *diez*
Fortunately, though, our evil thoughts won’t be necessary. The doll wasn’t delivered Wed as they claimed. It came Thursday and in the wrong mailbox and, according to eye witnesses, it was “mashed into the mailbox” That makes me really mad. -.- He better not be damaged. But either way, I’m just happy to have him. THANK YOU, NIKKIE! YOU RAWK!!!!! <3333333333333
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 10:20
Really? The USPS works like that? I mean, Canada Post isn’t anything to brag about, but you at least know they attempted to deliver things because they leave a little slip in your mailbox telling you where to pick the thing up.
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 12:18
Yeah I had a godsister that did the samething few years ago but she was overseas. I never got the gift and they said it came but then later somehow it went back to her o_0! What I hate is here they leave your thing outside if you don’t anwser and they don’t need you sign. My brother got a TV and I woke just in time cuz if had sat outside any longer it would be gone.
Sorry to hear about this. but try to look at the bright side she could have sent both and both would be lost. I’m sure she understands what happen. i hope the mailing fuckers over there learn to do their jobs.
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 12:29
OMGAWD! Little brother is here!
*’rassles’ with him* xD
They do that here, too (leave a slip). But they were saying that it was delivered and accepted by someone, which is bullshit. Turns out that they never delivered it when they said they did. They delivered it the following day because my aunt was like, “You won’t believe this, but the doll was stuffed in the mailbox.” Now, I just want to say that the mailbox is super tiny, so I can imagine the condition of my doll. *iz pissed* But at least it’s safe. Now, just gotta wait for the next one that’s due either tomorrow or Monday. >.<
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 12:32
Hey Sissy ^^
USPS is just a horrible service, that’s why UPS, Fed EX, and DHL are in business -and doing well. They’re held accountable for shit and don’t have a completely “so what” attitude when there’s a screw up. The only thing I hate, though, is that like you, they will leave your shit outside or with a neighbor. The USPS did that to me with the 4th InuYasha movie. It was stolen, too, and I went ballistic. After that, they stopped leaving shit by the door, but they still fuck up in other ways as seen here.
But the good news is that the doll is in the hands of family and I’ll be picking him (and hopefully, the other one since I didn’t stop her from mailing it in time) up on Saturday or Monday.
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 12:36
Hey No-No ^^
Turns out they didn’t deliver when they said they did. It was stuffed in the mailbox the next day. So, they’re still asshats, but at least they corrected this. I’m just crossing my fingers for doll #2. >.< And yup, they do that. Notoes sent me some gift dolls a few months back (Onna bought replicas for The Edge of Seventeen) and I went through the same exact thing. They were lost in the p.o. itself for a week, with me going there everyday to bitch. It was ridiculous. Seriously, how hard can it be to drop off mail? o.O
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 12:42
Hey Neo! 😀
I got my dollie. The assheads at the p.o. didn’t deliver him when they said they did. He came the next day and was “stuffed into the mailbox” according to my aunt. Unreal, ne? But I’m just happy to have him at all. I hate shipping anything during this time. I told Jen that at the HOA. I’ll send niecey her gifts when this rush is over because I’d go apeshit if they lost her stuff.
And you need sleep. What a slave driver! You oughta call her Mrs. Slate (Yeah >.> I watched The Flintstones recently, lol.) Don’t let her run you ragged, screw that. And I soooo can’t wait to see what you made. Squee. If it’s Yasha, it has to be flippin’ awesome!
Friday, 18 December, 2009 at 13:10
Da Kimster! 😛
Things do get worse before they get better. I’ve seen that many times. Yesterday was a big low, so was the 16th,, but it’s already looking up. I guess holding on to the faith really works (as I’ve seen too many times to count). I got my doll, and I’m waiting for the second (I was unable to stop Notoes from mailing it). I’ll be on top of the p.o. now that I know it’s coming, but yesterday had me really twisted until my aunt rang me late last night and said she had it.
I’m glad you liked the BS song (haha). I think I have a bunch of her videos here, too. If you have a video iPod and want them, let me know and I’ll send them along. I’m trying to get my hands on the concert she did at Madison Square Garden. I went and it was awesome, so I’d like to see it again. I don’t know, but she doesn’t dance like she used to. Someone told me once that after Christina A. had her twins, her voice was shot to hell, and after Brit had her sons, she stopped knowing how to dance. >.> I’m finding that to be true!
And you read the Inu/Kaede and liked it??? THANK YOU! xD
I appreciate the compliments so much. WOW. I don’t know very many that can swing with that story. I wrote it for Onna because she wanted that pairing and I ended up enjoying it. The next chapter is partially written and it’s one of the ones I want to get posted right away. She’s been waiting for ages for it. >.< And I wish I wrote all this brilliance of which you speak! I’m lucky to have anyone that likes my odd and >.> smutty way of writing. It’s been a blessing to bring smiles to the lovelies’ faces. 😀
Saturday, 19 December, 2009 at 15:02
): omg that sucks about your doll! i absolutely /loathe/ the UPS/USPS, they fuck up so much. They send my stuff to the wrong house consistently, which is annoying, especially since my address is written on my mailbox. >.<
At least you told your friend not to take a chance with the newer one until later ):
Is it too late to join the 'goodie club'? (: i don't know you're email address, but mine's …
Saturday, 19 December, 2009 at 15:03
yeah they’re a pain but i’m happy you got your doll!!! I would be pissed to lose something that nice.
Saturday, 19 December, 2009 at 16:25
Rage. RAGE.
Monday, 21 December, 2009 at 15:39
I know, Lina. And it only gets better. The second tracking number isn’t coming up on USPS.
They said they “have no record of that item”.
Can this holiday suck any more?!
Monday, 21 December, 2009 at 16:07
Sissy! ^^
I’m glad it came, too. But doll two is MIA at the moment. Iz not a happy camper. >.>
Monday, 21 December, 2009 at 16:10
Hey Lexxii ^^
I’m with you! I despise the USPS and I never caught my friend to stop her from sending the other doll. According to the latest tracking info, the pkge isn’t even in their system. Needless to say, I’m absolutely furious. Again. I better get that doll, or someone is going to be fucking sorry. They’re SO incompetent! How hard can taking mail to the right address be???
And it’s not too late. 😀 I’ll mail you the PW.