Incredibly Rough Week -and it’s Still Not Over.
I was getting into the swing of things, I really was. The block had loosened up a little, allowing me to nearly finish off a chapter of something I haven’t updated in a long time, and then something awful happens.
While my friend was over, he had what seems like a cardiac episode and I ended up calling the ambulance. It was frightening, to say the least. I don’t want to give away his personal business, but I’ll just say a heartbeat of 146 per minute is not a good thing. So, needless to say, he’s in the hospital and has been there for about 3 days now. He doesn’t have any family around right now, so I’m his family. I’ve been at the hospital everyday to bring food (hospital grub isn’t too great), talk to his doctors, and basically keep him company. The good news is that all of the tests so far have come back good. The bad news is they still don’t know what caused this episode. He has to take another test later today that’s a little invasive, so yup, I’ll be at the hospital again. The hope is that they’ll let him leave on Saturday, though.
*fingers crossed*
So, that’s what I’ve been up to. I’m pretty tired and having aunt flo show up an hour ago doesn’t help matters. >.> But I am still writing in bits and pieces (since I’m always kinda drained by the time I get home) and still plan to get that chapter finished and posted. The rest, I’ll get to when I can.
Enjoy the weekend.
Friday, 27 August, 2010 at 11:43
Oh gosh!! I’m sorry to hear about your friend! You’re such a good friend to do those things for him and I hope he’s okay. I’ll be thinking of you grrrl.
Friday, 27 August, 2010 at 19:53
Thanks, Linds! <3
He actually had surgery today. They found something minor going on with his heart and was able to go in and "fix" it. He was really groggy while I was there -poor thing was in surgery ALL DAY. >.< But the good news is they think it was a success and he could be getting out as early as tomorrow afternoon. I’m hoping so!
Friday, 27 August, 2010 at 22:00
Hey Grrrl,
Sorry to hear about your friend. You’re a true friend,being there for him! Hope he’s doing alright after his surgery. Hope you’re doing well too. You both take care and rest.
Big Huggles
Friday, 27 August, 2010 at 23:00
I was wondering why you were so quit.. now I know why.. take care of yourself and give him *get better wishes from us*
You are one heck of a friend.. hope he gets out soon.. take care and let us know if you need anything done on this end.. *HUGS*
Saturday, 28 August, 2010 at 0:03
Hey Ms. Smurfy! 😀
Thanks so much for the well wishes. he certainly needs them more than I. He should hopefully be getting out tomorrow, so he’s going to be staying here since he lives alone. He needs some to look after him for a few days. It was just jarring hpw quickly this all went down. But, God is good and he’s doing alright. I left him with my cellphone, but he hasn’t called so I’m hoping that’s just because he’s tired from the surgery.
*tries not to worry*
Saturday, 28 August, 2010 at 0:05
Yeah, I’ve barely been home, really. I’m out everyday at the hospital and getting his necessities and comforts. Being in the hospital sucks, especially when family aren’t around, so I’m there for him. he’d do it for me, too, so it’s all good. He’ll be out soon and on the road to a complete recovery, so I’ll be around more after Saturday. Thanks for all the luv. *HUGS* 😀