Reviews For Ever After
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Reviewer: Penny and Skye   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: September 04, 2007 9:16 AM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

Great as always, can't wait to read the next chappie! very emotional and believable. you AU's are awesome! inulove to you.

Author's Response: Pennnnnny and Skyyyyyye! Thanks for the review. So you're finally seeing the new site, eh? I've been working a lot but I'm gonna hit y'all with an e-mail tonight. *hugs*

Reviewer: axel720   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: September 04, 2007 6:39 AM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

Wow! What a nice suprise! This story is awesome already, straight away unique and very interesting. Short stories are always the best to, and I can't wait to read more of this one!

The background story was so sweet and it's really sad that Kagome keeps miscarrying. There's a huge difference between having your own child and adopting, but it's not the worst thing in the world. Poor Jen can't read it XP

I'm veeryy interested to see how this turns out. The title is very intriguing...
Keep up the good work.

Author's Response: Axy! I'm glad you like it and thanks for helping me break my block. I actually *feel* like writing so I'm going to try and get a chap out per day until my inspiration dries up, lol. They won't be long chaps, but it's better than nothing, ne? Thanks for the review! ^^

Reviewer: Mare   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 11:59 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

Now this is different! You just never cease to amaze me with the all-consuming storylines! Keep up the great writing! :)

Author's Response: Thank a lot, Mare! This one is a little different for me since I usually don't begin with Inu and kags being married or mated, but it's got my usual angst so I guess I'm growing into this type of situation. I hope to have the next chap posted later on today. ^^

Reviewer: angelfire777   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 11:52 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

hey there KiKi...Great opening!  I also love the title to this story. Ever After is actually one of my favorite I can't wait to read more of this one.  Take care of you!

Author's Response: Crystal! How are you? ^_^ Thanks for reading and reviewing. It's nice to hear from you! I saw Ever After so long ago, lol. I hardly remember the movie, but I've always loved the title!

Reviewer: Mariapalitos68   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 10:06 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

OHHHH Happy birthday to Chibi!!!!!! XD I´ve been so busy and sick that i´ve been totally OUT T.T gomen ne nee-chan!!! and.. i hope this fic "gets better" .. poor Kaggie.. poor Yash

Author's Response: Maria-nee-chan!! How are you feeling?? I've been out of it too, but hanging in there. Make sure you get lots of rest and thanks for reading. <33

Reviewer: inuyashaloverr   Anonymous  starstarstarstarstar  [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 9:38 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

Oh, what a way to start off... with angst! Lol. So sad, byt so good just the same. Dunno where youre goin with this one, but I know it'll be good. Huggzz Onna...

     And Happy Birthday Chibi!  ;)

Author's Response: Thanks for the review, Onna. I know it's angsty, but Chibi can't deal with hard angst so don't worry, it gets better >.> sorta. lol

Reviewer: New Fan   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 9:38 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

This story started off very sad.  I do not see a happy ending for Kagome and Inuyasha. I hope that Inuyasha does not do anything stupid as well as Kags. Update soon.

Author's Response: Yes, it starts off sad and it has hard moments, but I'm going to try and make it worth the read. ^_^ Just hang in there with me, lol.

Reviewer: Drake   Anonymous   [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 9:00 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

"Leave the bottle"...I'd laugh if this wasn't so heartbreaking. This is easily going to be a very good, but very tragic tale. I'll be sure to read this. But as awesome as this chapter is, there is one question I have to ask...

WHERE THE HELL IS MY GIFTFIC? Oi, I dedicate my first lemon to you, I write you a giftfic, a follow-up to both! What the hell?!

Ahem...sorry, really. But I have my first day of my last year of school tomorrow, and I'm pissed. Please disregard the middle paragraph, Drake forgot his meds today...'

Seriously, an awesome story, in a sad way.

Author's Response: LOLOL. I haven't been in a lemony mood as of late --besides GFE was written for you! That's got enough lemons to fill a truck, lol. But seriously, at some point it'll get done. >.< In the meantime, hope you have an awesome day at school!!

Reviewer: Chibi   Signed   [Report This]
Date: September 03, 2007 8:26 PM
Chapter number: 1
Title: Prologue: The Day the Sun Set.

God. That was so painful. Hit really close to home too... I love you. =) WU ZUN and tutoring. hehe. ^-^ You always know how to make me smile and cry. That was the perfect prologue and I can already tell I'm going to adore reading this. I'm SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!! ^___^ *squees loudly then calms down* xPP Deep and wonderfully written, and just the right length for a prologue. Can't wait for the rest of it!! =D Love you. Thanks mucho much. I feel so special. lol <(^-^)> *cheekies* <3 Chibi

Author's Response: <( ^_^ ) > *cheekies* <333 I'm just sorry it's not complete. It's been a crap week for me and I fell behind. *cries* But I'm going to try to finish it this week (wish me luck!) HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! LU2!!!!

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