Beyond Redemption – Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon

Behind The Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon

So, my little brother, Danga, recommended this one to me and I said, “Okay, let’s give it a shot.” Well, I gave it a shot. 😛 At first, it was boring as fuck. I mean, it stays boring for at least 25 minutes. Boring, and silly,  and I was ready to scrap it. But Danga did rec it, so I felt obligated to see it through to completion…

And I’m glad I did!

This movie is fucking hilarious! I don’t want to give too much away, but the premise is that this amateur crew of 3 are documenting this “soon to be” serial killer (think Michael Myers) as he “preps” for his killing spree debut. And during their various interviews with him and his “friends”, he totally dismantles/explains all of the classic horror snafus that you see in just about every flick.

Like I said, it’s boring at first, but then it starts getting funny. I figured out the twist about 35 minutes into the movie, but it was still fun to watch it come to life. The camera guy, Todd? (The fat one) I LOVE HIM. He reminds me of Jeff on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Oh, and you even get a special appearance from Robert Englund (Freddy Krueger).

That said, if you’re looking for any kind of eye candy -wrong movie. But if you’re not squeamish about horror (I’d consider the squick factor pretty low here if you’re a true horror fan), and you want to laugh, give it a roll.

Out of a possible 5 Tessaigas, I give it 3.  😀



    • avatardangersque says:

      Wow, you had the total opposite reaction than most people I know who have seen this movie. Usually they like the first two thirds, then don’t like it when it turns into an actual slasher movie.

      It’s even better on a re-watch because then you can notice the little Easter eggs. And it’s one of the few movies I’ve seen recently where the big “twist” (even though I guessed it about halfway through too) is completely fair. And how can you not like a slasher movie where the killer talks about the ridiculous amount of cardio he has to do? That line in the trailer is what made me order this.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      They liked the first half?! OMG, the first half was terrible, lol. (Loved the cardio crack, tho!) I liked when they visited the old man, too. I was like >.> this is retarded.

      But the plumb is when it turns real. Oh, that’s when it gets GREAT. When he did up the first 2, I was cheering and yelling at the screen. But I hated when Todd got it. I was like, awww man! He reminds me SO much of Jeff. (Plus, I have a thing for fat guys, lol. LOVES John Goodman. :P)

      Best lines eva:

      “Fuck you, bitch!”
      “You would!”

      I fucking HOWLED off that. I may watch it again tonight just for the lulz. I wanna see the Easter eggs! xD