Beyond Redemption – Flix in Review

Category “Flix in Review”

STAR TREK! ^___________________^

Thursday, 16 May, 2013

So, I saw a midnight screening on Wed. night (a day early) and it was awesomeness. Spock looks great, as always, and Kirk was cool (No one will ever beat William Shatner. Sorry), but the one who stole the spotlight was this guy.

My friend, Jenny, adores this guy -Benedict Cumberbatch- from a show called Sherlock, but I was kinda like, meh. Wow, I stand corrected. He’s playing an iconic villain and he’s fucking gorgeous. He got all the cool poses and close ups, lol. Fuck, he had so much screen presence that when he showed up, you could almost forget Spock and Kirk were in the scene, too. He was a boss. Seriously.

We also got to see the Klingons for the first time. >.> I’ll just say this: Their look was -to me- a step backward. They look nothing like how they do on the real show. I guess this is JJ’s version, but like his Cloverfield monster, it wasn’t great. They also took a classic scene from a certain movie that Trekkies will instantly recognize, however, they played the scene in reverse and it was pretty damn good (No spoilers).

I saw this in 3D and it was worth it for the experience. Gatsby was nice in 3D, but that format is made for a film like Star Trek; they definitely utilized it better. At some points, shit is flying at you and you’re like, WTF?! o_O The sets and stuff were cool, as always, and this movie is decidedly darker than the previous one. The romance between Uhura and Spock was definitely toned down, but that didn’t take anything away from the movie (and there is a little kiss, so if you like that pairing, there ya go. lol.). IMO, we didn’t get to see enough Chekov (at all) or Sulu, but we saw some fun with Scotty who is played adorably by “Shaun of the Dead”.

The plot was actually good -and also, somewhat, taken from a TV episode, so it gets some cool points. “Robo Cop” is in it, too. But I won’t tell ya anything more than that. All in all, I enjoyed this movie, and if you like Trek, you will, too. Big Smile

I’m in Love with Leonardo DiCaprio. Again.

Saturday, 11 May, 2013

Saw this on Thursday -midnight show- in 3D. It was pretty amazing. The visuals are really stunning, and Leonard DiCaprio is, like, Titanic gorgeous. Yes, he looks older, but it’s that deliciously mature, debonair kind of older (Which has everything to do with his pretty, clean-shaven face and those fantastic era-centric clothes) that totally makes me say… “He can hit it.”


It’s Movie Time!

Sunday, 28 April, 2013

Some random info.

1. I had to cancel one of my IY commissions because the artist is indisposed right now. So, you won’t be seeing one of the awesome ones I spoke of just yet, but I wish her all the best. She’s a fantastic person, and hopefully, she’ll be better soon. <333

2. I have another IY art that should be finished any day now, and thus far, it looks fucking amazing.

3. I have one more k-pop art that I’m waiting for. Still unsure if I’m posting it to my gallery yet, since it’s not Yashie-related. We’ll see. I may even make one an Absolution layout. ^^ (Yes, I can do that.)

4. I forgot to do my confessional on Wed., but dammit, I had just gotten a root canal. My mind was elsewhere!

5. I didn’t write much but I did watch some horror movies, so I guess it’s time for…. FLIX IN REVIEW! Yeah... Sure

I’m going to keep this short and simple because I actually feel like writing fanfic right now…


The Collection: It’s a serial killer/slasher/gore flick that I enjoyed, save for one part that you’ll figure out if you see it. It was actually really fun to watch. (Lots of yelling at the screen XD)

4 out of a possible 5 Yashas.

Detention: Comedy/slasher flick. It had funny moments, but overall, it’s not the best. It involves time travel and cliches (on purpose, for comedic purposes). If you grew up in the 90’s, it’s worth a giggle.

2.5 out of a possible 5 Yashas.

Mama: It’s more supernatural than really horror and the ending made me sad. During the 2008 crash, some guy kills his co-workers and ex wife and then steals his 2 daughters. They drive off in a snowstorm, crash, wind up at an abandoned cabin and he gets ready to kill them -and himself- but something stops him. From there, it picks up 5 years later with his twin brother searching for the girls and shit just gets weird. I think it’s worth seeing once. Oh, and the lead male is “Jaime” from Game of Thrones.

3.5 out of a possible 5 Yashas.

Sinister: Genuinely creepy supernatural/serial killer type flick with a bit of a lame crux. It’s worth a watch, tho. Basically, an entire family is murdered (Hung from a tree in the yard) and one of the children goes missing. Ethan Hawke stars as a washed up, true crime writer who moves into the murdered family’s home (with his own family) to write about it and gets all tangled up in the mess. Like I said, the imagery is genuinely creepy at times.

3.5 out of a possible 5 Yashas.

Sleep Tight: Spanish flick about a very strange guy, and to me, this doesn’t qualify as horror. I can’t say more than that because there’s an interesting intro into the plot that I would spoil if I gave you a real synopsis. However, the ending was unsatisfying for me. It’s worth one watch. For free.

2.5 out of a possible 5 Yashas.

Killer Joe: What a weird, stupid movie. >.> Maybe I just didn’t get it, but it didn’t appeal to me (though it supposedly has a cult following. I mean, Matthew Mcconaughey???). It’s not even real horror. Basically, the plot is a redneck father and son plot to kill his mother/divorced wife for her insurance money and end up hiring a hitman (Matthew). When they don’t have the money upfront to pay him, the hitman takes a retainer -the guy’s somewhat slow and child-like sister. It felt all pedobear to me, even though I *think* she was of age… There are several faces in it that you’d probably recognize, but again, not really my cup of tea and the ending was fucking dumb.

1.5 out of a possible 5 Yashas.

Now I need to see “John Dies at the End”, if I can find it. XD

….That’ all folks! Big Smile

Who is the Fairest of Them All? Not Kristen Stewart.

Friday, 1 June, 2012

I think from the title, you can probably guess that I wasn’t happy with Snow White and the Huntman. I don’t want to give away key details -in case you plan to see it- but I’ll leave you with this: You won’t miss anything if you wait for HBO.

Now, here’s a few things that irked me. They may be in spoiler territory (though, I’ll try to avoid that).

1. It’s like eating an entire meal, but not feeling full.

This flick is over 2 hours long, and to me, you’re fed bits and pieces and then expected to be satisfied. No real background on the queen except a few flashbacks (and her story looks like it could have been interesting if it was properly told).

No real background on the Huntsman except for revealing a tragedy that made him what he is today. Only, they give hints that what happened to him actually had legs and could have been interesting and fitting in well with the queen’s reign.

We learn that Snow White has been locked in a tower from girlhood until adulthood, but they never tell you anything of what she experienced.

The “prince” (Really, a Duke’s son) is another one you really know nothing about except they played toigether as kids and now he’s an adult.

The dwarfs… I think I was most annoyed with that. Not only are their accents so thick I couldn’t even hear their names (to see who was who), but they’re certainly not cute like the fairytale suggests, and are, in fact, somewhat unlikeable at times. >.> I should also add that they’re not in the film much at all, and though they give you a laugh or two, you get the distinct feeling that they couldn’t have appeared at all and the movie wouldn’t have missed anything. The dwarfs are an integral part of the Snow White story and they weren’t done justice at all. Then again, I guess that’s why it’s called Snow White and the Huntsman.

2. Where are my Charlize scenes?

My main reason for spending money on this was Charlize Theron. She’s gorgeous and I love her as queen. In the trailers, as well as in the Florence + the Machine video, “Breath of Life” (Which plays at the end of the film and sounds fucking dynamic in surround sound), there are scenes that catch your attention.

Like the queen’s milk bath -she dips herself in and thrashes around… yeah. She gets in the bath, but all the swimming around? Nope.

She’s standing in the snow looking badass, flings her dress and it becomes crows. Yeah, that happens, but not really that way. She looks >.> quite different from the pretty Charlize who did it in the trailer.

There’s a scene where she’s screaming and the mirror looks like it’s exploding and shards are flying. That doesn’t happen, either.

In fact, though I realize this is Stewart’s movie, we don’t get nearly enough Charlize. But there’s one redeeming scene -the confrontation between her and Snow. To say she stole the movie with that one scene would be accurate. If you don’t like Twilight girl, you’ll love it. lol. However, it doesn’t last long, so savor it well.

On her own, she’s quite awesome, but spends too much of the movie screaming at people -which incidentally caused her to tear a stomach muscle in RL. She does evil well, though, and when she stuck her metal-clad finger inside of a bird and ate its raw heart, I knew it was love. lol.

3. Ever hear the expression, “Mouth open long enough to catch flies”?

Kristen Stewart is not someone that I feel can act. She’s not the worst, but she isn’t good. At all. In a film where the main character must inspire, she just… doesn’t. She spends the majority of the movie with her mouth ajar (showing off big front teeth) and staring at stuff in a very Twilight way. They go on and on about how beautiful Snow White is… really? Where at? The day she can ever be considered prettier than Charlize Theron…

Near the end of the movie, she gives a speech that’s supposed to “rally the troops”. It was so FLAT. She just has no presence, you know? I’ve never seen someone’s mouth open so long in a movie before. I know that’s a look models tend to use to appear “alluring”, but on her, she just looks like she rides the short bus. Have I also mentioned that she seems to be flat all the way around? >.> Flat chest, flat ass, lanky, big feet…

4. …But I thought he was Thor?

The hunstman (who also plays Thor) is not what I’d consider badass. Brave and stuff, yeah, but he took quite a few beatings. He prevailed, of course, but still. The trailer makes him seem like he’s taking muthafuckas out left and right, but his opening scene has him drunk, getting his ass whooped, and waking up in one of those things horses drink from. Granted, I guess we’re supposed to see how he’s declined since his tragedy, but he gets beat up a few more times, and to me, kinda gets by on luck and opportunity more than skill.

5. The Prince isn’t really a prince.

The guy who should be the prince is really a duke’s son that Snow used to play with as a kid. When all hell broke loose (I won’t tell you what happened), he and his father tried to save her, failed, and he thought she was dead all that time. He looks like a cross between Russel Brand and that British guy who sings “You’re Beautiful” (more toward the latter). BUT he does have a redeeming quality. He can handle a bow the way Legolas can in Lord of the Rings. He was actually fun to watch when he was doing his thing.

6. The Grimm of the fairytale.

This movie does have a darker edge. It’s not the Snow White you’re used to. People actually fucking die in this one, however, keep in mind that this is a PG-13 film. So to get teenagers to spend their money (The same teens that, I suspect, liked Twilight), there’s nearly no blood. Some of the injuries sustained should have been gushing crimson, and if you see a few drops, you’re lucky. It’s silly, unrealistic, and if you’re going to have magical spikes thrown into a guy’s chest that lift him up a pillar, we oughta see his blood pouring out of his armor. This is why I avoid flicks for kids. >.> Done right, this thing could have been cool.

7. Enter the apple.

This is where spoilers can happen, so I’ll just say that it’s somewhat creative, the way she takes a bite. But after that, it’s just kinda: “…seriously?” I don’t want to tell you anything more about that situation -the apple and Snow being awoken- but it just made me blink at the screen and say, “Gimme a break”.

8. Campy where no camp was intended.

Snow White and the Huntsman can be quite… goofy? There are serious scenes that made people unintentionally laugh. There is a death scene that invoked zero emotion. There is a heroine that makes you root for the evil queen. There’s a hero who doubles as a guy you might have -at one time- crossed the street to avoid, and another you just feel sorry for. Dwarfs that are neither cute nor relevant, and an ending that makes you snort and want your $26 worth of ticket money back.

9. Still, not unwatchable.

This movie, to me, is something to see if you have a free pass or are willing to go to the morning show when tickets are half price. Otherwise, you can just wait for HBO. There are no scenes that must be seen widescreen, and honestly, many of the fight scenes were filmed so close, you feel like it’s in fucking 3D. Florence + the Machine’s video made the movie look better than it actually was, and it ends so openly and stupidly, you can already smell the sequel… the sequel I won’t watch.

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give Snow White and the Huntsman 3 Yashas for great visual effects, Charlize Theron, and her fucking dress.

P.S. The new Peter Parker isn’t cute, his hair is HUGE, and The Amazing Spiderman just doesn’t look appetizing -to me.

Back Behind The Wheel

Friday, 25 November, 2011


Yesterday was a bit of a trip. At the last minute it was decided that turkey day should be at my place, which meant your grrrl was thrown under the bus! xD

I had to do all the shopping, scrub the place down, do all the cooking (plus make desserts), and entertain the fam. In short, I’m fucking tired and I’ve never consumed so much soda in my life. lol. But all in all, it was a decent holiday, though I’ll be stuck with leftovers all damn weekend. >.< And strangely, my aunt, a friend of mine, and my favorite guy in U-KISS (Korean group) all have the same birthday -today! So lots of lub going their way. 😀 In \o/ news, I'll be able to get a few little gifties for a couple of friends. I know they'll like them, too! In >.< news, with all the typing I had to do for the Secret Santa stuff over at Eternally Destined, I jacked my hands. I mean, they easily hurt from just a little typing, which pisses me off because I want to write. (It’s the story of my fucking life, I swear. Whenever I finally get an itch to write, my hands give.) But I’m way behind on some of the stuff I wanted to update for you guys, so the compromise will have to be really short chapters. It’s either that, or it’s longer updates, but fewer.

I’ll poll this and see what you’d prefer. Either one is better than nothing. The poll will be up over the weekend, and depending on your answers, I’ll proceed immediately. (Well, I’m gonna start writing now, but whether it will be a couple of long updates, or several short ones will be up to y’all. Aren’t I nice?! :D)

My cat is 1000% better and up to his old tricks. Makes me wanna kick his ass, but I’m so glad to have him normal again I guess he can get away with murder for a while longer… 😛

Didn’t get much sleep in the last 2 days, so I’m groggy and tired, but I’m going to get some writing in anyway. I’m also SUPER addicted to the SIMS on Facebook to the point that it eats up loads of time and I play when I need to be doing other things. Really…must…stop….

Watched a few movies this month. I would do a review, but I don’t want to screw my hands even more, so here’s a quick version. These films are Asian horror and flicks from the After Dark Horrorfest (Sucks that they don’t bring this thing to NYC! -__-). They’re basically indie horror films, and being a lover of B horror…

Okay, no spoilers.

Lake Dead: So wrong, but so fun!

Kill Theory: Funny, decent horror feel, and a good ending twist.

Reincarnation: Japanese and so-so.
(Why does the end of every Asian horror flick make me say, “WTF just happened?”)

Forbidden Door: Thai film and it was GOOD.

Dorm: Also Thai, mild horror, and really cute. Made me cry.

Suicide Club: Japanese, and another WTF ending. Waste of a rental.

One Missed Call 1 & 2: Japanese and fairly decent. #2 was better than #1. Made me cry.

A Tale of Two Sisters: Korean and a pretty good film. At least you sorta get the ending -and it’s sad.

Ichi The Killer: Directed by Takahashi Miike and one of the goriest, but most hilarious, films ever. Loved it!

Whispering Corridors: Korean. This is a franchise of about 4-5 flicks. I saw #1 (but have 2,3, and 4 here). It was pretty decent, but not great.

Three Extremes 1 & 2: Jap/Kor/China. Three directors from all 3 countries submitted one short film each. The first 3 were better than the second 3, I think. The twisted “Dumplings” from movie #1 is worth the price of admission. They even turned it into a feature film of its own -but it’s worth seeing both because the full-length film plays out a bit differently and you get a lot more info. Warning: It’s pretty sick stuff.

Strange Circus: Japanese. Fucked up subject matter, weird imagery, and a crazy ending, but worth seeing once. Maybe.

Shutter: Thai and awesome. It was remade in America -avoid that one and seek the real deal with subs.

Voices: Korean. I liked this one quite a bit. Worth seeing and set in modern time, so if you read manhwa, you’ll see lots of similarities that will make you giggle. Sad, though.

The Hamiltons: A somewhat interesting twist on an old genre. That’s all I can say w/o giving shit away. I found it pretty enjoyable.

You can find these on Netflix and Blockbuster. Gonna watch a few more this upcoming week, so I shall be back!

P.S. Thai movies are really not getting their due. They don’t make me sleepy (from slooooow moving stuff) like Japanese and Korean films tend to. All three that I saw were great.

Allrighty, I’m off to do a little writing before I really need to rest my hands. Don’t forget to vote on the poll!

Odd, But Good, News.

Friday, 21 October, 2011

Just here for a quickie.

I finally finished a chapter today, but don’t get too happy. >.> It’s a very short chapter for a story that wasn’t even on the list. WTH? Why have non-FA stories been biting at me? I figured I’d write it anyway. Any words are better than no words, ne? Hopefully this means that my 2.5 month slump is finally waning. I even wrote a bit of If I Want To, though I have been seriously considering dropping that story. I just haven’t wanted to touch it, but I got a whole scene written, so maybe it’s a sign.

FA month will probably start sometime in Nov. I want to have a few chapters ready to go before I kick off, just so I’m not rushing/struggling. And if things keep going this way, you’ll have extra stories you weren’t expecting. o.O

And in “Oh Wow” news, I got some surprise giftart. It’s posted at the gallery.

Also been checking out a lot of Asian horror movies. I have to say, their idea of horror and what we see in America are very different, but some of them have been pretty entertaining, if not puke worthy. lol. Ever heard of one called Three Extremes? It’s a trilogy of shorts -one by a Korean director, a Chinese director, and a Japanese director (which I think is a really cool thing).

Well, the Chinese offering is called “Dumplings” and it was turned into a longer feature of its own. I’ll just say this -it’s not for the faint at heart, as the subject matter is pretty gruesome (I saw both). Mind you, it’s no slasher flick by far. But the center of the story is disgusting and just inhuman. Yet, a part of me gives kudos to them for taking it there.

Oh, and Takahashi Miike is awesome. He’s the Japanese director in “Three Extremes” and he’s also the guy behind “Audition”, “Ichi The Killer”, and the TV-banned, Masters of Horror short, “Imprint” (Trust me, they banned it with good reason). I have every intention of seeing all his works. \o/

SQUEE!! (Well, for me anyway…) and More Flix!

Thursday, 18 February, 2010


Coheed & Cambria are streaming their new song, “The Broken” on their website and the shit is BANGIN’!! I’ve had it on repeat all morning and it has me totally amped to see them when they come to NYC in May. I’m trying to see them in March as well, but I’m definitely going in May. I fucking L O V E those guys!

They’re a very acquired taste (Right, Am? lol.), but fucking fantastic and their headlining shows are just amazing. I’ll never forget how supa-awesome “Neverender” was (The concert series where they played all 4 of their albums in their entirety over 4 days.) and I know it’s going to be even better hearing them play new material from their new CD due out in April, Year of the Black Rainbow.


Now, onto the flix!

RETURN TO SLEEPAWAY CAMP: This movie was a lot better than the first one, mainly because the acting is better. Not great, but SO much better! It’s also hilarious with a few decent killings, though some of it is far-fetched (what slasher flick isn’t?). And, of course, some victims still defy logic by running into the woods when a killer is on the loose <.<, but overall, it's decent. Big plusses to the director for bringing back original cast members from the first one (I got such a kick when I saw Cousin Ricky again -and booty shorts guy) The basic premise is that we're now at a new camp where the original head counselor from the old camp is running things with "Big Pussy" from The Sopranos. You also get a delightful helping of the late, great Isaac Hayes playing who else? The Chef! Anyway, it's pretty much the same old shit, except we have a new focus: A fat kid named Alan who is a cross between a mild bully and a complete victim. The entire camp just shits on this kid (at one point, about 20 of them shoot him with paint balls at close range. -Ouch– and give him “weed” that’s really cattle shit in rolling paper.), but at the same time, he deserves some of it for being a fat asshole to smaller, weaker kids. (However, they blame some of his weirdness on the “manic fever” -or something like that- he had as a kid. Supposedly, the after effects are lasting.)

While Alan is getting the screws put to him, kids are dropping off again, and not shockingly, all of them have picked on Alan and it gets the old head counselor thinking that the first killer is back. What results is a non-existent plot with somewhat funny murders (though, they copped out on some. What is this fade to black screen shit?) and I knew who the killer was about 5 minutes into the film. Still, if you’re bored and want to see a slasher comedy (cause this is not scary at all), this may fit the bill.

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give Return to Sleepaway Camp a solid 3 for effort!

THE HOUSE OF THE DEVIL: Get ready for spoilers. This movie is garbage. Seriously. It makes Triangle look like a masterpiece.

It opens in an early 80’s setting (movie was made in 2008) with a girl deciding to rent a house from Dee Wallace (The Howling/Cujo -why was she wasting her time here?!), but said girl has no real way to pay for the house. She’s a poor student living with a slob-whore of a roommate and just wants out. Can’t blame her. So she answers a flyer for someone seeking a babysitter. The first time she’s supposed to meet the man, he stands her up, but calls her at her dorm for a new appt. She accepts and meets the old man at his place -he needs a sitter tonight. Turns out, he has no kids. He wants her to baby sit his wife’s mother who stays upstairs. She’s creeped out and was going to decline, but he sweetens the pot by giving her $400 -it’s “very important” that he and his wife go to this event. She needs this money for the new place, so she agrees, much to her friend’s chagrin (who drove her there).

What ensues is a really, really boring stint of watching this girl hang out in this house peeking in their shit, listening to “One Thing Leads to Another” by The Fixx, and generally putting us to sleep. Her friend, though, meets a worse fate. As she’s driving home (with the promise that she’ll pick up miss babysitter at 12:30) some guy jumps out of nowhere when she’s getting ready to light a stogie. He gives her a light and she’s like, “You scared me”, etc. They talk for a sec (she’s a general smart ass, too), then he goes “Are you the babysitter?” “What? No! My friend is – ” Bang. Shoots her in the head.

Back at the house, miss thing is freaking out. She’s calling girlfriend and not getting an answer. So she calls for pizza and tries to watch a flick. Well, when the pizza shows up it looks GROSS and it obviously tastes gross ’cause she tosses it. (Did I mention that pizza delivery guy is the guy who killed her friend?) Well, we’ll later figure out that the food is laced. (And did I mention that all of this is going on during a lunar eclipse?) So bumps in the night makes homegirl grab a knife and go investigating (cause, you know, must defy logic) and then the lights die, she ends up fainting from the food, and wakes up tied to the middle of a pentagram on the floor in a white dress -’cause white be virginal!

Then we see the old couple she works for come out in cloaks along with an evil old lady who’s deformed (ew) and pizza guy. They start doing a ritual on her with all this blood and a devil-looking head. Now, as they start pouring blood into her mouth, she starts tripping. She gets the ropes off >.> and hightails it, but they;re on her. She ends up stabbing old guy in the belly, old lady in the back, and after pizza guy managed to shoot her (Non-fatally), she comes around with the knife in a wold swing and slits his throat (I’m guessing he is their son). Oh, and all of this goes on while chasing her all around the house.

She finally makes it outside and old man follows her. He’s all fucked up, though, and trying to get her to listen to him, saying “He has already chosen you” and all this. Well, that’s not appealing since he’s right and she can hear strange voices calling her, so she shoots herself in the head and he’s crestfallen. Next scene, homegirl is in the hospital with her head wrapped and a nurse saying, “You’re going to be just fine.” Then she puts her hand on her belly. “Both of you.” Apparently, the lunar eclipse is the only time they could do this ritual that will allow the “devil” to impregnate an innocent girl. And they say this is based on true events. >.> Yeah, ok.

The End.

So… you wasted, like, two hours of my life on a REALLY bad version of Rosemary’s Baby? (Which I don’t even like). Ungh. The most tension they built in the entire movie is when the laced food starts to take effect. This is the kind of film that’s so bad you get pissy ’cause you could have been doing something else.

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give The House of the Devil ZERO. (And that’s a first!)

Now onto the fiction!

I’ve been working on several stories, but none are ready to be posted yet. What I’m doing is working on a bit, and if I feel stuck, jumping to a different one. So with any luck, several chapters will be updated within a short time of each other. Yay! I’m trying not to force anything by putting shit down rather than pressing on, so no definite date on when the first will go up, but know that they’re coming. 😀

I’m also behind on answering my responses from the last post, but I read them. Y’all are hilarious, as usual. xD

Flix and an LOL!

Tuesday, 16 February, 2010

I watched two more movies on V-Day, so I had to come in here and dish on them. But also, here’s a bit of lulz that I just found out courtesy of kau. Twilight (you know, the vampire phenom that has creatures of the night walking the streets during the day while simultaneously sparkling?) has a manga! Have a peek! Twilight Manga Scans

To the creators: Bleach wants their identity back.

Now, onto the movies!

Sleepaway Camp (The original)

The acting in this movie is so awful that it’s painful. It was hard to sit through it. Really hard. However, both Danga and my ex said it was worth watch watching with the latter saying that the ending will make the pain worth it. He was right!

This is a typically bad slasher flick that takes place in a camp, but how it begins is you see a family out having some fun at the lake (a dad and his son and daughter). But there are some kids water-skiing, too, and the next thing you know, the brats are not watching where they’re going and they end up killing the father and one of the kids. Fast forward to today. It’s revealed that the daughter has survived and now lives with a cousin and his mother who is a twisted version of Mary Poppins and she’s about to send them to camp.

What follows is a fairly bad movie with a few interesting murders/maims and a surprise ending that I figured out about 10 minutes before it was revealed (still an okay watch, though). However, I have to hammer it home that this is some of the worst acting I’ve ever seen in my LIFE. Just really shitty stuff.

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give Sleepaway camp 2.5. The ending makes it worth the ache of actually watching it.


Okay, so, this is one of the most nonsensical “horror” movies I’ve ever seen. The premise is that we see a guy with his first mate on a cute little boat called the Triangle and we watch as his friends arrive. They’re going boating today (awwww!) and 2 of his friends, a couple, even brings a girl for him. But he’s not interested in her. He invited a waitress (the chick from 30 Days of Night) that he likes who has a developmentally delayed son (son does not join them). We also see that boat guy’s friends aren’t too keen on her -they think she’s weird.

Fast forward. They’re sailing along and everyone’s having fun and it’s pretty established that the blind date isn’t happening, much to the chagrin of his married female friend, but no one complains. Next thing you know, all of the wind stops. Boat guy and first mate are like, “Eh?” because no wind means fucked sailing. Then, they see it. A huge storm is coming their way, and boy, does it! The ship is nearly taken out and the blind date girl is toast when the boat capsizes.

The survivors make it onto the hull where they wait in despair, but luck is on their side! A massive cruise ship sees them and they start hailing them, screaming for help. No one comes to the railing on the ship to see what’s up >.> or do they, but these people are stranded. They don’t give a fuck! They go ahead and board and that’s when we find out that the ship is deserted. That’s also when the fuckery begins.

How can I sum it up without giving away details for those that may want to see it? Erm… picture the movie Ground Hog Day, but even worse, with killings involved. By the time you reach the end, guess what happens? Yes, all over again! In fact, at one point, you’re given evidence that this scenario may have played out as many as fifty times.

Me? I wish it hadn’t happened even once. >.>

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give Triangle 1.5, and that’s only because first mate was kinda hot.

Coming soon…

Orphan and The House of the Devil


Sunday, 14 February, 2010

Happy Valentine’s Day!!

I hope you’re with the ones you love, and if there is no significant other, I hope there’s plenty of chocolate, comfort food, and DVDs! 😀

From me to you: Godiva Chocolate! ^_^

From me to you: Godiva Chocolate! ^_^

I’ve been MIA a little, but you guys know about the recent turmoil. Well, here’s a quick update before we get on to other stuffs! That punk is still in her classes and I’m not sure what the status is with his parents, or rather, mother. We’ve made it pretty plain that we do intent to press charges against him if this continues. We also let the school know that we will make a BIG FUCKING DEAL if they attempt to change her class because of him. That, to me, makes zero fucking sense. You don’t remove the victim when there’s a complaint. That’s the most asinine shit ever. You remove the fucking problem, you know? That’s like punishing the victim a second time. Is she supposed to have her school life turned upside down because he’s a lunatic? How about kicking him out? That’s the issue with schools today. Too much coddling goes on with the bad kids at the expense of the good ones.

Anyway, school is out for a week and she’s spending time over here, so that’s why I’ve been MIA. I’ve been doing a lot of talking with her and making sure she understands that we will never be mad at her in this kind of situation. She’s 18, but a very, very sheltered 18. This is extremely scary and weird for her, so being here (a good distance from home) makes her feel like her old self. So, there ya have it. Hence why I’m not around, and won’t be around all that much in the next few days.

On to the writing!

Hikari is giving me grief. I don’t know why this happens, but it does, lol. I’ll be on a roll for 3-4 chaps, then BAM! It starts stalling and not wanting to come to me. Urgh. I’ve been forcing it a little and I’m trying not to. It’s like I know what I need to write, but getting it out is just not happening the way it should. Sigh.

I also tried updating Danga’s fic (Last Exit to Eden). Another no go. That story hates me, it really does. I think I know the reason why there have been just 3 updates in about 3 years. >.> It doesn’t come to me AT ALL and every chapter has been forced. And sometimes, when I look back at old chaps I hated, I can find something about them I liked, or at least find a way to improve it, but not that one. That story doesn’t like me <.< and the feeling is getting mutual! I also looked at Everything You Want and I dunno where my plot for that story went, lol. Okay, I admit I didn’t really have one. It was a “break up to makeup” fic that should have been done in 3 chapters. Of course, it wasn’t, so now I’m trying to think of where I want to go with it. Fuck. LOL.

I haven’t started anything else, except With Honor, which I put down when the Hikari bug struck, so I may be picking that up again to try and get back into it. It’s an interesting story for me because it’s told in Yasha’s POV, so that’s always hard. Don’t be shocked if chapters are a bit slow in coming. Also, each chap will be under 3500 words. I want to start keeping my word on short chapters. It’s better for my hands (Hikari got 25,000 words in about a week. I won’t discuss what that means for my hands, lol.)

I almost started a new oneshot. I wanted it for V-day (it’s not V-day themed, though. I think fics themed for holidays are corny, and I’ll NEVER understand what possessed me to do the Xmas parties!), but it was smutty and cute. Alas, it’s not written, but it will be at some point. 😀

Movie Review Time!

The Masters of Horror Present: John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns

I’ve gotten my hands on about 17 horror movies I haven’t seen yet, so me and the kid will be checking those out over her winter recess. Last night, though, I watched “Cigarette Burns”, which is part of the Masters of Horror collection and directed by the one and only, John Carpenter. Needless to say, it freaked me out.

Now, I haven’t seen all of his work, but he made Halloween, so I’ll always watch his horror stuffs. It’s only an hour long, but he used more gore in this short than everything he put in Halloween. Though, that scene in Last House on the Left is somewhat comparable –somewhat.

The premise is that a guy who hunts down rare films is hired by this old rich guy (I forget his name, but he was in Blade -the vampire elder that Stephen Dorf stuck out in the sun) to find this infamous French film that’s been banned and supposedly taken underground. They say it no longer exists, but the old guy is sure that it does.

The thing with the film is that it was only shown in theaters once and some killing riot went on, so the movie was seized by the gov’t and now it’s infamous and sought after. You never see the complete film at any point, but you see parts of it, and it’s creepy, and once you find out the film’s origins it’s even more creepy, especially when you figure out what the old man has chained in his hidden room. ::shudders::

The guy who’s looking for the film is also from the Blade saga (Part 2), and he has his own demons. Apparently, at some point, he and his girl were junkies and a few bad things happened. He also owns an “Angelika Film Center” type of movie house that he was able to purchase with money from her father, who won’t leave him alone. But that’s really background stuff, more or less, that will have a bit of closure by the end.

I don’t want to give away anything else, but it’s worth an hour of your time and available upon request. 0.~

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give Cigarette Burns a 3.5. If you want a good, horror quickie, I say, give it a shot.

The Emerald Forest

This movie is old and I stumbled on it by accident on Encore, or something. The premise is that a man (Powers Boothe -I think that’s the coolest name, lol.) moves his family ( a wife and young son) to the rain forest of Brazil where his company is building a massive dam to encourage development. While they weren’t paying attention, the kid is playing in the forest and wanders away and is kidnapped by the leader of a tribe who ends up raising him. For 10 years after that, the father keeps going back into the forest to find him and every year he comes up empty. Then, Eureka! He finds him, though he nearly dies doing so.

Okay, this is based on a true story, and in both instances, it’s just not happy. The thought of having your child stolen, and then having him choose to stay with the people that stole him is horrible. And yeah, you also start getting beat over the head with environmental messages, but for me, the heart of the story is that these people stole his son and turned him into one of them to the point that he doesn’t understand or accept his true culture in any way. (This won’t sound PC at all, but I don’t think there’s anything mystical and aw-inspiring about being raised by a bunch of naked people with mating rituals that involve bashing your intended in the head with a stick.)

But it’s fairly obvious that the message of the movie is this:

Modern Man: Bad.

Indigenous People: Good (despite the fact that they stole and brainwashed someone’s child).

And admittedly, killing off entire sections of rain forest is bad. They also show where a bunch of the women from the son’s tribe (including his wife) are stolen and forced into prostitution -also bad- but I’m glad they pointed out that it was done by a rival tribe that was working for the bad, modern Brazilians, not just making the Americans look awful.

All in all, the movie is sad and I walked away feeling only slightly okay with it because of the ending. It proves, once again, about a parent’s love and the lengths they’ll go to for their children. Otherwise, I wouldn’t watch this again.

Out of a possible 5 Yashas, I give The Emerald Forest 2.5. mainly because the guy that plays his son is adorable with the biggest, bluest eyes I’ve ever seen and because a parent’s love conquers all!

I’ll be back with more reviews as soon as I soak up some films! ^_^

Okie dokes, I’m gonna skidaddle, and hopefully, I’ll have an update of some-damn-thing for y’all soon. Oh! And many, many thanks to everyone who has been coming to the house lately and dropping reviews! I feel special, especially since some of them are from people I hadn’t met before. Thank you! 😀 I appreciate the support for the fics/writing. It always motivates me when I know people are reading and want to see more!

And if you’re in the Goodie Squad, it’s been updated!

Ciao, Bellas!

EDIT: Happy Birthday to my kid brother, Danga! He was born on my Mama’s birthday, Feb. 15th, but since I only post one birthday on that day, I had to stick him in here! 😀



Wednesday, 27 January, 2010


It’s been a long ass time since I’ve updated this thing regularly, but that’s about to change. I had some shit in real life going on -and it still is- but I realized that I was letting it drag me down and get me in a crappy state of mind. Total opposite of my goals for the new year, so you know what? Fuck it.

Yeah, you heard me. 😛

Life only happens once and then you’re gone. I’m not going to waste mine letting all the pressures of real life squeeze me. I’m going to do what I have to do, but I’m also going to keep having my fun and doing the things I love. I advise y’all do the same.

*Throws a ‘fuck it’ party* xD

Okay, onto the fun shit! Lisztomania is fucking awesome. Now, I realize y’all may not be able to get into that song. >.> But some of y’all (Am, I’m looking at you) may get it. I heard this song after pursuing another song by Phoenix called “1901” from the “Rock Band” video game (I saw a commercial). So, I got my hands on the CD (Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix) and heard this song.

I fucking love it.

Music is my thing. I love it more than InuYasha and I can usually decide if a song is the shit on the first listen. Well, this song had me bouncing from the first note. It’s catchy as FUCK. Of course, that made me get their earlier CDs and there are a few gems, so I’m adding them to my permanent iTunes list. Wanna hear them for yourself? You know where to go. >.> I also got my hands on Professional Murder Music’s discography and they’re good as well. Again, you know where to go if you want a listen.

Now for the movie review.

This week I finally saw Precious. Mo’ nique (Why does she spell her name this way?) earned the awards she’s been receiving, trust me on that one, but I have many, many issues with this film (and none of it has to do with anyone’s acting ability. Well, except Mariah’s. <.<) I understand what they were trying to say, or rather, what they expect you to feel, but all I took away from this film was anger. I'm not going to go into all of the things about it that pissed me off, but I will say this: When I saw the lead character described as a "typical" Black Harlem teenager in a synopsis, I was offended. There is nothing typical about that situation and the implication that accompanies such a statement makes me fucking furious.

I’m going to leave it at that.

Out of a possible five Yashas, I give this 2.

Onto more pleasant stuff! 😀

I want to thank everyone that came out to show the new story, With Honor, some love. I wrote it for Selina, but it makes me really happy to see such a positive response. So, thank you. :) I finally updated Loved, too, and that wasn’t just a job >.> it was a fucking adventure. <.< I've had a retarded amount of block on that one so it took months to finally finish the chap I started back in July. Horrid. I don't know what's up with me. Everything just gives me the fucking business, and I know I'm probably being too hard on myself (as always), but if I'm not satisfied, I automatically think no one else will be, either. Urg. My hope is to get more chapters done this week, but they'll probably be short. And forced. I'm not feeling very creative, so you'll probably feel that when you read them. But I'm at a point that if I don't at least try to work on older fics I’ll dump them all. For srs. So, if you like what you read, review and tell me so. Trust me >.> seeing that people want updates stops me from cutting shit off at the knees (the way I’d like to).

In other news, I’ve done more pulling away from fandom. Not from my lovelies, just this fandom. I find that I’m a lot happier when I’m not involved with people/places/things outside of my bubble aka the Feudal Pulp Fiction Network. I don’t like most of what’s out there and don’t need it. I’m content to write for YOU guys without any of the meaningless, bullshit accolades, gossip, and fuckery that these ‘no life’ types seem to indulge in. I have readers on and deviant art and that’s the only reason why I will continue to post there. Otherwise, I’m perfectly happy opening my home (Absolution) to my lovelies and surrounding myself with their humor and positive energy. The rest of this shit can blow.

I guess you can call me a happy recluse! 😀

Allrighty, I’m going to start dinner and open another half written chapter from, like, a year ago. >.> And YES, I will be posting the end of the OC fic soon. Thanks, again, for supporting that one. As I’ve said before, it means a lot because it was way out of my norm/comfort level, and y’all took the time to encourage it anyway. That’s why you’re my lovelies. <3 Happy Motherfuckin' Hump Day! [caption id="attachment_601" align="aligncenter" width="491" caption="Sakuban. Enough said."]Sakuban. Enough said.[/caption]