Let’s Shoot the Breeze, Shall We?
Nope, no password protection with this post. In fact, that feature will be used sparingly, because to be honest, I’m not losing sleep over those that are making it their business to stalk my blog. Whatever nonsense they’re trying to cook up is all for naught. I don’t bother with most of this fandom because too many are embroiled in antics that I deem beneath me, and I certainly don’t throw my hat into the ring for the childish bullying that is “wank”. I write, and I run my sites, and that’s the totality of it. Besides, I’m very accessible if anyone really has something they want to say to me.
Moving on.
Yesterday was gram’s 5th anniversary. I spent most of it watching TV and writing. I was two episodes behind on Jack Bauer, so I watched those, and wow. I’m so ready for tonight’s ep. If you watch and you’re not caught up, I won’t spoil it, but I’ll just say that the ending to last week’s really threw me for a loop. That’s why I love 24 and why that show is still so strong. It’s just amazing; amazing writers and amazing acting. You just don’t get that anymore on TV (or in movies, truth be told).
If you have HBO and you’ve been peeking at “East Bound and Down”, what the fuck happened? That show started off so hilariously, and then, I dunno. Looks like they just want to build you up to tear you down (sorta like fandom. Haha.). The ending of each episode -they’re these hard downers that just kill all of the funny. Sheesh. I’m on the fence about HBO bringing it back for more eps. I mean, am I going to feel horrible when each one ends?? o.O
And while we’re on Home Box Office, Entourage and that ‘train wreck that you can’t help watching’ called True Blood will be back soon. I love Entourage. LOVE IT. Excellent show, and I just adore the boys. True Blood… it’s up in the air. It’s a bad show; no doubt about that. However, Lafayette (the gay one) was fucking fantastic, and with him getting killed at the end of the last season, well, what’s there to go back to? Sookie Stackhouse is the biggest dipshit alive (and that’s something given what we’re exposed to online) and if she’s the lure, I’m ghost. I did love Sam, though, so I may watch for him. Eric (the evil blonde vamp) was a hottie, too, and Good Gravy! They don’t sparkle and they have fangs and -gasp- sunlight will KILL them. *chuckles*
I’m still watching Lost and I still like it. I can see why people abandoned it, though. There are parts in the plot that drag and don’t make a lot of sense -though, that seems to be because they’re leading it somewhere at a later date. But thus far, this season has been good and we’ve gotten a lot more answers about the island. Many main characters have been killed off, which sucks (BOONE!!!), and a few get on my nerves, but I’ll roll with it. After watching all those seasons, I can’t abandon it now.
Oh, and let me just say this real quick:
Next topic: Fanfiction (Cause, you know, that is why we’re here, right?)
I finally added the second chapter to The Edge of Seventeen’s second epilogue. It was supposed to be 2 chaps in total, but it just didn’t work out that way. I had so many bases that I wanted to cover that I ended up with well over 10,000 words and every attempt at shaving it down didn’t work. So, I gave in and posted it as is and decided to complete it with 3 chapters instead. I don’t regret it, and even if many gave up on it, I wanted to finish it for myself (and Irini). I’m also about to polish off the first giftfic I made for Onna (The More Things Change) because she’s Onna! 😛 But also, I was serious when I said that I had plans to end these fictions that only need a chap or two before completion. I want to clean up my library, leaving only the stories that are pretty far from the end. And yup, that means the long-coming conclusion to “Ever After”.
I’ve been working on some new fictions -none are posted yet- and that will remain the case until I’ve written several chapters of each, and I’ve closed several stragglers. None are drabbles, or oneshots. They’re all novellas and full-on Pulp Fiction, which is another reason why I want to hold off on posting them.
On the drabble front, about 8 months back, Chibi gave me -literally- thousands of prompts with the challenge that I write at least 2 per month (mainly yaoi and I/K). Needless to say, I haven’t done that. However, I’m going to start. Sometimes I feel like writing and I don’t want to pick up any of my current stories. At the same time, I don’t want to start anything new -that’s when a drabble comes in. They will all be 1000 words or less and all genres/pairings (not that I write much outside of I/K). Admittedly, I know many will have a dark nature to them (angst and dark -what I love best!).
Will that be happening soon? Probably not because I’m busy with work and the sites right now, but I may toss a little something out there when my updates are taking too long just to give my lovelies something to snack on while I whip up the main course. 😀 (Remember, folks. IG isn’t a “drabble author”. They’re like pulling teeth most of the time and they’re not what I want to be known for. These would just be an exercise in word count discipline, lol.)
It’s raining and cold here. I actually have on a blanket! But my spirits are high and Selina gave me a great laugh on her LJ (she’s posting Dave Chappelle, Jim Carrey, and Boondocks clips), and best of all, a friend of mine that wanted to pull her work off the net was convinced to let it stay. That, by far, was the greatest news of the day. In the words of Eddie Griffin when he did some stand up about Dr. King and his civil rights demonstrations, “Take back your shit! Don’t march about it!” Allowing people to chase you away from something you enjoy is the height of giving in and it’s unacceptable.
I got another one of my giftarts back from my Kau who commissioned the Samurai pic. I haven’t watermarked it yet, so I can’t post it, but I will be doing that shortly. In the meantime, I’ll dig into the vault.
Monday, 20 April, 2009 at 21:23
Heheh… The Lost obsession continues! I’ve been forgetting to watch it lately between one thing and another. Maybe one of the days I’ll download it and start watching again… Glad to hear there’s more IG fictions coming our way. Squeee! LOL I’ll look forward to your updates.
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 at 0:12
Lost is sooo good! 😛 But 24 trumps it by MILES. Tonight’s ep was amazing, as usual. I love the patriotism of the show most of all. The plot is out of this world, too. I tell ya, I can’t wait for the next one. There are only a few more! *cries* Yus, updates and new fics are coming, but first, I need to finish off a few of these. My WIP count is.. yeah. >.<
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 at 6:36
Wow, I totally missed the Edge update. So things are looking up for belated birthdayfics then? (See what I did there?) So these other fictions you’re working on… is one of them your long-promised vampire story? Or your Disney inspired trans-species idea that I mocked with a Great Big Sea song?
As for TV, all I can say is Dollhouse. Which is totally going to get canceled since I’m the only one in the world who watches it.
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 at 8:10
LOLOL! You always make me laugh. Damn kid brothers! *shakes fist* I swear to you, I’m going to dig into your fic hard. Yes, yes, I’m like >.> the worst sister, but I’m gonna make it happen, I swear! And yesh, EOS is updated and I’m writing the final part (No, it’s not ova. Shaddap.) I’m not doing the “sea thing”. Thanks to you! 😛 (jk!) Fallen, yeah, that will probably be one of them. Gosh, someone on Deviant Art asked me where they could read it a few days ago (I assume they saw Ilsa’s art for it), and since it’s 2 years late… >.>
I saw an ad for Dollhouse. I don’t know… it didn’t look like anything I’d jump into. But 24… oh yeah. 😀
Tuesday, 21 April, 2009 at 19:58
Camping out are they? Let’s pray they including personal Hygiene products in their camping gear. *waggles brow*
*shrugs* Their lives. Their wasted time.
As what me and Chanda have been tossing at each other recently…. ‘Where’s dis crack spider’s bitch!!?’ *minor sulks* Chanda says I’m like that Caffeine Spider.
It’s a freaking hoot to watch!! >.> and to think… it’s what my government issues grants for…. LOL! Tempted, I am! Just search on Youtube: Spiders on Drugs.
I tried to watch episodes of Lost and I’m still completely Lost! A few of the other shows I don’t get yet here where I am and I’ve tried to find them online to watch.. shot down by the ‘can’t streamline outside the States’. Ka-Boom! *giggles* But the Vamps in True Blood…. don’t….. DAZZLE their prey? LMAO!! Excellent!
Writing? Squee! I caught up on one chapter of KoR raring to get to the other two and there is one for EoS? *squirms happily* Ever After? Looking forward to what may come in the next installment!!
More De-Lick-Ous tales in the shadows awaiting? *rubs hands* Dark, I’ve started developing a craving for them… and have written a few. Just waiting for the right Prompts to come up for them.
TV front – if Larissa Ione makes her Demonica series into a show… I pray they let her have some controls ’cause I freaking LOVE the Seminous brothers! Wraith, the living-breathing vamp (he likes the ‘Suck and Fuck’ deal) who is so destructive and hair-triggered! E who is the moral and chaste brother and a wicked Dr! Shade the BDSM cursed ambulance driver/ER brother!
Knowing that is a female is in need of a serious rutting they are compelled to seek her out and give her what she wants! And the Women they all fall for and end up… as Wraith lovingly puts it…. Pussy whipped.
And yes…. this is a poke to start reading the series! *waggles brow*
I’m glad she wasn’t allowed to let those rotten wankers win! And stayed to Llama spit at them. Rock on!!
Oh man!! Those videos of yours and Selina’s!! I was wheezing from laughing so hard!
Thursday, 23 April, 2009 at 3:02
Used to watch 24. Haven’t for a long time though. You already know I am aboard the TB train.
You read my review(s) for EOS. No need to rehash that. But let me just say … again … you da shyt!
Friday, 24 April, 2009 at 18:58
You know, I’m just getting this message. Tarded wordpress had it under a filter and I have no idea why since you’re approved to post freely.
*Shakes fist*
Lost is really complicated if you didn’t see it from the beginning. On wed. they showed a ‘wrap up’ episode where they quickly gave you a summary of what happened from the beginning to the present. I wonder how many seasons they can get out of this thing, though. The writing is still fairly clever, but not nearly as grand as it was at the start. I love the remaining chars, though, like Jack, Sawyer, and Sayeed (sp?). They’re fucking fantastic. Sawyer’s dimples are to DIE for, though, I still miss Boone, who was unbelievably pretty. If you ever decide to download torrents for them, it’s a show worth watching.
24 is another fantastic one. Definitely worth watching, even owning, TBH. I have a few season and the shit is awesome. 😛
I’m going to be giving that book you sent me a read over the weekend. You have me toooo ready to see these brothers in action! Besides, I need all the inspiration I can get on that subject. xD I have a vampire book in here somewhere (forgot the name). I got halfway through and I was just so bored! But I think yours is going to be hawt. *drool* (And I bet they don’t dazzle!)
As for my friend, I’m glad she didn’t do it, either. Fuck these bitches, you know, Nik? Fuck them up the ass with broken bottles. They don’t own the fandom, and they have no right to make her feel like she should pull her shit off the net. That’s what these raggedy hobags want, and I say, give them your ass to kiss. Don’t go anywhere unless you’re good and fucking ready. If they don’t like it, let them suck you dry. Pfft.
And on a silly note, you and Chanda are effin’ crazy, lol. I love it!