A Not Great Week.
This hasn’t been a good week, really. It’s too fucking hot, and it’s been that way all week. For some retarded reason, in extreme heat, my ankles swell. No idea why, but that’s what they do. So all week I’m dealing with these puffy, heavy ankles/feet and it sucks. It has definitely fucked with my mood, too. To make matters worse, my knee itches. No, I don’t know why. It just does! A lot! Arg.
I have some block on Loved. It’s not fun because I wanted this to get done fast and it’s just another thing that fucking sucks. I have, however, updated 3 times since that block has set in, so at least I’m not completely cornered. In His Eyes and True Colors hadn’t been updated in, like, a year. I don’t think anyone even really reads True Colors but a small few, hence the not great response to it, but that’s life, lol. I’m finishing that for me, just like all of my fictions, and those that like it, hey, thanks for coming along on the ride. Those that don’t, oh well.
I’m flirting with retirement now. For real. And not because of any wanksters and fandom shit (Y’all know better.), but because I’m losing my passion for writing. It’s not nearly as enjoyable as it used to be and my inspiration is waning in a big way. Plus, there are a zillion people out here doing fanfic. It won’t matter if I stay or go. My only goal, at this point, is to finish what I’ve started (and boy, have I been working on that!) and do the giftfics (both old, and future) that I said I wanted to do. Other than that, there will only be new stuff from me when I’m seriously inspired. Or bored. lulz.
I’m currently working on another fic that hasn’t seen an update in a while, and dare I say, I think I will get closure here. But, I won’t drop titles or say too much. I may jinx myself! 😛 Should be done in a day, or two.
I also need to shop. I wanted to get my niece, Ruri, a summer gift and I haven’t had time to do shit. So, a fall gift it will be. I got her Timz and Rocawear last time, this time, I dunno. Leaning toward Baby Phat. She’s a toddler, so just how cute do you think she looked in her little, white iridescent Timz? 😀 Kawaii! I shall buy this stuff on Monday -when they say this shitty weather will break.
I have to work this weekend. In the heat. I don’t look forward to it and I just hope I can fit my fucking shoes. I really, really hate the thought of wearing flip-flops. I hate those things and they look like shit on everyone, yet girls sport them like they’re Jimmys. Ungh. And men, forget it. I won’t even get into guys and sandals.
I finally watched this week’s True Blood on demand. It’s so much better than last season.
*Major Spoiler Alert*
Maryann is a crazy bitch, but no one is more fun than Lafayette. He stomped the shit out of Eggs. LOL. But, according to the books, he ends up getting killed. I also heard that Sookie does end up with Eric. Who doesn’t see that coming already, though??
I loved Godric. I hated that he had such a tiny role, but I will also say that Eric won my heart during that final scene when he was begging him not to kill himself. *sigh* He was awesome for the time he was there.
Bill and Sookie are engaged (for real) and I hear she’s knocked up. Bill is not cute at all. But, I don’t think she’s pretty, either, so eh. As long as they’re happy. I do, however, like Sam. I’m curious as to why Maryann wants him so badly. I wanna pinch his cheeks.
*End Spoilers*
Ordering pizza now. So, I’m off.
Updates are coming to an Absolution near you soon!
Friday, 21 August, 2009 at 15:55
Omg I haven’t been on here since a whole month… I missed you’re fanfics sooooooo much! The reason to that is cause I moved from where I used to live and cancelled my internet. (ugh…)
Yep, but I’m glad i get to see that you’ve updated some stuff I’ve been dying to read… I was going crazy (with no net and no fanfics) for a whole month…
I still don’t have my pc working, and no net yet but I hope I have that up soon.
And yes the weather has been pretty blah. I’m from Ontario and we had rain and few days of sunshine and humidity and it’s crazy…
Hope you’re doing well and thanks for updating. I’ll try and do my best on getting my stupid pc back working and reading more of your fics.
Till then, Huggles Girl!!!!
Friday, 21 August, 2009 at 23:01
first time commenting on here, but <3′
i think alot of people would miss you if you retired!
& true colors is amazing, i basically cried after i saw you updated it (:
hope you start feeling better! -hugs-
Saturday, 22 August, 2009 at 2:58
I can tell by the pic that you’re in a mood. Your mail came when I was off camping and this week’s been work hell, so sorry haven’t had a chance to respond yet. Will soon, though. promise.
And what do you have against flip flops? Huh. Not telling you what I wear all the time. 😛
I’ve been wanting to watch True Blood. Just need to find the time *adds to my crazy list of things to do*. Any good?
Try to have a good weekend, sweetie, and take care of those feet of yours. And Loved? It’ll come when it comes, so don’t you dare even worry about it.
Talk to ya soon. <33333333
Saturday, 22 August, 2009 at 10:33
My Lily!!!!
No worries, I had a feeling you were off with the family, which is awesome. I like that you’ve been getting some “away” time to enjoy the family. 😀 Lord knows in about 2 weeks it will be back to the grind!
I have SO much against fli-flops, but since you’re Lily, I’ll give ya a pass! xD They’re just >.> an unattractive show. But what I think I’m most annoyed at is the chicks with the audacity to show off really horrible feet. Now, that grind my gears, lol. Subjecting all of us to these horror shows that are attached to their ankles, lol. And with a flip-flop, there’s NO WAY to hide them! *shudders*
True Blood is the shit. Seriously. The first season, honestly, wasn’t very good. A lot of it was overdone, and even now, Sookie’s accent is like nails on a chalkboard. It’s supposed to be southern, but it somds staged and awful. Meanwhile, her vamp bf and a few others who really do have accents (He’s English, and her brother is Aussie, I think) sound much more natural. I guess it comes down to acting ability. But season two has been great. There’s only 3 eps left to it, though. However, the entire season is on demand right now, so give it a spin!
Today my ankles are normal again. I slept in a very cool room last night and woke up puff-free. So now I know my theory was right; heat jacks me up. I expect it to happen later today, though, while I’m at work. It’s an outdoor event and I know I’ll be steaming. Ung.
Write when you have time -no rush- and don’t work too hard.
You’re loved in NY! *HUGS*
Saturday, 22 August, 2009 at 11:12
Hey Lexxii 😀
Feel free to comment anytime. It’s cool. That’s what this blog is for! General updates, “lovelie” interactions, occasional bitch fests… 😛 I’m glad you liked True Colors. I’ve neglected that one in a big way (along with many others), but I’ms lowly making it up. The plan is to have all of my “stragglers” (the ones with 3 chaps or less to go until completion) by the end of the year. Slow process, but between RL, online responsibilities and occasional block, I think that’s a fair goal.
As for retiring, well, some may miss me, but overall, the world won’t stop turning, ya know? I’m sure, when inspiration hits, I’ll toss something out there, provided I’m inspired. But I have a while yet. I want to finish as many fics as I can manage first. 😀
And thank for the well wishes! I started out non-puffy, but as it gets hotter, I’m already seeing the change in my ankles. Arg.
Saturday, 22 August, 2009 at 11:21
Ms. Smurfy!
I was wondering why I haven’t seen you at the house. Girl, how did you do it?! A day without my mac is torture! But at least you’re back, even if it’s slightly limited for a while. How was the move? I hope it wasn’t too stressful. I used to move every two years, but then I settled for a while. But I may still pick up stakes in 2 years. xD
I’m definitely motivated to write a few things, but mainly, the motivation comes from wanting completion for as many stories as I can. Some have been going on since 2006 and that’s really unacceptable. I’m shitty with deadlines, which is why I won’t try to pursue this as a profession. I don’t have it in me to go at an editor’s pace. I’m creative when I’m creative; it’s not a light switch.
The weather is kicking my arse for real. My ankles are already swelling at it’s not even 11:30am yet. Grr. I have to work today in the heat and I don’t look forward to the results, so I’m going to wear my nikes. That way, I can at least hide my puff ankles if they get bad, lol.
I look forward to seeing you at Abi. Stay cool -literally! 😛