Beyond Redemption – I Will Not Bow…

I Will Not Bow…

…is the name of Breaking Benjamin’s new song and it’s really good. I knew they’d come out swinging, and of course, they didn’t disappoint. They have such a classic sound, and their lyrics are always something I can relate to:

I will not bow, I will not break
I will shut the world away
I will not fall, I will not fade
I will take your breath away

Oh yeah. I can definitely relate.

Anyway, it’s been a fairly interesting time and I’ve been reflecting on different things. The first is that I’m a loner, an only child who is used to being alone and is okay with it. I have a small pocket of close friends, but otherwise, I’m usually on my own doing my own thing with the exception of socializing with my lovelies. Sometimes, though, I think I made a mistake with that. I should have left shit relegated to the HOA, leaving everything else be. It would have spared me some of the shit I’m seeing now, but you know what? Live, learn, and correct yourself is what I say.

I’m also going to have to make a trip to the doc. A while back (if you were around, then you may remember) I had to go to physical therapy for a while because of severely pulled muscles. Well, I’m having horrible tension in those same muscles, and worse, it’s rolling down my arms in that fucked up carpal tunnel way. I don’t want to take PT again. I really don’t. And it didn’t help that I had swelling on the inside of my throat last night. It’s gone now, but it was a scary moment in time, that’s for damn sure. So I took a few motrin and muscle relaxers -I think they made me sleepy -but hopefully they will help with the aches.

On the writing front, I kept my promise and updated over the weekend. I haven’t finished anything else yet, but I did do some penning since then. I’m hoping to have a new chap up soon, but with my arms giving me grief, it may take a while longer. And while I’m on that, thanks to the ones that stopped in to read the update and leave review love. I appreciated that muchly. <3 I'm still playing apps on facebook, but I'm going to be doing it just a bit less. Why? Because there are a lot of assheads on fb apps and I'm seeing that firsthand. I had one just today sending me messages that he was going to give my game link to his friends to attack me because I beat him up in combat. I told him he was a crybaby that couldn't fight his own battles. Then I told him to build a bridge and get over it. Geez, and he calls himself a "man"... So he can go get his friends -just as long as he knows that there will be a return on the investment (told him that, too). Homie just don't know that he'll get a visit from me EVERY FUCKING DAY and it won't be nice. Then I had a chick on another game -I beat her up, too- who threatened to "report" me to the game developers. After I finished laughing, I told her there were no consequences to be had in a game that -gasp– tells people to attack each other. :: eyeroll:: Sure enough, on the game’s forum, I was vindicated in a big way. But wow, the power of the crybaby gene is amazing.

Last, there was yet another game where I bested someone and she puts me on the game’s “hitlist” (the equivalent of placing a bounty on my head). So, I return the favor and we both get killed by people 45213258798532 levels above us, just to have her attempt to friend me so we can be teammates afterward.

I ignored her request.

People, seriously, fucking grow up. This online shit is so juvenile; it’s as bad as this fandom. Too many whiny, ridiculous, laughable babies over there. It’s a game and it’s kill or be killed, so build a bridge and GET OVER IT.

Okay, now that I’ve vented about that…

How are y’all enjoying the new InuYasha series? They’re condensing everything, but I like it. I don’t want to see it drag on and on. Got enough of that with the manga, TBH. This way shows me lots of what I want to see (InuYasha) and tells me about the stuff I missed in the manga in a quick, easy way. 😀 (And no, I did NOT finish the manga as of yet).

I’m still hosting the eps at Eternal Destiny, and as of yesterday, the ending theme is playing on the homepage. I don’t know how long I’ll leave that there, but I thought it would be fun for the members.

Eternal Legends polls begin on Nov. 1st and I just finished the banner. It’s similar to the ones I’m doing for InuRomp. They sort of look like trading cards with character pics on them. The idea for that came from Salome (she sent me a pic of one she made and asked me to duplicate it using my own style), but I doubt she’ll mind my using the style at my own site since I make both anyway.

There will also be a contest announcement soon, and I’m deciding how to celebrate ED’s 3rd anniversary on January 1st. Last year I had goodie bags and I may do that again- depends on what I can get done by then. But there will definitely be a new skin, so yay.

And before I go, how about those Yankees?? 😀 One more game to win before we get into the World Series and I can’t be happier. Aside from the fact that a WS win would be our 27th, the Blo Sux (Red Sox) and their fans get to watch it from their livingrooms. Not too long ago, someone made a crack to me about the pinstripes “choking”. Well, they look mighty fine to me right about now while the team they were rooting for got swept in the first round of playoffs on the very day we swept the Twins out of the first round.

Nice Karma.

Okay, the meds I took are taking me down fast. I hope to have a chap for you in the next couple of days, so be patient. 0.~



    • avatarAm says:

      I’ve gotta give it to the Yanks. They’re pretty legit this year. I usually try to condition my nieces/nephews on the Mets, or Phillies(because my brothers are all Yankees fans ^^) but I might be losing my 6mo. old nephew this year because all I do is watch the game with him. The last one got me really hyped too. I usually never get like that, but the Umps making those BS calls made me wanna run down to the stadium and kick one in the face >.>

      I haven’t seen the last 2 IY eps, yet, which sucks because I heard they’re really good. Especially the one with Kagura. For some reason my internet kicks out on me EVERY SATURDAY or the videos load really slow. Grrr…I’m crossing my fingers for this Sat.

      I hope everything goes okay with the back. I’ve been to PT twice and its not fun. Not even the bootleg massages are fun, lol.

      And the BB song is awesome. I think I might’ve heard it before, but wow. Really good. Feel better!

    • avatarLiz (Da Sistah) says:

      Girl, had I been a fan of baseball -or any sports for that matter- I’d be squeeing with you. Although technically, since I’m originally from Baltimore and was at one time an Orioles fan … eh, we’ll let that stay right there 😛

      I’m loving the new epi’s. IMO, they’ve done a much better job of conveying the emotion and acknowledging relationships in this series than they did in Feudal Fairytale. I, like you, am glad to see it won’t be dragging out. I haven’t finished the manga either. In fact, I’ve read very little of it. One of these days, I may just rectify that. Nik was going to see if her bro could help me out by copying hers and sending them to me. It would be awesome sauce of it could, but if not I still appreciate the lub.

      Dude, Breaking Ben is the shit!! I fuckin’ love them!! Have you heard Creed’s new song, Overcome, yet? Do you even like Creed? LOL OMG, it’s another one I can’t listen to enough. I always liked Creed, but this song just blows all their earlier work away IMO. One of these days I may actually have enough money to splurge and take myself and Brian to a concert. They have awesome concerts at the Giant Center in Hershey.

      From one only child to another, there’s nothing wrong with any of that. Honestly, I don’t have any friends that I would call “close” anymore other than you and a couple others that I met through fandom. However, you know that those “relationships” can be tenuous at best as well. You think you know people. Enough said, eh? I think you know what I’m talking about. >.>

      I don’t remember if I was around for your first round of PT, but I think you should do what you need to do. As you tell me often enough, you do you 😛 Seriously, throat swelling? WTF? You need to be seen. You betta get yourself taken care of >..> I quit all my games on FB. You know my biggest reason for doing it, but at the same time I felt that they were just taking over my life and my personality. The breaking point was when I wanted to rip my comp and anybody else in the vicinity apart with my crippled hands when some mo fo in CA hit me 15 times in a row and when I went to retaliate he was “…too weak to battle or dead.” I decided it was time. LOL Yeah, yeah. I know. Classic “Liz” move, but whatever. 😛 Now, if mah peeps need something though (like you did in VW that day), I’ll go back in (since you never lose it even if you do block the app) and help a sistah or brutha out or to gift. But that’s the extent of it. Oh, and did you know that once you friend someone and they join your army/mob/clan, you can remove them from your friend’s list but they will stay as a member of your army/mob/clan? I decided to check it out before I quit the games and it worked. I am back to my original 112 FB friends (as opposed to the 600+) I had before but still have the 463 in my CA army, etc. It also makes it easier when trying to gift; no more shuffling through hundreds of names to pick out the 24 you most want to gift. >.>

      Well, I guess I better get back to work, or rather start work 😛 here. I’ll either see you around on Twitter or hit me up on IM when you get a chance.

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      Loving the song!

      Ouch! the swelling/pain in the muscles not good! Hopefully the dr will just say heat (ice) and tylenol and do a few stretches for it to work out. I can only cringe as I imagine the CT pain.

      Freaky swelling in the throat? What did you eat before that? May becoming allergic to something… or you had something irritate the lining…

      oh boy.. FB apps sound like a royal pain in the hippo/elephant backside! Oh boy… that childish? Really.. Seriously. Does he need the WAHHH-bulance to be called for him because you beat him in an online game? Seriously he said he was going to ‘sic’ his friends on you for beating him? Loved your come backs to him! Those rock! And that chick! Goodness! That is crazy! She got told the same thing in the forum? oh that is rich!

      LOVING the anime season for Inu! Could have done without Shippou. At least it was only one sit. He looks gorgeous, Inu and Sesshoumaru, the anime team certainly have added this ‘mature’ look to him. I am wanting definite Youkai and Human Inus to come out!

      I was so teary-eyed over the Kagura/Sess episode

      YEA! Need to get the reviews on! Think I figured out how to keep my review from completely disappearing if the capcha doesn’t cooperate!

      I’m looking forward to the Eternal Legends to commence! and I think it’s so cool to have the episodes at ED as well! That is a Huge First! SQUEEEEEE!

      A contest! YAY! And the third anniversary is coming up! *races around happily* The goodies-bag was wickedly Fun!

      I’m so excited that your team is having their Mojo on! May they get the WS and come out on top!

    • avatarSelina says:

      Um, exqueeze me? Swelling in the throat? Are you serious? And you didn’t get it checked out yet?


      That sounds mighty serious. An allergic reaction? Did you eat anything unusual? Something in the air? Girl, you better call somebody if that happens again. I go into anaphylactic shock when I get a beesting, so I know about throat swelling – that shit is no joke. Take care of yourself, please? Some people care about you!

      On the friends thing, first of all – what is HOA? O.o I know that as Home Owners’ Association, but I have a feeling that’s not what you’re referring to. LOL

      Other than that, I’m not sure what’s going on to make you feel that way, but I hope it lightens up soon. No more drama, plzthx. We’ve had enough. *hugs*

    • avatarSayuriko says:

      Throat swelling? Pulled muscles? Aw, sweets, didn’t know you were feeling so crappy. *GIANT HUGS* Please go to the doctor’s and take care of yourself, you hear? ‘Cuz you’re loved. LOTS.

      Amazing how immature people can be, eh? It’s just a game. Like it’s just a fandom. *shakes head* Some people… seriously. That’s why I stick to my farm and cafe. It’s sane there. ^_^

      I just saw the second IY episode and got all teary eyed. It’s one of my favourite scenes in the manga and I think the anime did it justice. Even though I knew it was coming, it was still so sad to see Kagura go.

      Did you get my mail? It was under a different addy, so hope it didn’t end up in your spam folder. If you need to talk, you know where to find me. Get some rest and feel better soon, babes. <333333333

    • avatardangersque says:

      I hear ya about the facebook games. I was actually setting my alarm clock to wake me up at odd times for Cafe World and Farmville before I decided that was nuts.