And You Think You Know Someone…
You know, I keep a small inner circle. They’re my road dawgs that I tell just about everything to because they have my trust that way. But when one of them vanishes, albeit due to their own very real, and very serious problems, but then they tack on that they avoided you because of some bullshit rumor about a site you wouldn’t spit on let alone supposedly “hack”, you have to scratch your fucking head, especially when you’ve been nothing but good to that person.
I have avoided speaking on this because frankly, I don’t give a fuck and didn’t have jackshit to do with it, but since I’m hearing that some fucking idiot is trying to blame me for something I didn’t do, let me put it really plainly.
I didn’t touch anyone’s site, and neither did anyone on my staff. That shit is beneath all of us, particularly when it comes to the site in question. Why would I fucking bother? It would be a waste of my time, particularly when its presence didn’t affect me one way or the other. But that’s what happens when dipshits are given a captive audience; they use the opportunity to talk dumb shit.
I can say more on the subject, but I won’t because even entertaining it this long is 3 minutes of my life that I can’t get back, but I thought it was about time I let shit be known. Anyone who thinks I did anything can go fuck themselves with a broken bottle, and that friend, well I guess you weren’t that much of one, now were you?
Monday, 16 November, 2009 at 9:52
Keh, like you said, Ki, it IS a waste of time, yours and mine, to re-hash this bullshit because the accusation is so damn ridiculous to think that you had ANYTHING to do with it. I wasn’t even going to respond, but you know I’ll defend you to the end and this next part is directed at all the asshats reading your page (and I know you get alot of hits on this), so to those individuals out there that have nothing better to do than cause wank… THERE’S A LIFE OUT THERE. GO GET ONE. AND LEAVE MY GRRRL THE FUCK ALONE.
Sorry, Ki, you can delete this if you want, just had to get that off my chest. GLOMPS AND HUGS to my grrrl! Happy Monday! XD
Monday, 16 November, 2009 at 10:57
My Lily!! *hugs*
I was really, REALLY pissed off when I wrote this entry, otherwise, I wouldn’t have bothered (since I haven’t in all of this time), but when someone who was supposed to be a friend pretty much said she thought (at least at one point) that I had a hand in that I fucking lost it.
I remember when I was first told about what happened. The FIRST thing out of my mouth was: “Watch her blame ED.” And that’s JUST what she did, so it didn’t come as a surprise. Everyone that knows me knows I didn’t have anything to do with that. I saw that site after it was hit (like half the planet) and I could see right away that it was done by admin panel. That means she gave her password to someone who did her up, so it’s not even a true “hack”. It’s simply called idiocy.
I barely bother with anything out here anymore. I run my sites, write on occasion, and mind my business, yet fucking morons still try to involve me in shit instead of trying to figure out why they were stupid enough to give people their password. But what -the fuck- ever. These bitches can blow me. She can blow me.
And look at you cussin’! xD I caught such a fit of giggles when I read that.
But that’s what real friends do; they get made for you, not just with you.
You’re loved in NY, and HAPPY MONDAY!!!!! 😀
Monday, 16 November, 2009 at 11:21
Grrrl, what can I say that I didn’t already say on IM a few minutes ago. And you’re absolutely right. Anybody that takes offense on your behalf and takes up arms in your defense, is certainly a true friend. These rest are just taking up space.
Monday, 16 November, 2009 at 16:40
Do I need to smack a bitch? lol
Dunno the whole situation, but sounds like pointless wank to me. Whoever it is can go suck a tit.
Hope things work out for you bb! Sorry I haven’t been around in a while
Tuesday, 17 November, 2009 at 11:16
Hey No-No 😛
Naw, smackage won’t be necessary -this time. LOL. But people around me are just tripping lately!
Hope things are good with you -haven’t been on FB in days. I’m prolly missing all the action!
Tuesday, 17 November, 2009 at 11:17
*Hugs her Sistah*
Thanks for just letting me vent. That shit had me twisted for a minute, but you know, live and learn.
I’m surrounded by good people, so all that other shit is just that. Shit.
Tuesday, 17 November, 2009 at 16:30
That is just boggling my mind how one can say they are a friend and yet wait to inquire about what is going on with regards to that Brat! Or to believe in rumours before saying hey, what gives here…
Like I mentioned before when I discovered it and brought it to your attention I was excepting something to come of it.. but this wasn’t it. *shakes head* and to say ‘that’ to you. Holy heck…. That was just laughable! Crazy but laughable.
Why do so many people in this fandom pee and mess themselves in sheer terror of the concepts of Trust, Honesty, and Truth? Of people who don’t have hidden agendas, are on the hunt for dirt to feed to others… that people can be what they are without multiple masks or forked tongues… It’s really sad. That those who are real are being drowned out.
Makes me wonder what they are doing/eating/drinking so I can give it a wide berth of avoidance so as not to catch it. >.<
This people are coming out of the woodwork since before Halloween!
The person has richly reaped what she sowed with her lies and twisted logic. And she was considering a new site? Oh goodness…
Now for something really good!
Spider Monkey Glompage!!!!
Saturday, 21 November, 2009 at 11:07
Wow for real?
Damnit man why I’m a always the last to know? I don’t know what happen and I don’t need too. It’s old now anyway but i will say that it’s a child’s game really. To think you would want to do that is the part that got me. I feel like looking at the person with a “Do you know who the fuck she is? Kiki hack or copy…never that!” You need to keep me update grrrrrl!! *starts singing* I don’t wanna be the last to know!! lolz
Friday, 27 November, 2009 at 16:19
See, that’s why you’re Kid Sissy! 😛
Can you even believe that shit? I’ll give you the short version. Some girl that I booted off ED for TOS violations, including cobble fic (a lower form of plagiarism) opened a “rival” Inu/Kags site, and scholar that she is, she quite obviously shared her password with someone who then went into that site a few months after it went up and did a job on it. We’re talking story deletion, changing the name to reflect her plagiarist status -all that.
First thing out the bitch’s mouth is “ED” and that pissed me off. Why? Because if I would have done it, trust, she would know that I did. But I didn’t touch that site. I’ve only actually seen it twice: Once when it first opened and once after it was attacked. I don’t know anything about what happened there, and honestly, I don’t give a shit. The fact that she would come out of her face with accusations against my site was expected, but I don’t like being accused of shit that I didn’t do. In my opinion, she probably did that shit herself for attention, because really, that site didn’t exist as far as we were concerned, so why would we care one way or the other?
But the icing on the cake was that someone I considered a friend, someone I’ve actually helped, told me they had been hesitant to get in touch with me because they feared me and “my people” after that idiot went around whining that big, bad ED beat her up. Yo, what the fuck is that?! My people?? Like I have some cyber gang at my fingertips? *eyeroll* It was really disappointing and I knew right then that she really didn’t know me and there was no real point in continuing the friendship.
So, that’s what happened. Stupid, huh? But this is fucking fandom and it’s a breeding ground for idiocy.