Beyond Redemption – Bitch please.

Category “Bitch please.”

Not Yet.

Thursday, 21 February, 2013

I didn’t finish my chapter yet. I haz so rusty! T_T

This is definitely going to be short. >.> Then, it will be off to the next story, something that will be easier (hopefully). My hands are starting to bug me, but we’ll see if the braces keep it at bay for a while. I’m also not feeling that great and will be seeing the doc soon. Sigh.

I deleted another reader account today because bitches have lost their fucking minds if they think for a second that they’re gonna approach me in any way that is unfitting of a guest in my house. Shit, warnings are not even a consideration; that’s a straight up ban with a rerouting of all mail to trash.

I write to entertain, but I’m not a fucking servant, nor is anyone entitled to anything from me. I share my stuff because I want to, and I’m completing my stuff because I want to. The second I stop wanting to, it will end, just like the second any member shows me that they no longer want to be one, I will make sure they’re not. Very simple.

Now, how about a new poll? I’m going to list some older stories and you guys tell me if you’re interested in seeing the conclusions to them -and I mean traditional, written endings. Not just a summary of what would have happened. I may be able to do it, I may not, but it will at least give me an idea of what folks may want to see. Big Smile

Why Must People Fucking Annoy Me?

Saturday, 15 September, 2012

Seriously, people annoy the shit out of me and then they wonder why I’m so quick to cut everyone off. Strangers that I don’t know at all really shouldn’t involve me in whatever statements they wish to make, particularly when I have nothing at all to do with the subject at hand. It’s like, are you fucking serious? *Hits the ban hammer*

But in better news, I updated Knife of Romance. Depending on the response it gets this weekend, I’ll decide if I want to come back full throttle with several more updates. If I feel like the chapter wasn’t really enjoyed, or the writing itself wasn’t missed, I’ll take that as my cue to drop this shit altogether, cause seriously, the IY fandom makes me longingly stare at the EXIT far too often and I’m just about ready for a permanent change.



Decidedly Moody

Friday, 9 September, 2011

So, I’m not in the greatest of moods. I never am when it comes to the anniversary of my mother’s death. Tack on that I’m getting sick and tired of rude ingrates and you have a Grrrl in rare form. I haven’t written anything. I usually shutdown around this time, and while I wasn’t super upset or anything, I didn’t feel like being bothered with anything, either. But I will say this, people piss me off, and therefore, I’m not going to extend myself anymore. They can have a big, fat slice of my FUCK YOU cake because I’m so over these assholes.

Aside from that, I know I promised to have something written by now, but I explained what happened above. I just get in a “I don’t wanna do shit” mood and I end up, well, not doing shit but reading manga and wallowing. I had other reasons for not feeling like writing that started a while back, and combined with the shit that’s going on now and RL issues, I’m just in rare form. That said, I will be making a real effort to write this weekend. And I do intend to do F.A. month (Obviously not this month since it’s well into it already, but soon!). Gotta have fun with this stuff while I still can, right? So make sure you vote if you read this blog. I also realized that I didn’t put GFE on that list. Sorry! But don’t worry about it ’cause that one is guaranteed to be updated.

Okay, I’m off to attempt some fics. Whatever I produce will probably be short. It will allow me to get more done if I attempt multiple stories. Heck, who knows. I may even start the FA in the middle of the month and carry it into next month if I get properly motivated. *Takes a peek at the scores thus far* xD


And before I go, meet JaeJoong of JYJ (the other half of DBSK that went solo. In fact, Mirotic, which is playing now, is DBSK.). Their music is awesome! They sing a lot of English and it’s da shit (To me, anyway :P).

This is JYJ.

The Plight of Sheeple and Other Stuff (since it’s been a while!)

Thursday, 1 July, 2010

I miss using my blog. I love my forum – we have a blast there- but I love my blog, too. *Hugs my bloggy-blog* Anyway, I haven’t laid down a good old-fashioned rant in a while, and though I said I’d stop using my blog for personal shit, fuck it. It’s MY blog, am I right? lol.

Anyway, I hate sheeple. If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s a derogatory reference for people that just follow people/sites/places/things blindly. They have no true facts to back anything up, and they don’t have a true “cause”, and they don’t even know what the fuck they’re talking about most of the time. They talk because they need to be heard. You know the type.

They butt into your A and B conversation with unwanted, unnecessary bullshit because they want to be seen. They’re not offering anything useful because they don’t even know what you’re talking about. They just want to jump in and create drama for the sake of it, or because they’re bored, or stupid, or nosy, or whatever.

I’m a leader, not a follower. I always have been. I go against the grain all the time if it suits me and what I want to achieve. I care about people, and I will go out of my way to help or be supportive to a deserving person, but I’ll give an asshole my ass to kiss in a moment, usually by way of ignoring them. The internet gives people the luxury of being anonymous, but they use their anonymity to be pricks for no apparent reason other than internet pats on the back. *snort* Seriously? Get over yourself and your high schooler’s need to be accepted amongst your peers. It’s sad and laughable.

Is this about fandom? Not really. It’s a horse of a different color, but the overall pomposity of it is the same. People are obnoxious idiots most of the time. I mean, you think they are at first glance, but then they start talking and remove all fucking doubt. Butt-in-ski’s and bandwagon jumpers, in particular. I just can’t bring myself to care enough or be rude enough, to get all into something that has jackshit to do with me, especially with strangers. My time is too valuable. Sorry.

Now, on to other things!

I haven’t been writing, at least not very much. I have some health stuff going on and my head simply isn’t where it needs to be to achieve anything substantial. That’s why I have a new poll up. I’ve been thinking about those stories, in particular, and would like to update something that will garner a nice response. I mean, I love most of my fics and I’m going to finish them eventually whether anyone leaves a review or not, but I like making people happy when I can, so I want to update something that will do that until I have more time in my schedule and I’m feeling better able to write consistently again. Keep in mind, though, that the chapters will continue to be fairly short, especially right now when I’m under the weather. So vote, babes!

In other, other news!

I watched the BET awards on my DVR, and wow, I didn’t expect them to be so much fun! I’m not big on hip-hop, but I do like some songs and really took a liking to “Hands Up” by DJ Khaled, who closed out the show with a slew of guests, including T-Pain, Puffy and Busta Rhymes, and I had a blast. Even ran it back a few times.

But the highlight of the show was, of course, Chris Brown’s MJ tribute. That boy tore it APART, trust me on that. He broke down in tears by the end, though, during “Man in the Mirror” and the audience just loved it –so did I. It pisses me off that people are trying to say he faked that, used “eye drops” and other dumb shit. Look, get over that Rhianna bullshit. She’s busy man-hopping, so apparently, she’s definitely over it. But more to the point, he made a mistake, he’s paying for that mistake, and if people can forgive R. Kelly for pissing on children, I think a 21 year old kid (19 at the time) who lost his temper and fucked up can get a little break.

None of us were there when it went down, so we don’t know what set him off. People need to chill and let it lie. Now, am I condoning? Oh HELL no. I’m not a Rhianna or Chris Brown fan, but I am a woman, and what he did was fucking stupid and the lumps he took were deserved. But it’s been over a year, he’s kept his nose clean, he did whatever it was the judge told him to do in terms of punishment -leave it alone already.

And in closing…

I started a new diet and lost 20lbs. <.< That shit wasn't easy, either! And I miss cake! Wah! How about some Yasha? This chick is amazing! Her name is HitokiriSakura2012 and you can find her works on Deviant Art. her use of color is just awing.

Mail Woes, YouTube BS & Douchebaggery.

Monday, 4 January, 2010

I’m behind on blog responses (I’m working on it!), but I have to say that people really make me laugh, and not in that “Haha, you’re so clever.” way. More like that “LULZ, you’re such a fucking douche.” way.

Courtesy of Nikkie!

Courtesy of Nikkie!


Now, for the suck.

I use Opera almost exclusively now, but it has bugs and shit that irk the fuck out of me. Like the way it handles Gmail. For some reason, google likes to ignore Opera as far as technology goes, hence why gmail acts fucking RETARDED when accessed through Opera. So, I decide to use the their mail client to import my gmail stuffs to make life easier. Wrong.


That shit is a nightmare and I quickly plan to delete the entire thing. I keep mail pretty organized for the most part. I have labeled folders, archives, all that. Well, this shit just imports EVERYTHING as UNREAD in my inbox, thus making life much, much harder. Urg. Worst 10 minutes of my life! lol. So, it’s off to find an easier way to deal with this shit. The fuck?!

EDIT: I deleted that mail account. Yay! 😀

And I won’t even get into google’s takeover of YouTube and the complete ASSHATTERY of their new login system, which has hundred of people locked out of their accounts. Did you know that you have to have a gmail account now in order to have a YouTube account? Oh yeah. Can someone say antitrust laws? WTF? I’ve had gmail for years, but if someone else has yahoo, eudora, or hotmail, they should be able to have a fucking YT account without creating a gmail account! ::hard eyeroll::

Oh, and with any luck, I should be updating this week. Yay!

ANOTHER EDIT: I just finished my last duties for InuRomp and have officially retired from the comm. Hurray for having less work!

Happy Monday!

And You Think You Know Someone…

Sunday, 15 November, 2009

You know, I keep a small inner circle. They’re my road dawgs that I tell just about everything to because they have my trust that way. But when one of them vanishes, albeit due to their own very real, and very serious problems, but then they tack on that they avoided you because of some bullshit rumor about a site you wouldn’t spit on let alone supposedly “hack”, you have to scratch your fucking head, especially when you’ve been nothing but good to that person.

I have avoided speaking on this because frankly, I don’t give a fuck and didn’t have jackshit to do with it, but since I’m hearing that some fucking idiot is trying to blame me for something I didn’t do, let me put it really plainly.

I didn’t touch anyone’s site, and neither did anyone on my staff. That shit is beneath all of us, particularly when it comes to the site in question. Why would I fucking bother? It would be a waste of my time, particularly when its presence didn’t affect me one way or the other. But that’s what happens when dipshits are given a captive audience; they use the opportunity to talk dumb shit.

I can say more on the subject, but I won’t because even entertaining it this long is 3 minutes of my life that I can’t get back, but I thought it was about time I let shit be known. Anyone who thinks I did anything can go fuck themselves with a broken bottle, and that friend, well I guess you weren’t that much of one, now were you?