Beyond Redemption – Mail Woes, YouTube BS & Douchebaggery.

Mail Woes, YouTube BS & Douchebaggery.

I’m behind on blog responses (I’m working on it!), but I have to say that people really make me laugh, and not in that “Haha, you’re so clever.” way. More like that “LULZ, you’re such a fucking douche.” way.

Courtesy of Nikkie!

Courtesy of Nikkie!


Now, for the suck.

I use Opera almost exclusively now, but it has bugs and shit that irk the fuck out of me. Like the way it handles Gmail. For some reason, google likes to ignore Opera as far as technology goes, hence why gmail acts fucking RETARDED when accessed through Opera. So, I decide to use the their mail client to import my gmail stuffs to make life easier. Wrong.


That shit is a nightmare and I quickly plan to delete the entire thing. I keep mail pretty organized for the most part. I have labeled folders, archives, all that. Well, this shit just imports EVERYTHING as UNREAD in my inbox, thus making life much, much harder. Urg. Worst 10 minutes of my life! lol. So, it’s off to find an easier way to deal with this shit. The fuck?!

EDIT: I deleted that mail account. Yay! 😀

And I won’t even get into google’s takeover of YouTube and the complete ASSHATTERY of their new login system, which has hundred of people locked out of their accounts. Did you know that you have to have a gmail account now in order to have a YouTube account? Oh yeah. Can someone say antitrust laws? WTF? I’ve had gmail for years, but if someone else has yahoo, eudora, or hotmail, they should be able to have a fucking YT account without creating a gmail account! ::hard eyeroll::

Oh, and with any luck, I should be updating this week. Yay!

ANOTHER EDIT: I just finished my last duties for InuRomp and have officially retired from the comm. Hurray for having less work!

Happy Monday!


    • avatarLiz (Da Sistah) says:

      Yay for cutting the fat … ALL the fat!

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      *giggles* I need to find that piccie of the kitty with the caption of ‘Your stupidity is blinding me” Some people seriously just need to leave the cud-chewing to the experts (aka cows) who have the four stomachs for coughing up old grievances and hashing them all out again only to swallow and repeat.

      *chuckles* Gotta love it when sites decide to ‘improve’ themselves only to wind up being a royally side-screw of the sweaty-yak kind. Google is starting to become like DA in many respects. And that sucks.

      *Tackling glompage* WHOOOT!! On officially retiring from InuRomp and having less stress/work! You are off to a great start! *giggles*

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      I’m lovin’ the clever sign up there lolz! Oh yeah google and vevo are completely fucking up YouTube. I had to change my password a dozen times because google said it couldn’t log in. I was pissed but it finally worked out after I wasted about, I don’t know, 27 minutes of my life! Let’s hope this google shit gets competent and actually WORKS for a change!

    • avatarAm says:

      Really?…who does Google think they are? They did the same thing over at blogspot and the create an account now is WEIRD. Vevo on youtube is pointless, too. It claims you can watch videos better, it loads faster, and all kinds of mess…it doesn’t -.- Even with my fastest internet connection it doesn’t load. Lol! I love that icon, though. Still on a quest for a better web browser? I still use firefox but thats because I’ve been sitting on the upgrade people complained about.

      Anyway, at least the suck is over with now that you deleted the account. Happy Monday! :)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      That’s exactly what I said! Who the hell does google think they are?! I’ve been using gmail as long as I’ve been a writer, but WTF? Talk about trying to take over the planet! From what I’ve read, they’re changing logins and registrations to A) force you to use gmail and B) add more “google” features. Yeah, like what? Vevo? >.> YT sucks now in a lot of ways and I’m just waiting for the better alternative to come along. It will happen sooner or later, especially after this. I literally saw 100 posted complaints on their help pages about being locked out of their accounts. I STILL can’t get in via Opera (apparently, as research has told me, google seems to have a hard on for ignoring the Opera browser). It’s dumb.

      How did you manage to avoid the FF upgrade?? because we don’t get a choice around here. FF tells you an update is available, and then when you log off and log back in, it auto installs, thus taking your choice away. If there’s a trick around that >.> It’s so effin slow on macs it’s ridiculous. All of these browsers are except safari, but for some reason, I can’t play certain Fb games on that brower. And is it me, or is facebook really damned slow? o.O

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Yeah, I was hearing things last night that made me smirk and call a douche as I see ’em. People need a life, for realz, because having me and mine on the brain all the time can’t possibly be healthy, particularly when I don’t acknowledge them in any way. And Nikkie is like the “appropriate icon queen” xD

      YT is a waste of time at this point. For AGES I couldn’t even see any videos without using the “separate screen” feature, despite having the latest flash installed. And I still can’t log in with Opera, only firefox. *shakes head* It’s not worth it and I’m about to close my account there.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      LOL. Damn right, Sistah! It’s WAY overdue! 😛

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      NIKKKKKKKIE!!! 😛

      You’re so right. And really, what grievances? If there were some legitimate ones, I could understand the constant shit-talking, but there were none other than twisted fucking egos. ::eyeroll:: So not giving a shit -I scrape them off the bottom of my Timz. For srs.

      And Google needs to get cut up, as does microsoft. Gates should have gotten slapped with antitrust penalties in the USA ages ago, but a golf date with Bill Clinton seemed to “fix” all his problems when he was being investigated. It’s bullshit. No one company should be able to own so much in one industry. Period. It’s unfair to the consumer who should have the right to choose their company and not have shit shoved down their throats.

      And I finished my IR banners! *glomps* I haz fwee!

      *Prances off*

    • avatarAm says:

      I used to like Veoh as a video site. This was a while ago, but they had this cool comp application for watching their videos that let you download from their site. And it had this customizable “widget board” on it thats really similar to what macs have where you can put in weather updates, sticky notes, time, even mini-video players/music players. After I found piratebay, though, I kinda abandoned it. Downloading is kind of a hassle, it doesn’t run all that fast, and their selection of videos isn’t as big as youtube’s. But I like some of their features. You can search videos by how long they are and can find whole movies up. Plus, I heard youtube had this thing about videos not being longer than 10 minutes now? They’re outta control…

      As for ff, it still tells me there’s an upgrade and asks, I just hit skip. When it tries to install itself (which rarely happens) I control, alt, delete, open up the task manager and end the task. Which would be different because you’re working on a mac. I don’t really like Safari. I’m still conditioned on windows so anything except photoshop (because macs are THE computers to have if you want to do any kind of art/graphic/web design work)irks me about macs. The tab thing is weird, too. The little ‘+’ sign…it looks like it SHOULD open up a new tab, but its for bookmarking I think?

      I wouldn’t know about facebook, lol. I thought about making one, but too many people have told me about facebook “fights” and “drama”…and I’ve had my fill of that after myspace -.- If you think fandom drama is bad, that shit gets RIDIC. The games do sound tempting, though! I used to love Mafia wars on myspace.

    • avatarDangersque says:

      That’s weird… I have no gmail account, but my youtube account is still get-to-able. Not that I go to Youtube that much anymore, since everyone I watch is on blip.

      As for e-mail stuff, have you tried Thunderbird? I’m pretty sure you can set gmail accounts up with that since you can with yahoo mail accounts. It will import everything as unread, but it’s pretty easy to make up folders and filters to automatically sort everything. And you can mark entire folders as read.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      And THIS is why you’re kid bro! 😀

      I just uploaded Thunderbird and did my pop info and WHAM. All my folders and stuff from gmail came right up. I’m configuring and stuff now, but I like this shit already! I’m SO sick of the way gmail performs on opera, and I’ve had my e-mail addresses nearly 5 years -changing is not an option. *dances*

      And YT is slowly turning everything over to google. I’m shocked it hasn’t gotten you yet. My friend has yahoo and gmail -let me tell you what they did. I was stunned. First, they removed her yahoo address from login, meaning she couldn’t get in with that login anymore. Then, they found her gmail address and switched all of her yahoo login stuff to that, and WITHOUT confirming that they were the same person. I really couldn’t believe that shit. When I attempt login with opera it won’t let me in (again google hating on opera), and if I do it with FF, I get a warning that soon I won’t be able to log in with my old YT password and username. I’ll need to link my account to my google account. o.O So, if you haven’t gotten it yet, you will. >.>