Not Quite as Unchained.
Welp, I reopened my LJ account, but not for the reason y’all might think. Something happened with someone I know a while back, and thanks to several nudges from Onna-mom, I decided to keep my account because that’s my name. I won’t be posting any updates there whatsoever, though. You’ll still need to come here to catch up with a Grrrl. xD
And speaking of catching up, can you believe I’m on the crux of completing my OC fic? Wow. I knew I could do it and all, but I also know that I get flighty with fictions and will start on a roll, then taper off. But happily, I can report that it hasn’t happened. I have one chapter left, which I’m going to start today, and then we lay it down. How awesome is that?? I’m hoping it rubs off on the rest of my fic arsenal! I have some gift oneshots and two-fers to deliver, so here’s to hoping my inspiration holds out. And again, thanks, everyone, for coming out and showing that story some love. It was really encouraging to see positive reviews. Squee!
But with every sunny day, a drop of rain must fall. Updating as fast I have (5 chaps in 2 weeks is pretty good), my hands are getting angry. Fucking shitty-ass carpal tunnel just wrecks my damn life! Each chap has been between 4000 and 5100 words, which is not massive, but it’s not small and I’m starting to feel it. So, I’ll be writing a bit slower (the faster you type, the more they hurt) and getting new stuff to you as I can. After all, it helps no one when my brain wants to write and my hands won’t allow it.
I still haven’t watched the new IY episode. Amber green-lighted it, but Jenn was not pleased, so I’m torn. I will probably skip it for now. I don’t want to watch canon while I finish up this fic. Plus, if I don’t like what I see, I’ll be hating on InuYasha, which isn’t a good idea when I’m writing a Canon Yasha fic. <.< Okay, I'm off. If I owe you mail -you know who ya are- it will be coming throughout the weekend. EDIT: So, I decided to change my wordpress layout. I still have my old one, but this one grabs me a lot, so yeah. I like it, though altering the css wasn’t all that fun. >.< Also, I got a nice surprise. JMaxwell finally snatched me up this morning and sent me 2 new songs! If you didn't know, he plays the piano and he's the one that made that InuYasha version of "Carol of the Bells" for me (You can hear it on Eternal Destiny now). He's freakin awesome! *squees softly* He always sends me the latest stuff he's been working on and I totally love this. Therefore, all of you are gonna hear it and love it with me! 😀 It's called "Better Late Than Never" and I think >.> that has a lot to do with how MIA I’ve been lately. Hehehe…
Happy Thursday! ^_^
Thursday, 10 December, 2009 at 11:07
Oh yeah! I’ve been meaning to say how awesome that Carol of the Bells song is! Very talented person. I can’t thank you enough for you altering the story and throwing Sesshy in there. I’ll consider that a gift and if it is, it’s gotta be one of the best gifts I’ve ever received!! So THANK YOU!! So I got around to reading Silence and wow!! Amazing, but what else is new lolz! Well, that’s all for now.
Oh and the season’s been alright. Absolution has been the only bright spot so far. For some reason I feel melancholy about the upcoming holidays. I guess it’s because things are so different from. It was like my grandma and my great-aunt were the super glue bonding this family together because now that they’re gone, everyone’s divided. It’s just never been the same. I don’t even want to do anything really. But for the sake of my niece and nephew, I’ll try to pull myself together so I can make it through this.
So thanks again for the fics because they’re helping me pull through!
Thursday, 10 December, 2009 at 12:23
Hello big sis,
nice new look you got going on here!! Okay I saw the ep of inuyasha….here how it goes k. Inuyasha only really has a Kikyo moment for about 5-10 seconds. Now he himself shouldn’t piss you off but the guy the give him the blood tears will he says a lot of fucked up things and it’s all to get under both kags & inu’s skin, but Kagome will fix that for you…girl as much as she can get on my bad side she killed it this week. I mean just watch you’ll love what she said and did. Now to get next weeks ep if I were you I’d watch it but maybe after you are done with you’re OC fic.
Remember no matter how you feel about Kikyo she isn’t the world. InuYasha does something that will help you see only Kags can heal him and bring him back. That he’s will to fight for her because she give him that power. It makes up for a lot of his slow moments. I hope this helps you make up your mind to watch or not. *smiles*
Oh man, I LOVE the OC fic!!!!!!! You make me wish he could keep her Isis is soo cute and sweet well you can see more of what I think in the review I gave. You have carpal tunnel? My mom and brother have it too. I got other things but not that, my back, legs and everything else it enough. You should try putting your hands in warm water with some honey (only a tiny bit thou) for 2-3mins and then just rest them for about 10mins or so to get the feel back in them.
*hugs* love ya
Thursday, 10 December, 2009 at 12:24
Oh and you can tell jmaxwell HE ROCKS!!!!
Thursday, 10 December, 2009 at 18:41
Wow! This place is looking and sounding pretty snazzy 😉 I like! Thats some awesome piano playing…and I loooooooove the IY version of Carol of the Bells. I’ve listened to it about a million times now…in a row >.> Its so pretty! And when it builds up, it sounds like something you’d hear at a really good part in a movie. I’ve always loved piano music. My freshman year of hs I played, but I never took it beyond the class. The only thing I can do now is “Twinkle, twinkle little star” and one hand of “All my life” by Casey and JoJo. Nothing like this, though. JMaxwell turns out some pretty tunes! “Better late than Never” rocks!
Now….rest those hands before they explode -.- And happy Thursday right back at ya! 😀
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 9:13
Hey Am!!
JMax is pretty awesome, ne? That’s why he’s my “J!!!!!!!!!!!!”. (He used to tell me I was causing a shortage of exclamation points >.>) And shankies!! I’m glad you like the new digs. I still have the old layout, but I’ve been wanting to have alternative ones. I plan to make a few others with different artwork, but playing with the css isn’t all that fun. >.<
Piano is righteous, seriously. That you can play at all is coolness. I played the flute for years, but that wasn't something I wanted to do long term. I like hearing music, but playing it? Meh. He has sent me SO many pieces that he's done. I should start a playlist based on just his songs. 😛 He's that fucking cool, and Carol of the Bells?? OMG. This is the true story:
Kiki: J, play Carol of the Bells for me. It’s my favorite Xmas song and I want to run it exclusively for my Xmas party.
(This is the first one in 2007)
J: Okay.
About 1.5 days later…
J: Got something for you. *sends file*
Kiki: OMG, you did it? Awesome. *starts playing it*
*Shock, awe, and copious amounts of squeeing*
And it’s been popular ever since. 😀 I get people asking for copies of it all the time (I gave out a download when I posted the last chapter of the “party”), and from what I understand, so does he. But most times, he tells them they need to ask me for it since he gave it to me. I love J. L O V E H I M. He even surprised me with an IY version of Stevie Nick’s “The Edge of Seventeen” (The song that inspired the story) for when I quit being lazy and end that fic. >.> It was ages ago, too, but since I didn’t end it yet <.< I didn't post the song yet.
I was on Twitter for the first time in ages today and saw that you were on your way to the Poconos! HAVE AN AWESOME TIME!!! I should have that fic wrapped up by the time you return -hopefully it will put a smile on your face! ^_^
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 9:15
I shall sing J’s praises for ya, Sissy! 😛
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 9:24
Kimmy, trust me, I know just what you’re dealing with!
Grandma was the glue, her and Mama. When Mama died, something went with her and we all felt it, after all, we have a super small family. But when gram passed? that was it. A bomb went off and everyone scattered. Her house was the “meeting place”. Every holiday we all got off our asses and made it there and it was really the only time that we spent together. She’s been gone about 7 years now and it’s never been the same. Just before Turkey Day my cousin called me up and he was like, “We never see each other anymore.” (meaning the family) He’s right. I haven’t physically laid eyes on him in months, same with my aunt, and at least 2 years have passed since I’ve last seen my uncle and he’s right here in NY. It’s sad, but gram was the glue. So I totally, totally understand.
That said, I’m glad the stories help in some small way. It certainly helps for me to write them and get back into what was supposed to be my escape now that the holidays are here.. Sometimes they (the holidays) can really suck, but keeping myself busy is helping with that a lot. Plus, despite the hand pain, it just feels good to care about the pen again. For a while there, I certainly didn’t! And I’m gonna pass the praise to JMax! Maybe it will make him stop critiquing himself so hard. (-_-)
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 9:43
Shankies, Kid Sissy! ^_^
It was time for a new layout. I’ve had this one almost a year!
You’re right. It’s more the spaghetti guy that pisses me off than InuYasha, but I still haven’t watched it yet. I’m going to AFTER this canon piece is done. I dunno… I think it will interrupt my flow, which I don’t want so close to the end. I do like what I’m hearing about Kagome’s role, though, so I’m looking forward to that part. After this, we should hear next to nothing about Kikyou and I’m glad. So, SO sick of her. For real, lol.
The OC fic!! When I was writing it the first time, I was like, “I should give this to Kid Sissy. I owe her a fic, and with this being a woman of color…” But then I stopped short of the dedication because I wasn’t 100% sure you’d be able to deal with a non- I/K fic. I regret that now! lol. But, in any case, you and the 3 others I mentioned can really consider this story yours. You and Amber, particularly. You’ve both supported it from day one and all the encouragment really made me focus and hammer it down.
Now, I know you’d like them to be together (Secretly, so would I! They say a writer can get pretty attached to their OCs, and I have to say that I understand that now!), but if I’m sticking to canon, they can’t. *pouts* There are so many things I could do with them if she stayed -all new adventure type shit, particularly when the tachi get in the mix- but I said 6 chaps and canon and I gotta stick to it. However, I do plan to hook him up with a sistah again -hehe… I’m thinking alternate universe, modern, and bad boy Yasha at his BEST. What do ya think? On board for the ride?? xD
I have 2 slipped discs in my lower back (don’t ask me how that happened cause i don’t know!), so I can feel YOUR pain, too! I got CT over a year ago. All that endless typing, plus the use of my hands in my real work did me in. That was a big part of why I slowed down and stopped writing as much. I have to be careful. A relapse will seriously keep me off the comp for weeks at a clip, which SUCKS. I’m going to try the honey water, tho. Right now, I wear tight, fingerless gloves. They’re for wrist and hand support and they help tons, plus I have lots of motrin and muscle relaxers that also help. So I’m medicated often, but at least I can write! *LovesLoves* 😀
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 12:08
Big Sis!!
Yeah That’s why it’s fun watching him get his ass handed to him lolz. Everyone is ready to move on from Kikyo now. I loved what Kags did. Yeah I said that was better for you to watch after your OC, And you may have two Inu eps back to back to watch so it’s cool.
WHAT!!! Girl I would have love that!! I’m a big I/K fan but sometimes Kags can really piss me off in story that I go ‘Why couldn’t he find someone else’. But at the same time I can only read it OCs when it’s done right, you know? If some do it he’s with a girl that’s JUST like Kagome or looks like, He’ll live in the US yet only dates japanese girls but somethimes lives in the hood. I mean I’m Native and I wanted to see OCs form more walks of life pop up. Her being a sistah a women of color was so much better. Well I still don’t mind sharing this one with the 3 other awesome people at all!! You encouragement is what I do, I believe if a person has a gift they should be told so. And you my big sis overflows with this gift of telling a story.
Yeah I would…it’s cause you had to go and make her be all awesome what not!! You should be attached Isis comes off in a way that makes me think she could have been apart of the anime or manga!! That takes skills girl you just better love her!! lolz!!! 😉 HELL YEAH!! Let’s ride on that one, another sistah is just what the doctor order and you know I love my bad ass yasha!! He’s too sexy when he’s like that for his own good it should be a law against it for real. -_-
Yeah I know what ya mean back pains our not fun and with me I was born with a few things like I have scoliosis 8 1/2(thou last time they looked over it they said it was a bit better, I still get swelling of the spine and that shit makes it hard to get off bed), leg deficiency is what they call my leg condition but they really don’t know what to make of it. It gives out locks up. you know back when we used to e-mail all the time, I wanted to call you on the phone but you were working? My left leg locked up for about 2-3 years before that. I couldn’t make go straight, I was going to doctors to get it back on point all the way up to then. So we’re talkin’ from late 02-05, My leg was over worked but that’s another story. Add asthma and migraines to the mix my bad days are a pain, but I do what I gotta do. I don’t have any pain pills thou it’s hard for them to give me any cause of my other pills. It’s hard for anyone who doesn’t know me to know when I’m in pain. I don’t react the way everyone else would I’m so use to it. I feel but I don’t cry out or show it much at all.
Anyway moving on from that I most go comment to you’re note on my review I can’t wait for last chapter!!!!! *hugs* loves ya
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 13:18
Yeah! I figured it out! You can’t see it but I’m doing a pathetic little happy dance on being able to figure this out! It was deceptively simple Instrumental music is my fav! and your friend is excellent! One of my besties is a music performance major and I’ve forced her to listen and now we are both hooked! So thanks for “forcing” us to listen! Sorry to hear about your carpal tunnel I have silly tennis elbow and even though I don’t play any more it’s amazing what a pain the rear it can be! Anyhoo good luck and feel better I’m rereading some of your other work to bolster me while I read your OC and it’s holding me down! I just reread “Loved” and it’s so sweet I think I will be okay 😉 Have a good weekend!
Friday, 11 December, 2009 at 13:40
Yea, I saw the latest episode and the Anime team once again confirmed my expectations. Kagome (They hate her so much) is a wicked witch towards InuYasha (even more so than that very unwanted chapter) when he is trying to in his very inexperienced way to praise her and express his emotions/confide in her. So yea… I recommend a skip the episode.
Like I said on IM, the OC fic has me speechless and going off to think about it. I am hooked. And I am cheering you up and on for breaking into a new world with the OC and making it all your own!
Sad when to protect oneself one needs to get unwanted baggage. *sighs* I feel for you…. having to keep in the realm of WankJournal.
I lovvveeeeee the new layout for Redemp! And J’s song is wickedly delicious!
Saturday, 12 December, 2009 at 5:37
ok.. tell JM that he needs to make a cd of his shit because I just love all them.. the new song ROCKS!!! I have always loved the piano and the violin… but his piano playing to a wonder… love the new layout look.. makes me feel like I need to do something with mine.. I have been sitting on it for ages..
Glad that you are making a come back on the writing just take it nice and slow, we don’t want you to get hurt more… I have yet to watch the new series of IY.. I haven’t had much time..but I have been hearing mixed reviews so it make me wonder if I even want to start watching…
Well I have a little one up for a bottle — gotta go –then some sleep.. tootles!! (^3^)
Saturday, 12 December, 2009 at 16:55
Neo ^_^
Isn’t JM the absolute awesome?? I have an entire folder of music he’s played/composed. He’s fucking brilliant, but he’s always saying something snide about his playing. Makes me want to beat him up. >.> He has so much damned talent -it’s insane. I may have to make a little zip file for you so you can check out all of his works!
The writing is making me pay. My hand/arm really hurts, so I’m moving at a snail’s pace and I’m SO glad that I’m not doing the FA site right now. My hands would collapse completely. The new IY episodes, I admit, are good,, but the Kikyou stuff is very, very irking. Some of the last manga chaps were fucking ridiculous with that shit, and seeing it played out just grinds my gears in a way that makes them hard to watch. I’m not going to look at this one for another few days; they piss me off so much that I end up hating him for a while and I don’t want to do that when I’m writing.
Hope things are good and you’re getting some sleep. No one deserves it more than you these days!
Saturday, 12 December, 2009 at 17:03
Welcome to Redemption! This be the official journal of IG (since I have abandoned things like LJ). (^_^)b
I can’t wait to tell JM how much you liked the music. He’s such a genius, but he likes to deny it. I have a gang of his music on my itunes and I like putting it on when I want to relax. He’s too amazing. I think, for Xmas at Absolution, I’m going to make an all JM playlist. Some nice relaxing classical piano for the holidays, including the song that made him my internet hubby, Carol of the Bells. He’ll turn a nice shade of pink, too! 😀
Tennis elbow sounds like suck. Carpal Tunnel is wicked. WICKED. It makes your hands ache, your wrists, elbows, and in my case, up to the upper arms. It also causes the nerves in your hands to have these sharp tingles. It blows, and not in that good way, either! >.<
I saw that you were checking out Loved again! *cheesy grin* Thanks for enjoying it enough to read it twice. I plan to update it after I polish off this last chapter. It will be a bit slow, though, since my hands are rebelling. *grumbles* But hopefully, you'll like it. Then I'm going to tackle something that should have been completed a while back. So, I'll be a busy Grrrl, but at least there will be new chappies!
Enjoy the weekend! ^_^
Saturday, 12 December, 2009 at 17:13
Nik! ^^
Ack, I was afraid of that.
I’m not a huge fan of Kagome (you know that), but I hate the Kikyou shit, so it makes me defend her more. So, I don’t know how mad I’ll be if she’s being a little shitty. I can’t imagine what she’s been dealing with all this time (if this were real). The hurt of loving someone who acts torn the whole time is horrible. But you can’t leave because you love them too much. Awful shit there.
The OC fic is almost done. Ha;f of the last chap is written, and then I can say I completed a multi-chap when I was actually supposed to, lol. That said, I know seeing IY with someone other than Kagome isn’t pleasant, so I can understand your not knowing what to say, lol. But hey, you gave it a try. Can’t ask for more than that, ne?
WankJournal is never going to see another post from me, honestly. Birthdays, maybe, IF i remember, but otherwise, fuck that place. I just want to keep a lock on my name -don’t need idiots trying to be cute. Everyone needs to get a WP so I can just invade them from there, dammit! 😛
And shankies on the layout! It was time. I sill have the old one, but I want to try on different looks. I may switch the pic here to Neo’s header she made for Abi. It’s so hawt. >.> For xmas I’m gonna make a JM playlist on Abi so everyone can hear his awesome. I don’t think he knows how good he is!
Saturday, 12 December, 2009 at 19:40
Good luck with LJ, dollface. *squeezes* And rest those hands!
*still has to start reading your new fic* >.<
Sunday, 13 December, 2009 at 19:25
Girl, I all but shut LJ off. I just didn’t dead the account. I won’t be getting mail from there and all that sorta shit. It’s like having a photobucket acct. It’s just there with no true purpose. 😛
I owe you mail. My hands are slightly better, but chances are I’ll need another day or two to finish it. >.< You’re loved in New York! <333