Beyond Redemption – Lisztomania!



It’s been a long ass time since I’ve updated this thing regularly, but that’s about to change. I had some shit in real life going on -and it still is- but I realized that I was letting it drag me down and get me in a crappy state of mind. Total opposite of my goals for the new year, so you know what? Fuck it.

Yeah, you heard me. 😛

Life only happens once and then you’re gone. I’m not going to waste mine letting all the pressures of real life squeeze me. I’m going to do what I have to do, but I’m also going to keep having my fun and doing the things I love. I advise y’all do the same.

*Throws a ‘fuck it’ party* xD

Okay, onto the fun shit! Lisztomania is fucking awesome. Now, I realize y’all may not be able to get into that song. >.> But some of y’all (Am, I’m looking at you) may get it. I heard this song after pursuing another song by Phoenix called “1901” from the “Rock Band” video game (I saw a commercial). So, I got my hands on the CD (Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix) and heard this song.

I fucking love it.

Music is my thing. I love it more than InuYasha and I can usually decide if a song is the shit on the first listen. Well, this song had me bouncing from the first note. It’s catchy as FUCK. Of course, that made me get their earlier CDs and there are a few gems, so I’m adding them to my permanent iTunes list. Wanna hear them for yourself? You know where to go. >.> I also got my hands on Professional Murder Music’s discography and they’re good as well. Again, you know where to go if you want a listen.

Now for the movie review.

This week I finally saw Precious. Mo’ nique (Why does she spell her name this way?) earned the awards she’s been receiving, trust me on that one, but I have many, many issues with this film (and none of it has to do with anyone’s acting ability. Well, except Mariah’s. <.<) I understand what they were trying to say, or rather, what they expect you to feel, but all I took away from this film was anger. I'm not going to go into all of the things about it that pissed me off, but I will say this: When I saw the lead character described as a "typical" Black Harlem teenager in a synopsis, I was offended. There is nothing typical about that situation and the implication that accompanies such a statement makes me fucking furious.

I’m going to leave it at that.

Out of a possible five Yashas, I give this 2.

Onto more pleasant stuff! 😀

I want to thank everyone that came out to show the new story, With Honor, some love. I wrote it for Selina, but it makes me really happy to see such a positive response. So, thank you. :) I finally updated Loved, too, and that wasn’t just a job >.> it was a fucking adventure. <.< I've had a retarded amount of block on that one so it took months to finally finish the chap I started back in July. Horrid. I don't know what's up with me. Everything just gives me the fucking business, and I know I'm probably being too hard on myself (as always), but if I'm not satisfied, I automatically think no one else will be, either. Urg. My hope is to get more chapters done this week, but they'll probably be short. And forced. I'm not feeling very creative, so you'll probably feel that when you read them. But I'm at a point that if I don't at least try to work on older fics I’ll dump them all. For srs. So, if you like what you read, review and tell me so. Trust me >.> seeing that people want updates stops me from cutting shit off at the knees (the way I’d like to).

In other news, I’ve done more pulling away from fandom. Not from my lovelies, just this fandom. I find that I’m a lot happier when I’m not involved with people/places/things outside of my bubble aka the Feudal Pulp Fiction Network. I don’t like most of what’s out there and don’t need it. I’m content to write for YOU guys without any of the meaningless, bullshit accolades, gossip, and fuckery that these ‘no life’ types seem to indulge in. I have readers on and deviant art and that’s the only reason why I will continue to post there. Otherwise, I’m perfectly happy opening my home (Absolution) to my lovelies and surrounding myself with their humor and positive energy. The rest of this shit can blow.

I guess you can call me a happy recluse! 😀

Allrighty, I’m going to start dinner and open another half written chapter from, like, a year ago. >.> And YES, I will be posting the end of the OC fic soon. Thanks, again, for supporting that one. As I’ve said before, it means a lot because it was way out of my norm/comfort level, and y’all took the time to encourage it anyway. That’s why you’re my lovelies. <3 Happy Motherfuckin' Hump Day! [caption id="attachment_601" align="aligncenter" width="491" caption="Sakuban. Enough said."]Sakuban. Enough said.[/caption]


    • avatarSelina says:

      Oh, snap – is it too late to get in on the Fuck It party? Because I’m totally there, and you know it.

      But seriously, I love the attitude (about not letting stuff get you down), and I’m going to take that as some moto and see if it can’t get me going a little more. You know how I’ve been lately…in a word: &%?#$*@!! So, if you don’t mind, I’m going to leech some of your good vibes.

      *finds a good vein and starts suckin’*

      I’m working on Part II from my e-mail last night, so expect it soon. *big sloppy smooches*

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      It’s nice to hear from you :) Lisztomania. Is. AWESOME! I’ve never heard of it but your my go-to person for awesome music; you never disappoint! I haven’t seen Precious yet, but I want to. And how many times do I have to tell you that you are just AMAZING?! Any piece of fiction you write will be pure awesomeness and don’t worry, I’ll always be right here to tell you 😉 Take your time with the fics b/c we don’t want the carpal tunnel to start acting up (yeah, I’m scolding you about that!)

      P.S. Write my name on the guest list for the ‘Fuck it’ party. I’ll be there lolz!! Oh and Happy Motherfuckin’ Hump Day to you too! :)

    • avatarSelina says:

      Oh, and I have a picture to send you. <3 Expect that, too.

    • avatarLindsay says:

      Good for you with the “Fuck It” attitude. ::Joins in the party:: I haven’t seen “Precious” but as for Mariah Carey, I remember Glitter (that was the name right?) didn’t much comfort in her acting abilities ::shrug:: that’s me though. Have you heard of Flyleaf? If you like Paramore you may like this band. Two of their really good songs that I ADORE! are “Beautiful Bride” and “Again”, if you’re interested you should check them out.

      Ok, I’m off to write a review for Loved ^.^ <3<3<3

    • avatarAm says:

      LOL! So…I had my headphones plugged in but off my ears. And then I got to “Am, I’m looking at you”…and OMG :DDDDD This is me REALLY smiling!! I loved it right away! It sounds like Modest Mouse (which I’ve taken a lot more to now that I’ve heard the cd a few times) and Vampire Weekend, kinda. But really, reaaaaally awesome. I’ve listened to it a couple times now and I’m singing it as I type ^^ Its so catchy!

      And I’m excited about your positive attitude! *joins in on the ‘fuck-it’ party* I’ve been kinda up and down this week and last, but like you said: life only happens once so we might as well enjoy it!

      But…Precious. I agree 10000% with you on that. I think Mo’nique did really well because usually, I love her, but she made me hate her A LOT in the movie (to the point where I was praying for Mariah Carey to start flipping tables on her). But other parts had me pissed beyond all belief. Like when they named the baby “Mongoloid” I flipped the fuck out. And when Mo’nique was “explaining” herself to Mariah (the whole “who was gonna love me?” spiel) I had to stop watching for a bit. To think there are people who legit feel that way…it makes me sick.

      Anyway (fuck it, lol) , I’m gonna mosey on over to goodies and snag me some ‘Pheonix.” Thanks for the recc! And Happy Hump Day!

      *humps* ;p

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Ammmmmmm! xD

      I knew you’d like that song! Totally knew it. Isn’t the catchiest shit ever? I had it on repeat for 3 hours >.> and I bounced in my seat every single time! You just can’t help it. Listen to 1901 -that one is good, too. So is “Everything is Everything” from one of the earlier albums. They’re labeled “Indie rock” by there’s a lot of Jamiroquai (I probably destroyed that spelling!) there as well. I saw the video for Lisztomania and they’re the plainest looking group of guys, lol. That’s how you know it’s all about the tunes – not a cutie amongst them!

      The ‘fuck it’ party is definitely needed. I’m SURROUNDED by crazy shit right now and it’s like, are you getting taking under, or are you going to remember to live? I chose the latter. 😀 So, while I’m going to handle my business, I’m also going to make time for my peeps and my writing and all the shit that I love while I’m alive to enjoy it! You do the same. You’re too young and awesome to be bogged down!

      *releases the ceiling balloons*

      I knew you were going to have the same stance on Precious. Wasn’t that shit ridiculous? What the hell is typical about this morbidly obese girl getting abused in every conceivable way while she struggles to improve her second grace reading level? And the ending? That shit pissed me off. Mongo? What?! Mo’nique made me want to break my foot off in her ass for being such a waste of life. (‘Tis why she deserves an Oscar. She earned it!)

      But back to the bullshit. It’s like, what is with the movies they seem to make/market to people of color? o_O Why is the most insane, far left of the norm shit so “celebrated”? (The Color Purple, anyone?) They feed the world these stereotypes and you know people outside of that culture are thinking to themselves, “Just how true is that?” Infuriates me on a lot of levels. I can’t rec that movie to anyone. Nope.

      I haven’t heard all the Phoenix stuff yet -let me know if you find any good ones!

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Shankie, Linds! ^_^

      ‘Fuck it’ is the way to be. There just comes a point when you sick and tired of being, well, sick and tired! xD

      I never saw Glitter, no wait! yes I did -on one of the movie channels. It was terrible. >.< She did better in Precious, but her fake Long Island accent made me cringe. Of course I’ve heard of Flyleaf! XDDDDD They’re awesome and I love “Again”. I have all of their available CDs. If you ever need them, gimme a holler. And thanks for showing Loved some luv! That story kicked my butt, but I’m at the home stretch. FINALLY! <3333

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Ooooh, piccies! xD Are they throwbacks?
      (Still giggling at the socks and tucked in jersey!)

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      Kimmy-Kim! ^_^

      How are you, girl? I hope everything is groovy and life is being good to ya! I’m glad you like Phoenix! They’re awesome indeed. Lisztomania has this super bouncy “feel good” vibe that makes you dance around the desk and hope no one is watching, lol. Their stuff is available if you wanna check them out. As for Precious, well, just brace yourself to feel angry and disgusted through 90% of the film. I wish I had gotten that warning before I watched it. >.>

      And, as always, thanks for the vote of confidence. I so appreciate that. I’m never really happy with the writing, so I always dread when I post because I hate disappointing, but if it’s okay to y’all, I’m gonna make it okay with me. :) The carpal has been acting up, I admit, because I’ve been writing all weekend trying to get Loved to an acceptable state. So I’m going to force myself to take it easy and not blow them out, but it’s a major part of the writing suckage. Sigh. *Takes her scolding without complaint*

      Happy, MF, Hump Day. The party is in FULL swing, so get your drink on! xD

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      What’s up, my girl?! I owe you some mail. I got wrapped up in getting Loved posted so it could stop sitting on my desktop glaring. I’m not totally happy, but I feel slightly better after I scrubbed it down and rewrote it, so you’ll be hearing from me!

      We need this party, Li. For real. There’s been some serious BULLSHIT handed down to us lately and it’s time to shed that shit. Everything is everything, feel me? There’s always going to be things we can’t change, and if we can, it will take time, so why be miserable during the process? I already said, from now on, anything that’s bringing me down is getting kicked to the side in lieu of something that will make me feel good. I’m sick of wallowing -and you are, too. (Yeah, I be talkin’ for a sistah! :P)

      *Taps a new vein incase that one runs out*

      Whenever people are on your nerve, you know the motto. ‘FUCK IT!’

      *Slobbery smooches from NY*

    • avatarLiz (Da Sistah) says:

      S’up, Mah Sistah?! Gonna be brief cause my brain be broken. Yay for fuck it parties. Yay for updates (even tho a Sistah be fail for not eyeballing it yet >.> but I will). Yay for bare-assed men in skirts. Okay, I’ll just shut up now 😛

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      LOL. Liz, you crazy! I saw that bare ass and was like >.> OMG, no she didn’t!
      I soooo can’t get into these guys, lmao. But they crack me up cause I always
      think of you!

      And yes, more ‘fuck it’ in the world. MUCH MORE. 😛

    • avatarAm says:

      Soooooo..I went through their songs and a few jumped out. “Everything is Everything” and “1901” were great! There’s also “Too Young” “Lasso” “Armistice” and “Victim of the Crime.” Oh, and “If I ever feel better” fits the fuck-it mood reaaally well, lol. One part made me go ‘awwww’–>”Hang on to the good days/I can lean on my friends/They help me going through hard times.” Its a little slow, but the song is cute. There were a lot of instrumentals, too and nothing in particular grabbed me off “It’s Never Been Like That,” but overall, I like them. They’ve got a different, kinda funky sound that deff works for them.

      And Precious -.- The “typical” is just… WOW. Even without the abuse part…her mother was on welfare, she’s a pregnant teenager, her fathers a DIRTBAG whose never around, and she’s illiterate. Are they trying to say that’s typical of Harlem, too?? Because WTF!

      And yeah…I love how most of what’s marketed to “minorities” is some outta control sob story about strife and struggle. I know some of its true and I have nothing but respect and admiration for the people who live/go through that sort of thing but like you said, people start to believe that you have to or have come from this horrible background to achieve success and from there the stereotypes just keep on coming. It is infuriating, and it only keeps getting fed.


      ANYWAY, found a remix to lisztomania (there’s a download link on the page, too). It slows it down a bit, but the beat is just as catchy :
      Enjoy :)

    • avatarSayuriko says:

      *RSVP’s to the Fuck it party* I hear ya, sweets, life is way too short to be down. I’m finally getting back to my old self, too (and that took a long time >.<) Expect mail soon. *HUGS*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:

      @ My Sayu!

      RSVP received! Doesn’t it feel great to get back to your old self? I’ve decided to go ahead and close Absolution off to most of the public. I’ve had enough, ya know? I’m happy with my small group of people that visit and take a minute to chill with me, so closing it relieves even more stress.

      *Throws confetti*

      I’m even looking at Hikari because of you! <3333

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Thanks for the link to the song! I’ve never seen that site before. *bmks* The slow beat was different, but still good. I liked almost all of the same songs you picked, but a couple, like Too Young, I haven’t heard yet so I’m going to check them out this weekend. There’s a instrumental on the WAP CD that I like. I was zoning to it without realizing then figured out that it was them. lol.

      And yup. That’s exactly the way I see movies geared at minorities, too. It’s like there are certain categories and that’s it:

      The “Hood” movie:

      Boyz ‘n the Hood
      Menace to Society
      South Central

      The “Clown” movie:

      Booty Call
      The Wash

      The “Consciousness/Militant” movie:

      Do the Right Thing
      School Daze
      Higher Learning

      The “Triumph Through Tragedy” movie:

      The Color Purple
      The Women of Brewster Place (TV Special)

      The “bad attempts at romantic comedy” movie:
      (this one gets extra props for having the same handful of actors all the time)

      The Brothers
      Two Can Play That Game
      Love Jones

      Where are all of the action films (And I don’t mean shit like “Juice”) and serious drama that don’t portray people of color like their worlds all revolve around being obese, poor, or abused in some way? Where are the horror movies (and I don’t mean the token minority that’s always the first to get killed) and movies that show the another side that doesn’t involve being at the bottom of society’s barrel? It’s annoying. (-____-)

      /End soapbox… for now. xD