Beyond Redemption – Questing For Conclusions.

Questing For Conclusions.

Hey Dolls! ^_^

Yeah, MIA again, but you know why if you’ve been to Absolution. I’m updating again and all of my spare time has been swallowed up with it. But that’s a good thing, ne? I just nailed the final spike in Ever After, and I’m proud of my handiwork. You have NO idea how good it feels to close out some stories. First, I did it with All The Things You Never Say, then Ever After, and now, I’m working on another. And those are just the ones that are near the end. That’s not counting the stuff I’ve been working on for the ongoing stories. Squee! With Honor came out decently, too, and I wasn’t even planning on updating that one yet. Woo! ^_^

My goal for the longest time has been to kill off the stragglers, and I feel like I’m finally accomplishing some of that. I really want to get rid of them in ways that please me, which is something I haven’t done in a while, so it’s been fun to see my visions come to life. And huge, HUGE thanks to y’all for showing the fics some love. I appreciate that so much. <3 Now, for the fucking RAGE. The post office sucks. We've established that before, but they just took sucking to a new fucking level. They've had my pkge lost since 2/16. 3 trips in person, 12 phone calls (at one point, I was on hold for 45 minutes), and a whole lot of "It's not physically here" (Then where the FUCK is it physically AT?!). Disgusted and thoroughly pissed off doesn't begin to cover how I feel. Kau sent me a birthday package filled with awesomeness, and they fucking lost it.

Don’t be surprised if I call some of you for bail money.

I just got a Placebo CD of cover songs that I didn’t have. They re-did Depeche Mode’s “I Feel You” and Kate Bush’s “Running Up That Hill”. The latter is better. DM is a very hard band to cover with any sense of decency. They’re too fucking epic to be duplicated, so while I love Brian and the boys, they’re not up to par when it comes to Dave Gahan’s singing voice. The music? Fantastic. The singing? Not so much.
(Goodies… :D)

I’m supposed to be working on a new skin for Absolution to be displayed in time for my birthday, but I’m having second thoughts. It has NADA to do with Neo’s beautiful work. No one rawks mah shit the way Neo does! xD My issue is that Kagome is in the picture. >.>

Y’all know that I tolerate Kags, and I love her for InuYasha, but on her own merit, I’m not a fan. More to the point, I don’t like the idea of having other characters on Absolution other than InuYasha and my anime likeness. Abi is completely, completely InuYasha’s domain, so having anyone else in the spotlight doesn’t sit all that well. Silly? Maybe, especially since I pen I/K fiction, but I’m territorial that way. I’ll probably still do it (the skin), but I’m in no big rush, lol. In fact, the only reason why I would is so that you guys can see Neo’s awesome shit!

Okay, I’m off to do some more writing. How about a little Yasha to tide ya over??

Beast by Sakasagami

Q: How awesome is Demon Yasha?
A: Pretty fucking awesome!


    • avatarC.A. says:

      “Running Up That Hill” is my fave Placebo song. XD And I totally agree with you that just anybody can cover DM – they are just filled with awesome, you can’t just re-create that.

      I have no idea what the American postal service is like, as I live in the Great White North (CANADA REPRESENT! lol), and I’ve never had and experience that equates to yours, so I’m kind of at a loss of words. I do hope that it gets sorted out and they recover you package for you.

      And yes, indeed, Demon Yash is 20/10 on the awesome scale. XD

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Exactly! DM is too epic to be re-made. Dave Gahan’s voice is just magic, and while I love Placebo, Brian’s voice doesn’t fit. Placebo is a fantastic band in their own right, though. I love zoning out to them and they’ve inspired several chapters. 😀 My all-time favorite Placebo songs are “Days Before You Came” and “The Bitter End”. No matter what I’m doing, those songs put me in a great mood.

      The post office >.> is horrid. HORRID. I guess they just don’t get paid enough to give a damn. At least this one is that way. Other ones around NYC are okay. I’m just hoping I get the thing soon. There are perishables in there!

    • avatarkimakaanna says:

      *sighs happily* InuYasha can brighten up anyone’s day :) Yeah, I noticed you’re closing out fics and it feels so damn good, doesn’t it? lol. I’m starting to think that the post office just doesn’t like you because that’s some crazy shit they do to you. Sorry about that.

      Oh yeah, feel free to kick that bitch, Kagome out!! Trying to take InuYasha’s spotlight! I like Kagome (because of your fics) but this one story (not yours) I read with her in it, I wanted to brutally murder her. I get it that she’s strong but she’s not God and that story portrayed her as such. It was like ‘Oh it’s raining and now the crops will grow. Who do we thank? Kagome!’ I swear, I wanted to kill! *blushes from psychotic rant*

      P.S. So since you’re closing out some stories, another one that maybe could be on that list is Seasons Change. *winks–uncontrollably and that probably turns it into a twitch!* Anywho, I’m out and keep up the awesome work.

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      I finally got my pkge, but goodness. I’m totally, totally sick of those people. They were very apologetic, but come on. How many times are we gonna do this dance? o_O At least everything was in it unscathed (for the most part).

      I’m definitely happy to be closing fics out. It’s time. Some have been going on for ages because I lost my way/interest/etc, but I’m trying to do it for my own sense of accomplishment. When people visit Abi, I’d like them to see that the older fics are finished and not sitting for 3 years without an update. >.>

      I know just what you mean! I also have an issue with stories that make InuYasha weak and stupid over her. I understand love and how it can make you softer than you’d normally be, but these fics where he follows her around like a whipped dog because it suits the fantasies of the author sicken me. One of the things that appeal to me about Yasha is his strength and ‘take no shit’ attitude. He has his softer side, but he’s never the absolute WUSS that some people do to him, making him so fucking pathetic and letting everyone, including Shippo, make an ass out of him so the great Kagome can be his only hope for salvation. FUCKING UNGH.

      *shakes off the disgust* xD

      LMAO @ Twitching! I wasn’t going to say anything because I don’t want to jinx my good luck with completions, but Seasons Change IS on the update/close out list! 😀

    • avatarInu Hanyou Nikkie says:

      >.< Are these people ever capable of delivering a package to you at all? Sheesh. *rolls eyes*

      I saw the three updates! SQUEEEEE! I just need to hop over and read them! And I snagged Placebo's Covers. *winks*

      And piccie of Demon Inu… De-LICK-ous!! *smacks lips*

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Well, that’s not my official post office, but that’s no excuse. Delivering a package isn’t rocket science. I have it now, but that was completely retarded. *grumbles*

      Enjoy the covers. I’m listening to about 73 Mars Volta songs (all the stuff I’m unfamiliar with) and wow, these guys are awesome. VERY off the beaten path, but fantastic nonetheless!

      There isn’t enough pretty Demon Inu pics like there aren’t enough Human Yasha. :( Must fix that!!

    • avatarNeo says:

      Love the updates.. glad to see you are still breathing… me I’ve been MIA too.. thanks to my oldest, she gave my youngest a cold.. A 4 month old with a cold.. horror I tell horror.. hence why my ass is up at 5 in the morning reading posts.. (>_<)

      Feel free not to use the header.. I originally made as a wallie for you.. I know how much you like Yahsa alone on there.. so don't feel like you have to use… you won't hurt my feelings none grrrl… glad to here you got your package, you would think by now they would know how to deliver something — but they must be taking it out on us for the cut backs..

      *drools* over the demon dog.. man that is one killer picture.. yes we need more of those type running around.. (^_^)b

    • avatarDa Grrrl says:


      Of course I’m using the header! Hush yo mouf! xD

      Your work is WAY too gorgeous to ever consider NOT using it. I was just mad at Kagome and feeling territorial as I do. She’ll just be one of many headers, so I can always switch up when I want to only see him. And thanks again for making it. It’s really, REALLY purtyful! And he’s human. SQUEEEEEE!

      I’m happy to be writing again, seriously. I feel like I can finally lay the old stories down and close the books once and for all. I don’t know how much longer I can hold onto the draw of fan-fiction. I’ve been wanting to lay it down forever, but I feel obligated to finish my stories. That’s what keeps me here, ya know? That sense of accomplishment every time I end one. The hope is that I can do that for all of them before I delve into originals in a big way.

      There should definitely be more Demon Yasha art. It’s rare like Human art, but hanyou art is everywhere. >.<