Beyond Redemption – Art! Art! Art! And other stuffus.

Art! Art! Art! And other stuffus.

So I’ve been piling up on the art lately. I bought 5 more pieces this week. 3 of InuYasha for myself, representing different fictions, including a fiction that was actually inspired by the art (a first for me!). One for a friend of mine (I don’t want to say anything until I have it in my hand because it’s a surprise), and one for Carrie, who has a birthday coming up. That one, I’ll show you. The IY ones are for my website, so you won’t see them until the layouts are ready. But they’re REALLY cute, and one is for Hikari.

There it is, Carrie’s Light & L of Death Note. Pretty neat, eh? I like Light -such a cutie.

I know I said I wasn’t going to do any new fics outside of 2 or 3 super short giftfics (oneshots and such), but I came up with a plot I really like based on real life events that’s just begging to be written, and who am I to say no to Yasha? 😛 So, expect something on that soon (and it’s IY/K).

And while we’re on fics, I want to thank everyone that have been leaving such nice reviews at Absolution (and It’s appreciated, especially at the latter site because I’m about ready to cut that place off. I get a lot of fave author/story/etc, but not a lot of reviews. Well, Hikari’s last chap got a whopping 25 reviews, which surprised me. Absolution didn’t do so bad, either. But the reason why I’m hating on FFN is:

A) My audience was never really there, so I don’t pay that place a lot of mind. They usually get fics when I remember to post the chapters, and they only have 25 out of 72 stories. I decided a long time ago that they’d never get anything new from me again, only chapters for existing stories there.

B) For the last month I haven’t been able to use the site at all. Like, I can log in and stuff, but the options for the drop menus on the account page stopped working. Of course, as usual, no mods have addressed or fixed the issue, and when I finally found their “help forum” after having to search google (because I couldn’t find the link on the actual site), I learned that I wasn’t the only one dealing with that. And it wasn’t a surprise that no mods actually manned the help desk -members were doing their best to try to help each other, and that’s just sad.

So, after following the advice of helpful member, I was able to get the menu to work on Opera, but Firefox and Safari are still a no go. So I posted Hikari along with a warning that it may be the last time I post anything there and all the reasons why. Between the chronic, unchallenged plagiarism, the stuff that doesn’t work, the uploading and formatting issues that constantly arise, the complete lack of help with all of the above from mods, and the hit or miss reviews, I don’t see the point of bothering anymore. And it’s not like I’m saying, “If you don’t review, I’ll stop writing story X, Y, or Z.”

No, I’ll just stop posting there, period.

At Absolution, it’s different. If a story doesn’t get any love by way of reviews, I really will stop writing it because that shows that you guys aren’t interested in seeing a conclusion. Unlike FFN, my site is private, so you can’t fave my fic and let me know in that way that you’re really into it. It has to be said with words, and if the words can’t be mustered in reviews, they won’t be mustered in chapters. Mhmm, I know. It smacks of ultimatums, but as I’ve said a billion times, writing isn’t easy for me anymore. I won’t kill myself to continue stories that get no appreciation, because isn’t that really what a review is? To me, it’s just a small way of saying, “Thanks for taking the time to do this stuff for my enjoyment.”, because let’s face it, the day is rare when I do it just for my enjoyment anymore.

So, if you want more chapters, say so in the way that counts.

I fucked up my sleep schedule -again- reading manga and I’m so mad at myself. But dang it, it’s a cute manga! It’s this “school life” yaoi I found by accident, and though there’s no smut, it’s still a cute little read. I’ll probably post this then go back to read more at 1am. *hangs head* I’ve also been structuring the new fic out and making a lot of headway. Why can’t I do this with EVERY story?! I’m having such a hard time nailing down Ms. Goddess’ fic, which is, like, 2 years overdue. But this, I was able to slam it down fairly quickly. Probably because the other one is canon.

DAMN YOU, CANON! *shakes fist*

Okay, I’m out. Something will hit Absolution soon, just not sure what. :)