Beyond Redemption – Commissions

Category “Commissions”

Personal Delays

Thursday, 13 February, 2014

I’ll make this quick. So sorry I wasn’t able to update this weekend. Time got away from me. My friend was re-admitted into the hospital, so it’s just been busy here. But there’s a snowstorm today, which has grounded me, so I’m going to use the time to write. I don’t know if I’ll get enough done to throw up an update today, but I’ll definitely try.

Thanks for sticking around and your continued support! I appreciate the way you guys have been checking out my older stuff for the first time and really enjoying it enough to leave some comment love. It reminds me that I have lovelies waiting to read and that’s a strong motivator. (。♥‿♥。)

As soon as things calm down around here, I think I’m going to launch a fan appreciation period. Do you guys remember that? I used to take one month out of the year and update every WIP in my library so that every one of my readers would get to read a new chapter for something they’re following. I’m not sure I can pull off everything in 30 days anymore with carpal tunnel and so many WIPS, but how about I make a poll? I’ll list everything that I’m willing to update and the 5 with the most votes gets FA month. Sound good? (*^▽^*)

And in other news, I just got a glimpse of a WIP commission I ordered for IG 2014 from my Sarah-Belle and wow. I look amazing. (*≧▽≦) Gotta start looking that cool in real life! InuYasha is going to look pretty badass, too. Squee. Saw the WIP for my birthday art as well. It’s coming along cutely. I’m tying out a new artist and he’s a boss, but I have a unique palette with art, so we’ll see how it ultimately turns out.

Okay, that’s it, bbs! I’m going to get the poll up and some writing done for ya. 😀

EDIT: New chapter posted.

I’m Still Alive! XD

Friday, 7 February, 2014

Alive, and yes, I’m writing. My jumping from fic to fic didn’t help much -heh- but it looks like I will have an update this weekend. For some reason, my hands have been bugging me a lot and I’ve had some pressing things to take care of, and both took away from my writing time. That said, I’m working on getting at least one update out this weekend. It won’t be that long -I think- but bear with it. The plan is to get another one written and posted quickly after, so, yeah. I’m trying. 😛

In other news, my 2014 InuGrrrl art will be ready soon. I’ve asked my darling, Sarah-Belle, to do the honors and I already have the lineart. It. Is. Gorgeous. I also commissioned this completely badass artist at deviantART for my birthday gift to myself, so this ought to be awesome. So excited! \(*T▽T*)/

Anyway, I’m going to try and get more penned on this chapter now. Thanks for sticking out the wait times and such. I really do plan to finish as many stories as I can for you guys. (。’▽’。)♡

What a Nice Thursday!

Thursday, 26 September, 2013

Got yet another illustration completed for If I Want To today. InuYasha looks like a boss. I’m now very sure that I like getting art more than I like writing the actual story. lol. And no, I won’t be showing it to anyone until the story calls for it.

UGH, My Back!

Tuesday, 20 August, 2013

I totally screwed up my back years ago (two slipped lumbar discs), and it tends to flare up every once in a while, but this… I’m in hell. I injured my upper back a few days ago, but by using a tennis ball in self massage, I fixed my ache almost completely. My lower back is another story… So, I’m doing all of these stretch exercises and I got DRUGS, y’all! XD  My doc gave me a slew of stuff -topical pain cream, motrin, Tylenol3, and muscle relaxers. Hopefully, using all of that stuff in tandem will end this nightmare for a while because just sitting was an issue and I won’t even get into the accompanying sciatica…

Anyway, that’s what’s going on. Gonna attempt a bit of writing today. I’m developing cubital tunnel now (It’s like carpal tunnel of the forearms that runs into the ring and pinky fingers. It just as painful and bothersome), so I’ll have to be careful since I write, but obviously use my hands/arms for work, too. ARGH. Will I ever NOT be aching?!

In “squee” news, my new commission from Cati should be ready soon. It’s for “If I Want To” and I just approved the sketch 2 days ago. It’s super cute and IK -that’s all I’m saying. That fic is getting so much art… I really need to fucking write it already, ne? I’ll see what I can do this week. Yeah... Sure


Sunday, 16 June, 2013

It only took all day and all night -literally- but fuck me if I didn’t get that update posted at 5AM, lol. Now that’s determination! I’m gonna sleep like I’m in a coma for a few hours. Enjoy the update, go see the new art on the layout (and the commissions I posted at my gallery), and thanks for hanging out with me over the last 8 years. It’s been a slice! (ɔ˘з˘)ɔ

Grueling Couple of Days

Wednesday, 29 May, 2013

No, I don’t have any updates ready yet. Let’s just get that off the table now.

The last few days have been spent updating Absolution. You probably didn’t really notice it because I was working internally and only shut it down for a few minutes at a time. It wasn’t fun at all. Now that it’s fixed, I can tell ya what went down. Basically, her software was old and she was starting to spit out random error messages, which isn’t cool.

She needed an upgrade, so I had to do a lot to make it happen, because when I did finally update her software, just about everything that could go wrong went wrong. I won’t get into any tech details -I don’t share that stuff- but I will say that trial and error sucks! But finally, she’s fully updated, secure, and no more random errors or incorrect data numbers. (I deleted several stories that used to be in the archive -not mine- and she wasn’t updating the changes in the reviews. There was about 3oo more than there should have been, but now the numbers are fully accurate and shit is fucking peachy. (ɔ˘з˘)ɔ

In two weeks I turn 8 years old. I’d like to update in time for my anniversary, but we’ll see what happens. There will definitely be a new layout posted with some badass Yasha art (look forward to it!) and I treated myself to the gift of moar Kevin Woo art because >.> I love UKISS. This time, it’s chibi art and it looks fucking adoooorable. I’ll post all my goodies on D-Day (June 16th). Until then, let’s all cross our fingers that you Grrrl’s brain will get out of tech mode and get back into story mode! ✌(-‿-)✌

I Got My ART! <333

Tuesday, 30 April, 2013

And it looks fucking badass. This is probably one of the sexiest, most devious looking InuYashas I’ve had done in a while. Well, the “Neighbor” Yasha you haven’t seen yet is just as tight, but this… holyshitfuckingWOW. I love the way she brings my concepts to life. She just keeps at it until I’m happy with every detail and I’m so grateful, because I swear, if it wasn’t for my commissions, I would barely have the inspiration to finish a chapter. So, hoorah for whip-ass artists! Sweet Kiss

Layout soon. I’m out!

Hump Day Confessional: Rapid Fire Randomity

Wednesday, 17 April, 2013

I haven’t done this a bit. Been busy/sick and whatnot, so let’s toss some shit out there, shall we?

Today’s Confession…

1. When I’m in deep concentration, I unknowingly clench or grind my teeth.

2. I spend most of my spare cash buying InuYasha fanart and kpop merchandise.

3. I’m probably 20 times nicer than most people think I am, but fandom taught me not to show it.

4. I’m not good at keeping in touch with people other than Kau and Rhyebread. Sorry. It’s not on purpose…

5. My trust is not easily earned, and once lost, can never be recovered.

6. I hate when people bug/ask/hint about/hound me to write lemons.

7. I don’t hate writing as much as I did a few months ago. But I still don’t love it.

8. I’m getting a root canal on Friday. Yay. >.>

9. I’m very shy and introverted. (No, really.)

10. Overall, I found Coheed & Cambria’s latest double CD a disappointment. And, for me, saying something like that is huge.

11. I hate ugly feet more than any other body part that’s capable of being ugly.

12. I hate aloof, sarcastic people who think they’re the smartest fuckers in the room. Especially when they’re not.

13. I think salad and salad dressing is disgusting. Along with potato salad, macaroni salad, chicken salad, pasta salad, tuna salad -the list goes on.

14. Because of my eye issues (surgery, etc), I need eyedrops several times a day.

15. Unlike people who are just faking it, I really do enjoy being single.

/End Round One.


Saturday, 23 March, 2013

I took a bit of a break from fanfic to watch a manga/anime/movie (More on that in a minute), and in the meantime, worked on my next commission. As the title says, Holy. Fucking Shit. You guys are gonna love this one, and I mean love it.

I’ll give you two hints –If I Want To and Cati-Art. If you’re familiar with her beyond beautiful artwork, you know you’re in for a treat. Without a doubt, this will be a layout and probably the best of the art I have had done on this story so far (and you guys haven’t even seen two of them yet). I’m blown away and this is just the sketch. I love that girl; so sweet and uber talented. I really hope she becomes world famous when she starts delving into all originals because she’s truly gifted.

In manga news, have you guys ever heard of the shoujo called “Lovely Complex” about a tall girl and a short guy? It’s really cute and funny. There are some instances when I wanna bash that little jerk’s head into a wall, and a time or two when I was looking at the girl cross-eyed, wishing she’d grow a pair of tits, but I liked it enough to read the 17 volume manga, watch the 24 episode anime, and watch the live action movie in about 3 days. lol. I’m not much of a shoujo reader anymore (too may stupid situations, love triangles, asshole guys, dumb girls, and oh God, the idiotic harems…), but this was pretty fun. (And no, unfortunately, there is no smut).

Have at it!

I Got My New Neighbor Art!

Tuesday, 8 January, 2013

I totally wanna show it to you guys, but I must be patient… >.<

My Neo is making a pretty for my layout with it, but also, I want to wait until I update and such.
You guys will love it. It’s so darn cool! Embarrassed
Sarah is just the fucking best.