Beyond Redemption – Grueling Couple of Days

Grueling Couple of Days

No, I don’t have any updates ready yet. Let’s just get that off the table now.

The last few days have been spent updating Absolution. You probably didn’t really notice it because I was working internally and only shut it down for a few minutes at a time. It wasn’t fun at all. Now that it’s fixed, I can tell ya what went down. Basically, her software was old and she was starting to spit out random error messages, which isn’t cool.

She needed an upgrade, so I had to do a lot to make it happen, because when I did finally update her software, just about everything that could go wrong went wrong. I won’t get into any tech details -I don’t share that stuff- but I will say that trial and error sucks! But finally, she’s fully updated, secure, and no more random errors or incorrect data numbers. (I deleted several stories that used to be in the archive -not mine- and she wasn’t updating the changes in the reviews. There was about 3oo more than there should have been, but now the numbers are fully accurate and shit is fucking peachy. (ɔ˘з˘)ɔ

In two weeks I turn 8 years old. I’d like to update in time for my anniversary, but we’ll see what happens. There will definitely be a new layout posted with some badass Yasha art (look forward to it!) and I treated myself to the gift of moar Kevin Woo art because >.> I love UKISS. This time, it’s chibi art and it looks fucking adoooorable. I’ll post all my goodies on D-Day (June 16th). Until then, let’s all cross our fingers that you Grrrl’s brain will get out of tech mode and get back into story mode! ✌(-‿-)✌